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Thinking about later developments within Societism, of course they're going to be mythologizing all the heroes of the new dominion as Societist pioneers and, in a way they're not even wrong. See it takes time to develop as a true 20th century mass movement; newspaper publications, social clubs in the cafes and big national cons, speaking tours and protests, radio shows. The people that would be "practicing" Societism in the first days would be fully formed political animals already, working ad-hoc according to their own interests and ideas. As this new Drakian dominion establishes itself and Societist thought takes hold it will play out within the context created by the people later reduced to these sanitized heroes of Societism. You'll have your standard peccadilloes whitewashed like Drakians who have to live in the closet, Drakians who are neither supremacist nor hybrid type racists at all and see Nationals as actual people, Drakians who are personally horrible human beings who abuse fellow citizens, etc.. but also this would really be a variety of actions only loosely societist (as they would equally be loosely geoist or loosely reactionary and so on) united not by consistent principle but by subjective pragmatic judgement. What I'm getting at is... they'll fuck up. There'll be false starts and unrealistic goals and incompetent follow-throughs, they'll be times when the newly fledged powers and the old guard are catastrophically mishandled and a bunch of Drakian good ol' boys go and fulfill their Confederate destiny and form Red Shirt equivalents to crush these strange forays of people of color having rights.

The Drakian system would ultimately never accept real critiques of its racial structure and disproportional hierarchy, even by white Drakians let alone one of this fragile new experiments, so the best that it'll accept is that of a kind of "good tsar bad boyars" side-step of Drakia not failing but being failed by parasitical middle men preventing the true Drakia from coming into being and solving everything forever as pure Societist Drakia can do no wrong. And at the the same time once the initial waves of terrorism and brutality roll back the "worst offenders" of the new nonwhite classes trying to reach their potential and exercise their strength within their spaces many Drakians would desire this new more industrialized more cosmopolitan future as a means to prompt national strength and glory and secure Drakia against the damnyankee products and business flooding the cities. In this way the mass Societism of the Drakian countryside could easily come to hold separate wings like our universe's People's Party between Pitchfork Ben's* lot harnessing said poor white grievance against any acceptance of the newcomers and a more progressive William Jennings Bryan style approach blaming a generalized (but still mostly white) farming and laboring class being held back from their proper and harmonious place by those damn Jews international bankers.

This I think would be the big divides of mass Societism, as Drakians are squeezed by a relentless militarized culture that is occupying massively expanded land in newly-conquered regions while industrialization starts to destroy the 19th century small farmer and the marginal soils of subsaharan Africa are mismanaged by the total control of the same dudes who accidentally introduced the Hinderpest a few updates ago. Successful politics would then be a game of uniting these wings and granting this new breed of African citizen just enough room in the Drakian status quo to not turn to more radical ideas while appeasing enough of the economic losers of white Drakia that they are assured of their structural hold over the levers of power, like the return of the ancient Populares and Optimates. And of course Drakian politicians would become adept at switching between whichever wing is strongest... again, like the return of the ancient Populares and Optimates.

*people forget, but Bryan's Cross of Gold was just after a literal neo-confederate lyncher tried their spiel at the convention. His attempt got no traction, but still, the fact he was welcomed into the convention hall as a keynote speaker at all...
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Chapter 15

Chapter 15

While Drakia had come under a great deal of criticism for almost every aspect of its Eugenics program, the world had generally been content to overlook the Dragon’s Nest.

