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Ah, I don’t prefer to wear my nerdyness on my sleeve, just read it online and cry in my room when I realize I’m all alone in my liking for it...:p


Interesting, I assume will be meeting some of the US badasses in the post war era...Suprised they did not go in for enslavments, guess only the Draka can get away with that in the eyes of the Brits.

Grabbing free persons and enslaving them en masse is extreme even for the CSA, and they were angling for allies in Europe who might not have approved. The Drakians enslaving "prisoners of war" who were African natives using terminology that doesn't sound like slavery is something they can get away with. Outright enslaving the Georgians would have a bridge too far.

This could produce some tensions between Jefferson and Comancheria, especially if the latter lauds there status as Favorite native group.

Quite so.

I mean their was Sparta (the Society I think the Draka were modled on) with it's Helots but even then their were some options to become Spartan during war and they lived in constant fear of Helot revolts, limiting their expansion.

Helots could be freed though, couldn't they? And there was a non-slave, non-citizen intermediate class in Sparta I believe.

Yeah, Personnally I do like the Atheist part of them but they need to have it develop over decades as part of a bit by bit cultural developments (such as gaining abelism and Eugenics becoming the rage, growing arrogance in their own superiority from the young etc etc), not "alright we're all Atheists now" on a whim.

The Draka society felt like it would make more sense in a far future sci fi setting than an AH one, personally.

Personnally I think that's not him knocking on liberals but going for his perffered fetishes. In ISOT, his main character was a lesbian, who got into a couple and raised kids and in the Blackout series (ya know the one where were suddenly reduced to the medevial time period by abunch of pagan gods) Paganism is the main religon of the good guys (at least for the first three books) and given a huge wank and their are a couple of gay couples. Still he lays it on Abit thick and it does not make for good writing in my view...

You're probably right.

Another member of the Earl Warren's AH Bad Ass Club, he gets to graduate into Premium membership for fending off a Confederate invasion while a quadriplegic and becoming a awesome politician.

See now I'm going to have to come up with more.:p

well this is prob gonna do quite a blow to eungic in the usa


What's this, the beginning of cyborgization? Sure looks like it.

Also, nice sneaking in something titled fascism.


Okay, wow, that was actually very touching!

Thank you!

I agree; talk about Handicapped Badass...

I based it off of a guy whose name I can't recall who was also given a deathbed promotion but survived as a quadriplegic. Only he spent the rest of his career in a quiet and unimportant post instead of getting a chance to save Chicago.

So, what are the possibilities of Drakian English becoming it's own separate entity as the dominion becomes more independent of the mother country?

You mean Drakian English the language?

I understand that the author doesn't want to replicate the citizen or slave duality of the canon DV, but the third class of nationals is, IMHO, unsustainable. The nationals can never rise to be citizens, but they can fall in to debt and become "bondservants", and bondservants can't get out of bondage on their own hook. Now a bondservant/serf might "earn" forgiveness from their debt through some spectacular act (saving the master from a lion attack sort of thing) but would that include their wife/children? The way the system is set up, unlike chattel slavery in the USA where slaves were generally allowed to earn money on the side (selling crafts etc) and thus could hope to purchase their own freedom and that of any family, here the debt is compounding interest, books are cooked if necessary so buying your way out "bond" is really not within reach. The net result of this is that those "nationals" in the grey zone between citizens and serfs (I'll use that terms for convenience) are more likely to move in to bond status than anything else, and the number of serfs who manage to climb out of bond, as opposed to being "freed" to die in poverty, will always be way less than the number of nationals who fall in to bond.

The other question is what place will nationals have? What work will they do? I expect their educational opportunities will be limited, so that puts a large number of occupations out of reach. On top of that certain jobs/categories will be restricted to citizens. Between the mass of serfs who fill the jobs from below and the restrictions and limitations from above this leaves a very narrow slice for nationals to earn a living, and living paycheck to paycheck means debt bondage is is less than a step behind. On top of that is race - the nationals may not be as black as the serfs, although with serfs bearing children of their citizen masters and mulattos who fell in to debt, as well as the admixture of Arabs, serfs can be "brown", they still won't be "white". Skin color, if things go as canon, won't be less distinction until sometime between the end of WWI and the end of WWII as "white" populations are conquered.

