Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

1 July 1942. Moscow CCCP
1 July 1942. Moscow CCCP

The news had come that the German 4th Panzer Army and 2nd Army were pushing toward Voronezh, shattering the Soviet Bryansk Front. The Stavka were still expecting the Germans to swing north for another attempt on Moscow. Some dissenting voices saw the German aim to seize the southern resources, particularly the oil producing areas.

Soviet industry was producing an incredible number of tanks. In the first half of the year, the Red Army had received from the factories 1265 KV heavy tanks, 3367 T34s, 2823 T60 light tanks and the first 103 T70 variant. The convoys sailing from Canada, the USA and Great Britain had provided an additional 2163 tanks through Lend Lease. However, only 1252 had actually reached the Red Army. The time it took to prepare the tanks for Russian use and train the crews inevitably meant there was a delay from tanks’ arrival to actually being available.

Of the 625 Matilda IIs delivered 389 were in service. Of the 755 Valiant tanks which had been delivered, 405 were in service. Part of the reason that only just over half the Valiant IIs were operational was because the decision to sent the Valiant II without the 6-pdr British gun, but designed to take the same gun as the T34. While all accepted it was a good idea, it was meeting with the problem of Soviet production of their main tank gun struggling to keep up with the numbers of tanks being produced.

The American’s so far had delivered 420 M3 Light tanks, of which 188 were operational, and 363 M3 Medium, of which 270 were in the hands of the Red Army. The problems with the Lend Lease tanks, many being delivered without enough spare parts, or damaged in some way by the journey overseas, had given the Soviets a degree of disappointment in the support they were getting from their Capitalist allies. Naturally, since the tanks were all arriving at Murmansk, nearly all of them were being assigned to the Northern Front. The next convoy, PQ17, was expected to bring 300 aircraft, 600 tanks, more than 4,000 trucks and trailers, and a general cargo that exceeded 150,000 tons. The USN and RN were putting an enormous effort into protecting this valuable convoy, and the Germans were going to do everything in their power, determined to prevent its arrival and to stop the support of the western allies to the Soviet Union. U456 had sent a sighting report of the large convoy once it reached open water having left Iceland.

Stalin had his eyes fixed on Voronezh, the naval battle in the Artic Ocean was of no real interest. Only winter had saved the Rodina from the panzers, but winter was far off and the panzers were on the loose again.

This is the continuation of Sir John Valentine Carden Survives Part II which was a continuation of Part I
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Russia's getting hit harder than OTL, aren't they? I wonder if they'll have the strength left to make it all the way to Berlin ITTL?


Monthly Donor
Will the Soviets have the strength, resources and ability to reach Berlin, yes and no, this Time Line has significantly diverted away from ours that the future of the conflict is increasingly going to differ from ours. I would expect that the Anglo Americans will have captured the majority of Italy including Rome by the autumn of 1943, along with a substantial portion of Greece. While an invasion of northern France before 1944 is highly unlikely, it might be possible for such an invasion to take place two months earlier ITTL than it did in ours. And thus for the Anglo Americans to have cleared western Germany and be pushing into Poland from the west just as the Soviets are pushing into Poland from the east. I doubt that either Austria, Czechoslovak or Hungry will come under Soviet control, unless FDR does a deal with Stalin behind everyone’s backs, and the eventual result in Poland will be very different to that it was IOTL. Yes Germany will be divided between the winning powers, but that might be five not four, with Poland getting the majority of Prussia, and the Soviet zone being isolated and surrounded by the other four.

The more Stalin and his bitchers sweat the better the post war situation for Eastern Europe. Also they probably won't get the same level of loot and expertise they had OTL as well.

unless FDR does a deal with Stalin behind everyone’s backs,
I belive that he may, given some comments otl and various sectors of the OTL administration had been compromised by the USSR.
I belive that he may, given some comments otl and various sectors of the OTL administration had been compromised by the USSR.
Mm, the USA's (and thus Roosevelt's) position is less dominant here, with Britain having been giving a pretty good account of themselves thus far, while the Americans have (at this point), only had one major victory (plus some successful defensive actions) in the Battle of the New Hebrides, and that they managed only with British help.

I can only imagine what the Japanese are thinking right now, especially of the British, as they get wrecked again. Admittedly it wasn't just the British this time, but between Malaya, Thailand and now this, not to mention the various lesser skirmishes, I can imagine the more grounded Japanese commanders ought to be getting pretty wary of the way things are going.
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once again seeing the results of a short africa campaign germany sending more shit east
Bad for the soviets, perhaps better for many others down the track. The further east the Eastern Front is when the war ends, the fewer territories the Soviets control.

I do wonder, which would the Soviets more readily give up, potential gains in Poland and Germany? Or potential gains in the Balkans (Bulgaria, possibly Romania and Hungary)?
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Monthly Donor
Bad for the soviets, perhaps better for many others down the track. The further east the Eastern Front is when the war ends, the fewer territories the Soviets control.