This may appear inexplicable to our modern OTL sensibilities, but in-universe it makes sense. To the extent that the rest of the Separate-verse was aware of the Dragon’s Nest, most knew of it only as a program for women of “superior” genetics who had conceived out of wedlock to quietly give birth in a safe and healthy environment before giving up their children for adoption. This struck most non-Drakians as commendable- an alternative to either abortion or social censure of single mothers, considering that there were still places in Britain and America where an unmarried mother could find herself in a psychiatric facility. That there were Dragon’s Nest facilities for women who had engaged in “anti-social behavior” was not as widely known, but these too inspired little outrage among those who were aware of them. “Rehabilitating” female criminals instead of jailing them was unlikely to excite much concern, and treating homosexual women as if they had a mental illness that could be cured was relatively progressive compared to the still very common attitude that homosexuals were sinners and criminals who should be imprisoned. In fact, the Dragon’s Nest “treatment” for female homosexuality gained such high regard that some high society families in Britain and other parts of the British Empire were known to send lesbian family members for discrete treatment in Drakia. There were even complaints from Honorary Whites that their taxes helped pay for the Dragon’s Nest, but it refused to take non-white women for treatment.

It’s still only 1911 after all- attitudes towards the LGBT start bad and get worse.

But what very few people outside of Drakia knew was how the Dragon’s Nest also served as a tool for social and political control. European women who had interracial relationships, or agitated for racial equality, or were politically active in ways that challenged the foundations of the social system could find themselves diagnosed with “anti-social behavior” and sent to the Dragon’s Nest. Men who were involved in the same sort of politics were silenced by the threat of having a wife or a daughter taken away to disappear into the network of Dragon’s Nest “hospitals”. Women who were taken thus were subjected to similar treatments as homosexuals and prostitutes in the form of psychological and physical abuse designed to break them down mentally before returning them to society. The treatment was considered successful when the woman in question had been married to a husband who had been chosen for her and conceived a child with him- it was believed that having a child would create an emotional bond that would prevent the “anti-social behavior” from resurfacing.

While it was impossible to keep these practices totally secret, most people outside of Drakia didn’t know about them, and those who did were mostly part of organized anti-Drakia groups whose accusations were dismissed as slander by the defenders of the Firstborn Dominion.


Women diagnosed with "anti-social behavior" being restrained in a Dragon's Nest hospital.

In 1908, just after the beginning of the World War, a group of three women and two men were arrested in the Drakian city of South London for “seditious activities” namely; distributing anti-war and anti-Bonded Labor propaganda, and trying to organize a strike at a munitions factory for better working conditions. Seditious activity in wartime was regarded very seriously by the authorities and within forty-eight hours all five had been sentenced to years of prison labor, although the sentences of the women were commuted to treatment at the Dragon’s Nest for anti-social behavior, as was common for white women convicted of such crimes. There was little about the incident to draw attention except for one thing-

Drakian officials had made a mistake.

One of the three women was Audrey Ratcliff- a Englishwoman with British citizenship and a middle-class background who had moved to Drakia three years ago to work as a school-teacher while staying with a Drakian cousin. She had become involved in the political opposition there, leading to her arrest and imprisonment in the Dragon’s Nest. Her family was not informed of her arrest or her sentence, and her increasingly desperate parents reported her missing to British and Drakian authorities who reported being able to find nothing on the matter. With a global war going on it was difficult for the Ratcliffs to pursue the issue and Audrey’s fate remained unknown until she appeared unexpectedly in London in 1912, having been missing for four years.

She relayed her story to her family, their relief quickly turning to outrage once they learned the trials she had undergone. Ian Barrow, Audrey’s maternal uncle, was a successful businessman and he brought her to the attention of a Liberal MP who arranged for her to be called to testify before Parliament about her experience in Drakia.


Audrey Ratcliff, after returning to England.