I understand what you're saying and you make valid points. The numbers of Nationals is going to shrink and decline in importance, but there will always be people on their way between Honorary White and being Bondsmen who will fall into the National Space and it's a good place to leave low-ranking employees to incentivize them- screw up and its only a small step down into Bondage. Keep in mind that European colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries almost always incorporated an intermediate class of natives.

How likely would fascism spreading to other countries (or inspiring similar movements there) be?

It's certainly going to inspire political movements elsewhere. The idea of "adopt our culture and language and we'll treat you as an equal regardless of your race or religion" dates back to the enlightenment and popped up in different places all through OTL. Of course in OTL it generally didn't work, but we'll see it again.
If nations where people America and the Draka would be France and Britain's kids that end up emulating different aspect of their Roman grandad. Americans follows Republican Rome habit of Romanizing conquered peoples while Draka is all about Conquest through its citizen soldiers.

Ultimately some German/Chinese/Russian politicians is going to end up comparing Americanzation and Drakanization as having the same end goal. One just comes wrapped in the velvet glove of democracy while the other in spiked collar of slavery. Both ideologies aim to impose their respective nation's ideas, values, and culture on the world, through force if needed. Different methodologies same end point.
If nations where people America and the Draka would be France and Britain's kids that end up emulating different aspect of their Roman grandad. Americans follows Republican Rome habit of Romanizing conquered peoples while Draka is all about Conquest through its citizen soldiers.

Ultimately some German/Chinese/Russian politicians is going to end up comparing Americanzation and Drakanization as having the same end goal. One just comes wrapped in the velvet glove of democracy while the other in spiked collar of slavery. Both ideologies aim to impose their respective nation's ideas, values, and culture on the world, through force if needed. Different methodologies same end point.

Well said.
Ultimately some German/Chinese/Russian politicians is going to end up comparing Americanzation and Drakanization as having the same end goal. One just comes wrapped in the velvet glove of democracy while the other in spiked collar of slavery. Both ideologies aim to impose their respective nation's ideas, values, and culture on the world, through force if needed. Different methodologies same end point.
So a three-way cold war between America, Drakia, and a "Eurasian" bloc of China, Russia, and Germany)
@Ephraim Ben Raphael : I totally agree that most European colonization had a layer of natives between the whites on top and the masses below who were enslaved or some form of bondage, whatever it was called. I would only suggest that it is important to distinguish between the bulk of the colonies, which were pretty much straight exploitation, and "settler colonies" like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and generously some of Iberian South America. In the "exploitative" colonies there was a thin crust of Europeans, who may have been permanent settlers compared to the large mass of natives (think India as the most obvious example of this). These colonies would simply have been unmanageable absent some intermediate layer of privileged natives and those of mixed race (but not "white") to do many of the tasks that needed to be done. In the settler colonies, very rapidly you ended up with white immigrants outnumbering the natives, and the need for such a middle group was unnecessary and in the case of some settler colonies like the USA and Brazil where natives were unsuitable for labor you had the importation of slaves, who, of course, had no rights. There was not a one size fits all model, in New Zealand you had an accommodation between settlers and Maori over time, in OTL's South Africa the settlers never became a majority for a variety of reasons etc.

Really enjoying the T/L.
Hmm, the lack of mentioning of the situation in the far east is making me wonder if some of those countries (probably just China, it's almost always the Qing getting shafted, with good reasons usually but still) will be seeing a similar fate as their counterparts in The Napoléad timeline...
The assimilation of the Mexican people may actually have been slowed by some of the policies of the Corrupt Bargain, as its primary beneficiaries had no real desire to see the mestizo majorities in their states gain political influence by becoming Anglophone and socially aware. Instead Americanization mostly took on a cosmetic form- like the renaming of towns and cities such as Mexico City which became “Metropolis” and Veracruz which took on the name “Zenith”.​
Wait, so why is the United States Anglicizing the names of formerly Mexican cities? I can understand wanting to Americanize the place to better bring it into the fold and teaching only English, not Spanish--it sounds like something OTL America would do. But America IOTL also holds a huge swath of territory taken from Mexico where the majority of the cities and counties--even a lot of the states--have Spanish names. San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, El Paso, Corpus Christi, Albuquerque, and Santa Fe--just to name a few--all leap out to me as explicitly Spanish, and a lot of them even appear in the traditionally white Texas.​
@Ephraim Ben Raphael : I totally agree that most European colonization had a layer of natives between the whites on top and the masses below who were enslaved or some form of bondage, whatever it was called. I would only suggest that it is important to distinguish between the bulk of the colonies, which were pretty much straight exploitation, and "settler colonies" like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and generously some of Iberian South America. In the "exploitative" colonies there was a thin crust of Europeans, who may have been permanent settlers compared to the large mass of natives (think India as the most obvious example of this). These colonies would simply have been unmanageable absent some intermediate layer of privileged natives and those of mixed race (but not "white") to do many of the tasks that needed to be done. In the settler colonies, very rapidly you ended up with white immigrants outnumbering the natives, and the need for such a middle group was unnecessary and in the case of some settler colonies like the USA and Brazil where natives were unsuitable for labor you had the importation of slaves, who, of course, had no rights. There was not a one size fits all model, in New Zealand you had an accommodation between settlers and Maori over time, in OTL's South Africa the settlers never became a majority for a variety of reasons etc.

