Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

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Monthly Donor
The appointment of General Cunningham to command 12th Army, is a welcome step. While Percival has ITTL done a lot better than he did IOTL, he is still not the man to command a fighting force directly. Being able to step back and assume the High Command position, while leaving the day to day management of the fighting forces to another, will suit him well. And Cunningham with his experience of commanding in East Africa, another region that had poor infrastructure and tight logistics, is well suited to the role he has assumed. His initial conference with Percival, will have given him a reasonable overview of the situation, as Percival was a superb staff officer, and would have all the necessary information to hand. His determination to continue the advance of the forces under his command, abet at a slightly lower pace, is for now correct. It keeps the pressure on the Japanese, while allowing him to visit his various commands and get to know their situation and his subordinates. The question of intelligence coming out of Thailand is going to be resolved in the coming months. Up until the fall of France and the subsequent Japanese occupation of FIC, the primary threat to Malaysia was from the sea, and the focus of British intelligence efforts was concentrated on the Japanese Navy. The British have had to in a short time develop an intelligence capability in Thailand, FIC, and Southern China, essentially from scratch, and with limited resources of both personnel and equipment. If we examine the Thai population, it divides into a number of groups, from those in the Thai establishment who resented the extent of unofficial British control in Thailand, a small number of whom believed that by allying with the Japanese, they could receive some material benefits. The vast majority of the population, whose basic concern was how to keep a roof over their heads and a meal on the table. And a tiny number of people who had benefited from their contacts with British, of which a few would be prepared to stick their neck out, and risk the consequences of working with a British intelligence operation.

Since the start of the conflict, the Japanese forces have as was often the case, been engaged in winning the hearts and minds of the local Thai population. While those who thought that there were going to be major advantages from siding with the Japanese, and believed in the first few months that the British were going to be rolled over and humiliated. Are now beginning to see that they just might have backed the wrong horse, and it might be time to make a counter bet. While those who were from the start, and have survived up until now, rooting for the British. Will have had their choice confirmed, and along with receiving greater resources from the British. Will by now be receiving clandestine approaches from their fellow Thai’s, who want to make it known that despite appearances they were always on the British side. They actions of the Japanese military and security forces, will now be prepared to assist the British operatives in for filing their missions, or providing them with a constant source of information. By the time that the British seriously decide to enter Thailand, with the objective of throwing the Japanese out, the British will have an extensive and effective intelligence apparatus established, and well equipped in Thailand. Plus a number of irregular forces that are making life for the Japanese, especially their rear echelons a total misery. At the same time that the British are expanding their clandestine operations in Thailand, I would expect that they are similarly establishing themselves in FIC and Southern China. Note that Southern China will be the easiest area to operate in, as with little to no troops on the ground and very few areas under direct control. The British with their infinitely greater resources, gold sovereigns go a long way to buying loyalty, in a world where paper money has little or no value. There is little question that a British officer who speaks the local language, with one or two Anglo Chinese companions, and a Chinese communications team. Can easily buy/rent themselves a suitable base with servants to care for them. Along with renting a troop/squadron of the local warlords Calvary to act as their defence force against possible Japanese attacks. And pay for a continuous stream of information on the Japanese over a large area, while being able to operate in relatively safety. Things will be more difficult at first in FIC, as a lack of suitable French officers and British officers who speak French will, plus the greater concentration of people along the coast. Will make the establishment of safe areas harder, and the lack of indigenous military gangs, such as existed in China, make providing a defence force difficult. But by the middle of 1943, from Thailand up to Hong Kong and even further North the British should have at least in the coastal areas, a well established and effective intelligence system.

Huh, the way things are going I wonder if the Malayan first Emergency has been entirely butterflied out of the solar system at this point with no takeover by the Japanese, also I have to wonder what will happen in Burma come to think of it. None of the collaborator govts that were put in power and the independence will spring from them same for most British Colonies since the British will seem a lot stronger compared to OTL.