Aubrey Ratcliff’s testimony shocked and horrified the British public. She described being refused basic necessities such as adequate clothing or bathroom privacy, being beaten, and being sexually assaulted by Dragon’s Nest staff and fellow patients. She described being forced to perform physical exercises until she collapsed from exhaustion, forced to chant phrases and slogans about the greatness of the dominion, its leaders, and its institutions (including Bonded Labour), and forced to debase herself both verbally and physically before doctors. Audrey had been hypnotized (or at least they tried to hypnotize her- hypnosis isn’t actually mind-control and it’s largely impossible to hypnotize someone against their will) daily and was frequently restrained while sound recordings of phrases telling her to be loyal and obedient were played repetitively into her ears- sometimes while she was trying to sleep. She described how one patient committed suicide, and how another went mad and spent all day repeating the phrases from the sound recordings over and over. Her treatment improved after Aubrey was married against her will to a Drakian soldier newly returned from the war with a missing arm. He would visit regularly to rape her while she received food, rest, and pre-natal care in the hopes that she would conceive. Eventually she became pregnant and was taken home by her husband who kept her locked inside his house and used the threat of being sent back to the Dragon’s Nest to scare her into obedience. He knew that Audrey had been a political dissident and frequently called her a traitor and told her that she deserved to suffer for her actions and her beliefs.

After miscarrying due to stress and lack of sleep she became afraid that she would be sent back to the Dragon’s Nest and so escaped, stealing money from her husband that she used to buy a ticket back to London and successfully flee the country.

In Britain there was a vast outpouring of sympathy for the brave young woman who broke down several times while giving her testimony and faced harsh counter-questioning from MPs who were still sympathetic to Drakia. Yet the MPs in question were in the minority. Building sympathy for black African Bondsmen or homosexuals was an uphill battle, but for a white woman whose only crime was to agitate against a war that had since proved an utter failure for Britain it came easily. Public opinion that had already swung against the Bonded Labor System now swung firmly against the Drakian government in general that had allowed such injustices to occur to Audrey Ratcliff. The Liberal-Socialist coalition government that had taken power after the end of the World War openly called for criminal prosecution of her “husband” and individual doctors and staff within the Dragon’s Nest project that Ratcliff had been able to name. In the ongoing peace negotiations with America the British government shifted policy, indicating a willingness to comprise on Drakia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in exchange for concessions like being allowed to keep Ulster (Great Britain wasn’t in a very good bargaining position).


Negotiators at the Dublin Peace Conference in 1912.

This has often been cited as the development that drove Drakia to withdraw from the Dublin Peace Conference, but in fact that had been coming for a while. The agreed cession of Britain’s colonies in North and West Africa to become independent American protectorates run by Native Africans prompted outrage in Drakia far earlier in the peace talks. Drakian blood had been spilled to drive the Americans out of those colonies and to put down Native rebellions within in them, and now they were to be given away without the ghost of a fight. Meanwhile there was the United States of Borneo offering an unpleasant example of what such protectorates might look like. The Americans and the Japanese had occupied British Borneo during the fighting in the Pacific, and New York organized a new government for Borneo- the aforementioned USB- even before the war ended. Said government proceeded to expropriate the land and possessions that British companies and individuals had held on the island and went after “collaborators” with a vengeance. Collaborators included the Native royalty, nobility, and aristocracy, as well as whole groups (like the Malays) that the colonial administration had favored. Former Native elites saw their property confiscated and quite a few faced violence or summary arrest and punishment. The handful of remaining British colonists were caught up as well- for the people of Borneo it was a time for revenge. While the settling of scores only lasted a couple of months before America pulled the USB in line and saw to it that it replaced its first president with someone less excitable, its violence inspired quite a few stories that only grew with the telling.

By the time Audrey Ratcliff gave her testimony the example of Borneo had ruling white elites (and their Native collaborators) in Drakia, India, the East Indies, and the rest of British Africa terrified at the prospect of American-sponsored majority-rule and increasingly unwilling to co-operate with any peace deal that risked such a scenario. Ratcliff’s testimony was the final straw; partly because she turned British public opinion against Drakia, but more so because she turned Drakian public opinion against Britain.

In the eyes of most Drakians it was obvious that what Audrey Ratcliff claimed to have been done to her had never happened, and that if it had happened, she was exaggerating, and that if she wasn’t exaggerating then she deserved it. The greatest sin one could commit according to Drakian social values was to betray the nation, and even if Ratcliff wasn’t Drakian by testifying against Drakia they saw her as guilty of betraying the Noble Race regardless. That Britain would allow such a person to say such things about Drakia- whether true or not- was a wound that cut deep, that the British would not only believe her words but care about them made it worse. The British government’s willingness to require Drakia to make reforms that risked giving equal rights to the Natives and creating another Borneo- let alone compromise the territorial integrity of the Firstborn Dominion- was the ultimately betrayal.