Really enjoying the T/L.
The Dutch East Indies were a perfect example of the thin crust,quite a few Indos ended up in California after Indonesia was established,whether full or partial European ancestry. Enjoying the timeline,especially the alternate America wiki.
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If nations where people America and the Draka would be France and Britain's kids that end up emulating different aspect of their Roman grandad. Americans follows Republican Rome habit of Romanizing conquered peoples while Draka is all about Conquest through its citizen soldiers.

Ultimately some German/Chinese/Russian politicians is going to end up comparing Americanzation and Drakanization as having the same end goal. One just comes wrapped in the velvet glove of democracy while the other in spiked collar of slavery. Both ideologies aim to impose their respective nation's ideas, values, and culture on the world, through force if needed. Different methodologies same end point.
The star trek nerd in me is reminded of the episode in TNG (i think?) that discusses the federation and the borg in a very, very similar manner
Good update, but I think I missed something, I thought ITTL the democrats were still the party of the south and slavery, and the republicans still rose as the opposition party?
@Ephraim Ben Raphael : I totally agree that most European colonization had a layer of natives between the whites on top and the masses below who were enslaved or some form of bondage, whatever it was called. I would only suggest that it is important to distinguish between the bulk of the colonies, which were pretty much straight exploitation, and "settler colonies" like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and generously some of Iberian South America. In the "exploitative" colonies there was a thin crust of Europeans, who may have been permanent settlers compared to the large mass of natives (think India as the most obvious example of this). These colonies would simply have been unmanageable absent some intermediate layer of privileged natives and those of mixed race (but not "white") to do many of the tasks that needed to be done. In the settler colonies, very rapidly you ended up with white immigrants outnumbering the natives, and the need for such a middle group was unnecessary and in the case of some settler colonies like the USA and Brazil where natives were unsuitable for labor you had the importation of slaves, who, of course, had no rights. There was not a one size fits all model, in New Zealand you had an accommodation between settlers and Maori over time, in OTL's South Africa the settlers never became a majority for a variety of reasons etc.

Really enjoying the T/L.
(South) Rhodesia. In a sense a settler colony, but a largely exploitative one. Settlers were always a minority, but a sufficiently signficant one to consider to run the place. It really varies a lot, even in Africa alone, with the lines of what a "settler" colony means being sometimes blurry (Kenya, Italian Libya, Algeria).
President William Lyon Mackenzie remained in office from the death of President Butler in 1853 until the end of his second term in 1864. In those eleven years he guided America through the chaos of the Civil War and the Second Mexican-American War into the era of Reconstruction that followed. Reconstruction was considerably more radical than OTL-
Rest In Peace Mackenzie, you gave ITTL America your all. Also looked you up in OTL and damn your impressive...
There are pluses and minuses to this sort of approach.

On the one hand the South faced considerably worse punishments than OTL and much was done to derail the rise of the sort of Jim Crow business that happened in our America. On the other hand, the reintegration of the southern states into the Union- not just legally but psychologically and in terms of a national identity- was delayed. The number of southerners who fled America was much higher than OTL, the overwhelming majority moving to Drakia which was eager for more white citizens as it expanded, willing to pay for their transportation across the Atlantic, and happy to grant them free land
just love, getting predictions right:biggrin: Good to see the US manages to get Democracy working again...
The association of the Republican Party with the Confederacy, slavery, and more importantly figures like Lieutenant-General Deliver-Me-From-Evil MacLathagain who devastated regions of northern states, saw the party largely wiped out in the North
I love this bit of Irony and also love that name...
That ideology was Fascism
very interesting ideology particularly how they get all races together however I have a bit of a issue with this bit:
In time Fascism would move beyond mere racial unity to endorse religious pluralism that included Catholics and Jews with America’s different Protestant Churches as part of the grand American identity.
Generally Culture is very hard to separate from Religion. trying to force them to fit the Anglophone mold will also inevitably try to push Protestantism. For example I doubt they are at all happy at Catholic Schools (established explicitly to preserve Catholicism and Catholic Culture aganst a extremely Protestant mainstream school system, not to mention Irish Culture)