I do wonder, which would the Soviets more readily give up, potential gains in Poland and Germany? Or potential gains in the Balkans (Bulgaria, possibly Romania and Hungary)?

If as appears likely the Soviets are delayed in their drive west, by a larger German commitment to the east, and the Anglo Americans succeed in an earlier invasion, and subsequent success in the west. While there can be little doubt that the Soviets will be the ones to “ liberate “ Bulgaria and Romania, should the Anglo Americans be the ones to capture Germany, Poland and Italy. Then there is a very real possibility that they will also be the ones to liberate Czechoslovak, Austria and Hungry, given their geographical position. As there is no way that Stalin who had a particular bone to pick with the Poles, after they embarrassed him in 1920 around Warsaw, and his determination to grab some part of Germany preferably Berlin for the Soviet Union. The last thing he wants is for the Anglo Americans to have all the glory of capturing Germany and Berlin, after the enormous sacrifices that the Soviets have made. He might be satisfied with capturing eastern Germany along the Baltic and being given a significant portion of Germany to administer.

The last thing he wants is for the Anglo Americans to have all the glory of capturing Germany and Berlin, after the enormous sacrifices that the Soviets have made. He might be satisfied with capturing eastern Germany along the Baltic and being given a significant portion of Germany to administer.
Still without the advancing forces it means a great deal looting of the Eastern Germany won’t happen and Allied Troops will be watching the Russian closer.
1 July 1942. Moscow CCCP

...The next convoy, PQ17, was expected to bring 300 aircraft, 600 tanks, more than 4,000 trucks and trailers, and a general cargo that exceeded 150,000 tons. The USN and RN were putting an enormous effort into protecting this valuable convoy, and the Germans were going to do everything in their power, determined to prevent its arrival and to stop the support of the western allies to the Soviet Union. U456 had sent a sighting report of the large convoy once it reached open water having left Iceland.

Stalin had his eyes fixed on Voronezh, the naval battle in the Artic Ocean was of no real interest...
Well, that's not ominous at all.
The USN and RN were putting an enormous effort into protecting this valuable convoy, and the Germans were going to do everything in their power, determined to prevent its arrival and to stop the support of the western allies to the Soviet Union. U456 had sent a sighting report of the large convoy once it reached open water having left Iceland.

The naval war is going better in the Far East as the Med has been deemphasised years ahead of schedule but the command issues which led to PQ17's OTL fate are still present.
If as appears likely the Soviets are delayed in their drive west, by a larger German commitment to the east, and the Anglo Americans succeed in an earlier invasion, and subsequent success in the west. While there can be little doubt that the Soviets will be the ones to “ liberate “ Bulgaria and Romania, should the Anglo Americans be the ones to capture Germany, Poland and Italy. Then there is a very real possibility that they will also be the ones to liberate Czechoslovak, Austria and Hungry, given their geographical position. As there is no way that Stalin who had a particular bone to pick with the Poles, after they embarrassed him in 1920 around Warsaw, and his determination to grab some part of Germany preferably Berlin for the Soviet Union. The last thing he wants is for the Anglo Americans to have all the glory of capturing Germany and Berlin, after the enormous sacrifices that the Soviets have made. He might be satisfied with capturing eastern Germany along the Baltic and being given a significant portion of Germany to administer.

So, they'll sacrifice the western Baltics?
Will the Soviets have the strength, resources and ability to reach Berlin, yes and no, this Time Line has significantly diverted away from ours that the future of the conflict is increasingly going to differ from ours. I would expect that the Anglo Americans will have captured the majority of Italy including Rome by the autumn of 1943, along with a substantial portion of Greece. While an invasion of northern France before 1944 is highly unlikely, it might be possible for such an invasion to take place two months earlier ITTL than it did in ours. And thus for the Anglo Americans to have cleared western Germany and be pushing into Poland from the west just as the Soviets are pushing into Poland from the east. I doubt that either Austria, Czechoslovak or Hungry will come under Soviet control, unless FDR does a deal with Stalin behind everyone’s backs, and the eventual result in Poland will be very different to that it was IOTL. Yes Germany will be divided between the winning powers, but thaty mighthere reall be five not four, with Poland getting the majority of Prussia, and the Soviet zone being isolated and surrounded by the other four.

So, they'll sacrifice the western Baltics? there really any way for the western Baltics that was essentially became a part of the Soviet Union IOTL could turn into non-communist countries? It would probably stretch the Western Allies resources while simultaneously (probably) making detente an impossibility?

P/s: Damn it has been a while since I last commented on the sets of threads...although kinda surprised that you have decided to make the second part having 500 page limit...(isn't there currently a handful of active threads that went past through 500 pages?)
Does save the a great deal of resources and allows them to maybe push further but it will all reverse.

Though they will probably throw the same resources into various parts of Europe to try and hold various areas same as OTL