Though there maybe a stronger call in various french states.


Monthly Donor
Huh, the way things are going I wonder if the Malayan first Emergency has been entirely butterflied out of the solar system at this point with no takeover by the Japanese, also I have to wonder what will happen in Burma come to think of it. None of the collaborator govts that were put in power and the independence will spring from them same for most British Colonies since the British will seem a lot stronger compared to OTL.

Though there maybe a stronger call in various french states.

Don’t forget the Dutch, who without the Japanese occupation of their Far East territories, are in the majority of cases, will not see their colonial administration replaced by a Japanese one. That pretended to give power to the locals, while retaining ultimate authority in their own hands. The problem for the French IOTL, was the combination of the length of time that they were out of control, American support via the OSS for local resistance groups, and the speed of collapse of the Japanese. Plus the French were not prepared to resume their control over the colonies and their was a significant time for locals to assume control, and announce their independence.

Aye France is going to be in much the same situation as OTL the Dutch and British will be in more uncharted water compared to OTL, though the USA will probably have a harder time using the prybar.

Still though back to the matter at hand General Cunningham is in a much better position than anything that was seen in the East for the British OTL, and keeping the pressure on is going to be a must and taking back up to the Thai border and beyond should be in his limits after the build-up period. After that he and British Forces will probably rest and consolidate maybe build up depots and supply heads for future pushes. Or for amphibious operations to take Borneo though they won't have the craft or sea cover to attempt that for some time to say nothing of the manpower requirement.

Huh if they have to do a build-up for any future operations into Thailand or eventually Borneo would it be worth sending them some engineering tanks for the RN to help with the build up of local infrastructure to help with the movement of supplies.
"I don't want to talk about the Friesian campaign!"..... chokes off sob, flings whisky glass into the baronial fireplace, siezes Purdey and stalks off to ease his traumatic memories by shooting a poacher (or a tenant if the poachers are having a day off).

That experience scared me off here for years.
*Pats on back*
Yes, I know, some of us were scarred for quite some time by that... morass of piffle.
Hey, the nonsensical insult was flung at me by the Frisian bloke (who tried his nonsense at several other sites, where he was also laughed at before vanishing utterly) and I ran with it!
wow, he was even more persistent than i thought. but it was an entertaining thread, pity it got deleted.
wow, he was even more persistent than i thought. but it was an entertaining thread, pity it got deleted.
The original thread was deleted. Sadly he also started a TL that explained his 'reasons'. Calbear came down on it like a bear built of bricks and locked it. He has not been seen since then.
The original thread was deleted. Sadly he also started a TL that explained his 'reasons'. Calbear came down on it like a bear built of bricks and locked it. He has not been seen since then.
probably got stuck on the mudflats lol - that wet clay is treacherous stuff.
They did get proposed a couple of times in Out of the Bay of Woe, but as skirmishing points to draw German troops away from the front, rather than to act as a serious base for an invasion. I think WW1 was about the last time they could be used, even for that though, as by WW2, air power would have made such attempts suicidal.
Oh dear, by merely jocularly referencing an event which unfortunately occurred before I joined (or occurred unfortunately before I joined), I seem to have restarted the Frisian Island Campaign.

But at least, having seen the storm it raises, I understand now why Erskine Childers was shot…
Oh dear, by merely jocularly referencing an event which unfortunately occurred before I joined (or occurred unfortunately before I joined), I seem to have restarted the Frisian Island Campaign.
i for one actually took part in the discussion of that thread, it was epic
i for one actually took part in the discussion of that thread, it was epic
At the risk of derailing Allan’s excellent TL, did the “anti-bocagist” seriously propose it as an alternative to Normandy, or as a mere Propaganda & Training operation?
At the risk of derailing Allan’s excellent TL, did the “anti-bocagist” seriously propose it as an alternative to Normandy, or as a mere Propaganda & Training operation?
oh as serious as he could be, relentlessly , page after page after page
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