And so Drakia did the unthinkable.


A Societist rally in New Rennes, Drakia. The man in the dark coat on the left is Lindsey Stoker, still just a minor figure in the movement.

Premier Lloyd McRae withdrew the Dominion of Drakia from the Dublin Conference on February 15, 1913. Seven days later the Drakian military acted to seize control of British colonies in Northern and Western Africa- the McRae government proclaimed that it was acting to protect the British Empire from American aggression and that the British government in London had betrayed the Empire. The Anglo-Drakian War had begun.

Britain did what it could to oppose Drakia…


… and fought hard (11 v. 19) but it had been badly weakened by the World War and Drakia already had soldiers stationed in or near most of the colonies in question (as it had been the Drakian Army that had been responsible for most of the defense of British Africa during the war). Several other British dominions joined Aurica (remember the Drakian government relocated to near the site of OTL Johannesburg) in condemning the Liberal-Socialist government of Prime Minister Rufus Palmer as illegitimate and announcing that they were acting to save the British Empire from destruction. These included the other African dominions- which almost certainly could not have survived long-term without either British or Drakian support- as well as the Indian Empire and the East Indies. A couple of others might have gotten involved- Jamaica for instance- had it not been for the immediate presence of American forces preventing them. The white-minority-ruled dominions hoped to force the Palmer Government out of power and see it replaced by a Conservative government more determined to protect their rights in the peace negotiations. There was even serious talk in Aurica and Delhi of somehow landing troops in Great Britain itself and capturing London so they could “restore the rightful leadership of the Empire” (if Britain had fumbled its roll, and if America wasn’t a factor, then this might have been possible, but there’s no way it could happen under the current circumstances).

America supported the British government in the Anglo-Drakian War…


…quite effectively (14 v. 19), although not effectively enough to defeat the rebel dominions entirely. Between the USN and what was left of the RN it proved possible to cut off the rebel dominions from coming to each other’s aid by seas as they were exceptionally weak navally (but not so weak that Drakia couldn’t maintain links to Madagascar and Aden after they were captured). The United States occupied the East Indies and leaned on the British government to officially grant India independence, sparking a huge uprising in southern India against the tottering Raj. The new Republic of India was recognized by New York and quickly became the recipient of quite a lot of World War surplus arms. By the spring of 1914 all of the white-minority-rule dominions outside of Africa had been defeated- only Drakia and its little brothers remained. While Britain and America were capable of beating the rest, Drakia had successfully defended Africa on its own once already and it was clear that nothing less than a massive sea-borne invasion an order of magnitude larger than the Liberation of Ireland would be required to successfully invade the Dark Continent. The last foothold from which the Anglo-Americans could have feasibly invaded North Africa- the Holy Land- fell to Drakian forces and the colonial government of German Syria (which had been slated to be turned over to the United States to become a protectorate) declared independence and aligned itself with Drakia. The rulers of Britain’s protectorates in Yemen opted to ally themselves with Aurica as well rather than risk being removed from power by the Americans, making it possible for Aden (captured by Drakia in the early days of the war) to remain in rebel hands.

The popular and political will didn’t exist in America for the massive sacrifices that a full-scale invasion of Africa would have required- not after the World War and with the United States’ new global responsibilities. Meanwhile Drakia was forced to give up its hope of restoring the British government of earlier times. The Conservatives that MacRae had hoped would take power condemned his rebellion, as did King Edward VII (not to be confused with the OTL monarch by that name), and his allies outside of Africa had all been defeated. The Anglo-Drakian War came to an end with an armistice in late 1914 but no formal peace treaty- America and Britain had never recognized that a legal state of war had even existed at all, and refused to recognize the de facto independence of the Dominion of Drakia, let alone its annexation of the British crown colonies in Africa, the other African dominions (all annexed by 1917), or Syria (annexed in 1915). New York instead adopted a policy of actively sponsoring rebellions and uprisings within Africa, hoping that without British support the Firstborn Dominion would collapse on its own, or that Native rebels would be able to carve out enough territory to make an American intervention possible.

