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About a third of Africa is barely habitable wasteland where there is no government beyond an armed gang, about a fifth is composed of petty dictatorships and walords locked in genocidal warfare, another fifth is controlled by Drakia and the Societist legacy states, another fifth by large authoritarian-but-stable countries, and the rest isn't so bad!

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm happy for the top 1% and hope they're doing well.


TTL has Tamil-run Sri Lanka which should be implausible, except it being easier to color in whole islands instead of dividing the further
Remember that idea about the idea about Drakia messing around with Genetic Engineering? Well...

This actually fix into the alt timeline idea of this setting where Drakia goes down a more darkly pragmatic route after Stoker's death. Where the colored bondsman population slowly declines over the decades, as they're gradually replaced by automation and recently freed white bondsman. Freeing up Drakia's resources and free population for scientific endeavors, including improving on the darker aspects of human civilization.
This actually fix into the alt timeline idea of this setting where Drakia goes down a more darkly pragmatic route after Stoker's death. Where the colored bondsman population slowly declines over the decades, as they're gradually replaced by automation and recently freed white bondsman. Freeing up Drakia's resources and free population for scientific endeavors, including improving on the darker aspects of human civilization.
I would actually like to see a horror film made about the Drakian remnant in Africa; where genetically engineered abominations are being made in order to reconquer Africa, and eventually the world.
(Ready to surrender yet? Okay, another bomb. How about now? Alright, give me a minute... now?)
Wow. So they are basically they Ultra!Neocon Reds? Basically (John Bolton+Pompeo)×10+(social and economic progressivism)?
I do not know how to feel about them and their nuke happiness. This may end in a MAD scenario with the US having cobalt nukes 20-30 years down the line.
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This may end in a MAD scenario with the US having cobalt nukes.
I doubt it given that China had historically been a peacenik, but pragmatic nation, and America and their Western Allies being unwilling, if not unable to confront anybody right now. Short of a Klein-like figure in China, I could see the Situationist world order being pretty much robust up until humanity definitively becomes a spacefaring civilization.
Or with China suffering from a case of imperial overextension along the line if they overreach themselves.
The only ways I could see that was if they found themselves embroiled too deep in South Africa and failed to find the heart in occupying the restive remains of Russia and Persia (It would only be logical for Central Asia to be extremely receptive of them given their Situationist ideology). The South East Asian AfD would also pounce on that sign of weakness to dig and safeguard their own positions in their respective governments.

Well, the latter region won't matter as much as it had been because of the opening of the Northern Passage, but still they had an East African nation to support after all.


The list of nations occupied, temporarily occupied, or occupied in an alt scenario by the US in SaB resembles the American Empire in AAPA
Occupied: Ireland, Dubai, the East Indies, Philippines, Malaya, Borneo, insulindia, Vietnam, Aden (temporarily)
Could have been occupied: Britain, Japan, Syria, *Pakistan, *Bangladesh
Thus ends the timeline. This was a very well-written and well-structured ATL that managed to show the rise and fall of a genuinely horrifying “anti-America”. While it’s unfortunate that the ATL is ending, I wish you luck on future projects.


It’s good to see the United States (mostly) reunified and under reconstruction. It appears that the remaining regions outside of the Union’s control will be brought back into the fold one way or another. I hope that things continue to improve for the US. While the country survived, is a respected great power and member of a revitalized Alliance, and is even back in Space, the Final War and the briefly successful Drakian landing will likely shape US military planning and popular views for a long time to come, especially if associated with the earlier loss of the Great Pacific War: can any foreign great power, even if nominally friendly, ever be truly trusted? But the last update also reminds us that the US is adaptable, even under the worst circumstances.

As opposed to Drakia. While Darrington and the people around him sound pragmatic for Drakians, in general it doesn’t sound like Drakia has really moved away from it’s pre-existing ideological and religious beliefs. Ironically, since it’s hinted at that China will be bringing the hammer down on the Country of the Dragon sooner or later (joined in by a vengeance minded US?) we may have read of Drakia’s actual “final society” in the last update: an impoverished regional backwater that is universally hated by the rest of the world.

China sounds like it’s on the verge of shaking up the international system. With their nuclear arsenal, and presumably formidable conventional military, one has to wonder at how long the New Pact will survive; Russia and Japan in particular may come out all the worse. And of course, as mentioned, China appears to be planning an end to Drakia.

In general, it almost sounds like the world is heading for its “atompunk” phase, after an apocalyptic Final War has already occurred. No matter how things change in this world, I hope that the Thermonuclear Age doesn’t end in a thermonuclear exchange.

The Selene Republic sounds like it’s in an interesting position. I wonder, depending on how they expand their infrastructure, if they won’t have a similar developmental trajectory as the US: a republican nation of immigrants expanding on a frontier, away from “old world” conflicts. After all, Mars still beckons; perhaps one day, Alpha Centauri will as well. Of course, given Rhomania’s Societist regime and current membership in the New Pact, I rather doubt “Samothrace” will be selected as a planetary name.

I am curious how things develop technologically from the final update. One wonders if genetic engineering will also accelerate in the Thermonuclear Age. While thankfully nothing like ghouloons will ever be created, there’s likely definitely a market for hardier plants and animals that can survive post-Final War fallout and climate change. Hopefully some kind of ecological restoration would be in the cards in such a scenario as well.

Three final questions:

-Will New York ever serve as the US capital again, or has it been permanently lost?

-Where is Josephstown located?

-From what country is Wolf Hugeson writing his history in 2010?
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