The Dublin Peace Conference brought the World War to an official end with the Treaty of Dublin in 1915. Great Britain ceded all of its remaining crown colonies plus Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Dominion of Newfoundland either to the United States or France, and agreed to hold elections with universal suffrage in all of its remaining dominions. The new non-white-majority governments of the East Indies, Burma, Jamaica, and the Lesser Antilles joined India in proclaiming themselves independent republics, the Lesser Antilles, Guyana, New Zealand, and Australia opted to retain dominion status under the British monarchy. The Republic of Ireland came into existence controlling all of Ireland (a development that was not entirely to the benefit of the new country’s stability) and Bavaria-Austria granted independence to a small Czech State. Rhomania made off like a bandit, securing recognition of its acquisition of Albania (now a kingdom in personal union with the Rhomanian monarchy) and Ragusa from Italy. This was helped by Italy’s utterly inability to take back these possessions without outside help and America’s lack of desire to help- New York had never been officially at war with Athens and it had Drakia and Russia as distractions once the World War ended. The German Confederation ceded Syria on paper but kept some ethnically German territory beyond the Rhine.


Colonial troops in Syria, preparing preparing for the formal annexation ceremony of the rogue Germany colony.

France and Italy were both left deeply unhappy despite having technically been on the winning side of the war. Most French were displeased at the loss of lands west of the Rhine that had been held by France since the French Revolutionary Wars, even if they received the Channel Islands and a collection of other minor British islands elsewhere as colonies (much was made of the return of St. Pierre and Miquelon to France in accordance with the original Treaty of Alliance between America and France in 1778). The Italians were even less happy about losing Albania and Ragusa and only gaining Malta in return. But neither country was in a position to object. Both had been devastated by invasions of their territory- both Rome and Paris had fallen to different enemies- and their populations were exhausted and war weary and willing to accept the loss of lands that weren’t ethnically French or Italian in exchange for a speedy peace. A revolution in Italy in 1911 at the tail end of the war saw the federal constitutional theocracy that was the Italian Federation replaced by a unitary presidential Republic of Italy. A general strike in France in 1914 was joined by mass protests on the part of recently demobilized soldiers, and culminated in the Spring Revolution that overthrew the Second French Republic and replaced it with the democratic socialist Third French Republic.

The revolution in Spain was far bloodier and more radical than those in either France or Italy. The Spanish people- no longer afraid of a military that had battered itself uselessly against the Pyrenees for over three years, and radicalized after decades of political oppression, rose up against the totalitarian monarchy of King Ferdinand IX. The rebels were led by the radical Geoists of the Partido Suelo Negro (Black Soil Party) and they triumphed after a year-long civil war that ended with the installation of the Republic of Spain and the flight of the King, the nobility, and most of the Spanish monarchists either abroad or to Spanish Morocco. The first elections to the new Cortes produced a PSN majority that voted to dissolve the Spanish Republic and replace it with the “Spanish Poblado Republic”- the world’s first Geoist government. As radical revolutionaries of all stripes always do upon seizing power they launched a purge against their political enemies, then set about restructing the economy in accordance with their version of Geoist doctrine. A rump Spanish Republic-in-exile persisted in Puerto Rico, while the monarchist government in Morocco lasted until it started to look like the Native Moroccans were going to successfully overthrow it and King Ferdinand asked Drakia for help. Morocco would end up a Drakian province with Ferdinand as king of a subnational monarchy there (he and his heirs kept their claims to Spain though) and the Spanish colonists and refugees there accepted as Drakian Citizens.

The Continental Imperative had bee fulfilled- Africa was at last unified under Drakian rule.


Pobladisto revolutionary in Spain.

The Pobladisto Revolution was still nothing compared to the First Russian Civil War that pitted a rebel alliance of liberals, radicals, and extremists of various stripes against the Czar, with separatists for a variety of different captive nations caught in the middle. America and Japan both intervened, as did the Ottoman Empire, Japan, Drakia, and Scandinavia. All ended up taking their pounds of flesh- selling Alaska to the Americans ended up being the price the ultimately victorious rebel alliance paid to get New York to recognize their government in 1915. The Ottomans snagged most of West Armenia back, the Scandinavians grabbed Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, and Japan annexed Korea and Manchuria (the Emperor of Japan adopted the titles of “Emperor of Korea” and “Emperor of the Manchus”). Attempts by the Tian Dynasty of China to expand only demonstrated how outdated and ineffective its military had become since it had overthrown the Qing, and although the Tian did successfully occupy Mongolia and Qinghai they found themselves in contention with Japan along a hotly disputed border.

Drakia intervened in Mesopotamia to rescue the Czarist colonial government there from Arab rebels in a situation very similar to Morocco, although in this case annexation included an alliance with the Kurds (the Kurds were not keen on being under either Arab or Turkish rule) who gained their own princely state under their own sultan with status as a martial race in exchange for their help.

Only Lithuania (which had help from Germany) and Poland (in a somewhat different location than OTL due to alternate ethnic movements under Austrian, Russian, and German rule) managed to successfully gain their independence from Russia in the First Russian Civil War, but the Ukraine, Central Asia, and the usual suspects made another play for independence when the newly minted Russian Republic collapsed into the Second Russian Civil War in 1919 as the different factions of the rebel alliance turned on each other.

By 1920 the United States of America had finally unified North America outside of the Caribbean (Costa Rica and the Federation of Central America had been coerced into annexation in the glow of victory after 1911) and wasn’t about to let the ongoing insurgencies in Central America prevent it from celebrating the ultimate achievement of Manifest Destiny. The Land of the Free stood supreme as the sole global superpower, American hegemony was at its height. The American-led Grand Alliance included all of countries of South America, most of those of the Caribbean (including the Spanish Republic-in-exile), much of Europe, all of the new Republics that had broken away from the British Empire, plus Japan, Persia, and half-a-dozen others. Britain and its remaining dominions didn’t belong to the Grand Alliance but they were clearly aligned with it, Germany didn’t belong either but it was smart enough not to be confrontational. The only holes in the New Order for the Ages envisioned by President Adam Dixon were Pobladisto Spain, a Russia that was descending back into civil war, and of course the regime that stretched across the Dark Continent from Capetown to Alexandria and from Dakar to Jerusalem and Baghdad.

Drakia, now with the upper hand in its struggle against Native rebels, still maintaining the fiction that it was a British Dominion, was preparing to reinvent itself for the final time.

Hic sunt dracones.


"So we don't get to see the borders of the different factions in Russia?"

"Just use your imagination."
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One continent versus another. The two brothers raised at birth now stare at each other from across the gulf of the Atlantic and the abyss of what in tarnation are the horrors are going on in Drakia.

Lets uhh, lets defeat all the dragons. That sounds like a good idea right now.

Also we get a map! Nice! It is almost as horrifying as I expected. Let us hope that the poor people under them can get free, in the worst case, at the very least by emigration. Hopefully by Independence.

Something tells me though that it will get worse though and it will only be an if! that it gets better.

What is the likelihood that this ends with Drakia creating a superbug that as it turns out affects them just as much?

Once again, Awesome update, this is probably the most fascinating and horrifying one yet!
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Now the Dragon has marooned itself around dangerous waters- Ethiopian emperors, Ashanti amazons, and Sufi zealots oh my. I mean the Rif War with American freedom(tm) aiding the Republic of the Rif? I shudder to think what hell the Drakians are putting their military system through trying to swallow all this down.

Shit, even in this high-water mark of a quasi-civil war within Britain's empire the Drakians have basically been forced to let the Kurds do whatever they what behind the lines of this arrangement with their new... "Martial Race". If they could choose not to I doubt many of the Drakian generals would willingly stomach having to legally treat Johnny-come-the-last-five-minutes the same as the guys whose grandparents knew their grandparents. Now imagine the same scenario with Drakian soldiery spread to the breaking point in 6-7 different ongoing conflicts.

The Drakian political system needs to buckle down and consolidate, last week.
That German border makes my eyes bleed can Germany annex Austro-Bavaria already

Also, Poland's back does it control Warsaw?
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Another lovely update, but I must say I'm suprised the Drakians got North Africa (with anything short of a nat 20). The logistics are a massive pain even with rail/air connections and should be easily countered by anglo-american naval dominance, and are close enough to France and Italy that some support from them should be possible (in return for protectorates). Egypt and West Africa seem reasonable, but they've got to be stretched real, real thin digesting all that clay especially after bits of it got a taste of freedom. Still, makes a lot more sense that they take over by subverting British power structures than by rolling in and enslaving everyone as per Stirling's work. How large is the white population, and how outnumbered are they now?
I really surprised they are able to hold on to North Africa and Syria and meoapmatia. The logistic will be a nightmare I suspect that even after integration it will always be extremely hard to hold and that when the world war happen it will not able to
hold on them, prob forced to retreat behind the sahahra
I'm guessing drafted and put under drill seargents known for "correcting anti-social behaviour" who just so happen to have a considerably higher rate of "fatal training accidents" than the average.

I’m just surprised that Drakia holds women related or married to male political opponents hostage. I would expect a totalitarian slaveocracy to imprison and perhaps kill the political opponents instead, maybe by framing them for another crime to pretend to follow due process. Imprisoning political opponents occurred even OTL in the British Empire, after all.
I’m just surprised that Drakia holds women related or married to male political opponents hostage. I would expect a totalitarian slaveocracy to imprison and perhaps kill the political opponents instead, maybe by framing them for another crime to pretend to follow due process. Imprisoning political opponents occurred even OTL in the British Empire, after all.

I'd be shocked if they don't use those tactics as well. Most likely they vary their approach on a case by case basis, and probably on the personal inclinations of whichever government enforcer is handling the individual issue. Also, some dissenters may be too well-connected to be disappeared, in which case blackmail would raise fewer questions.
So at this point Drakia is a continent-swallowing leviathan that's waged and won a bloody war against the UK......and yet they're still officially calling themselves a Dominion and flying defaced Red Ensigns from ships prefixed "HMDS". That's honestly a pretty amusing image, though I imagine it probably won't be lasting long.
So at this point Drakia is a continent-swallowing leviathan that's waged and won a bloody war against the UK......and yet they're still officially calling themselves a Dominion and flying defaced Red Ensigns from ships prefixed "HMDS". That's honestly a pretty amusing image, though I imagine it probably won't be lasting long.
Diamond lightning bolts as far as the eye can see!
Just caught up on this, it's an amazingly horrifying work. Praying that the dice favor the good old U S of A. On a random note, how's Asian immigration to the US doing? About the same as OTL, less, more?
They get honeypotted by female agents of the regime and caught in a baby trap
Umm, no, getting your agents impregnated by your enemies doesn't actually stop them from fighting you.

So at this point Drakia is a continent-swallowing leviathan that's waged and won a bloody war against the UK......and yet they're still officially calling themselves a Dominion and flying defaced Red Ensigns from ships prefixed "HMDS". That's honestly a pretty amusing image, though I imagine it probably won't be lasting long.

Why not? They probably consider themselves True Britain, or British Empire in Exile perhaps. Think Kaiserreich-verse Canada, more British than Britain itself.
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