The Unionists were a movement similar to the OTL Readjuster Party of Virginia- an alliance of African Americans and poor whites who came together in opposition to the white supremacist Republican Parties of the planter elites. The different Unionist parties mostly used the Whig Party label and only really existed in states where African Americans were the minority and so couldn’t control the government without forming an electoral alliance with at least part of the white community. As a biracial coalition their platform focused on issues like education that benefited all of the inhabitants of their states, and they had incentives to protect voting rights since they couldn’t get into power without black votes.
Love these guys getting a much deserved shout out.

It’s not clear whether or not the majority of the Haitian people were pro-annexation or not, but Henry Jarvis certainly persuaded Haitian President Enel Philipe and enough of the Haitain political leadership that it was a good idea to get them to hold a plebiscite whose 88% approval was probably a bit higher than reality.
I love it when machine politicns are like "eh we'd probably win but hey let's rig it any way just to be sure"
formal annexation of Mexico.
Yeah this sucks, Minority rule and Cultural's hoping it gets better before long...

introduced the boarding school system to better Americanize the children of new immigrants by separating them from their parents at a young age and raising them in an English-speaking environment that would impress upon them American culture and values. The children of Asian immigrants were particularly targeted for this, as was the immigrant community from Eastern Europe. Native American boarding schools existed but were actually an improvement over OTL as their teachers and principals were generally Native Americans themselves, and some (but far from all) of the OTL abuses were avoided.
This is another element of much Culture in the inner cities of America, gone just like that. Makes you feel sad inside. One question about this, were groups like the Irish and Italians targeted? They got the brunt of attack from OTL and I can't imagine all the xenophobia aganst them just dryed up (especially the Irish). They would have a big defender though inside the Catholic Church (who would not appreciate Catholic Kids being forcefed protestantism far from there home and parents), so it may be Abit less hopefully.
What can I say? This America is on average better than OTL, and the Fascists’ willingness to accept people of other races and religions but not other cultures is a step up from many OTL Americans who were unwilling to accept any of those three. But this TL isn’t going to be any sort of utopia, and this America is perfectly capable of finding new and unique ways to suck.
You got that right...
On a lighter note the Suffragette Movement got off to a nice early start and faced less organized opposition
Well that's a silver lining.
Nationalist Party guess is that their Isolationist types who aren't fans of the massive expansion types for both good (strains on the economy and the military needed to up keep it) and bad (damn foreginers mucking around) reasons, with a good dose of Economic populism to protect workers and break the trusts.
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I've been procrastinating instead of lesson planning, so the next chapter should be done either tonight or tomorrow. I'll respond to comments then.

I don't usually do trigger warning for stuff- I figure OTL history is pretty effed up on its own- but trigger warning for Drakia's euthanasia program and violence against women.
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As long as Drakians/Drakans ultimately don't end up victorious in their quest for world domination. Distopias like the Draka-dominated globe are no more realistic than picture-perfect utopias are.

You know what'd be ironic? Rhodesia as the name of a more humanist post-Draka state.
I don't usually do trigger warning for stuff- I figure OTL history is pretty effed up on its own- but trigger warning for Drakia's euthanasia program and violence against women.
Don't worry, I read enough hentai history books to be unfazed by anything!

(funny thing, I read The Bridge at Andau when I was in middle school, sometimes I still wondered why that book was in a middle school library)
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Of course, while we focused on America and Drakia things were going on around the world.

In the 1860s a civil war in China saw the rise of a religious sect called the “Tiandao” or “Way of Heaven”, an offshoot of the Xiantindao religious movement that syncretized some elements of Christianity with its belief in a universal Dao that worshipped the unborn ancient mother goddess Wusheng Laomu. The Tiandao followers were ultimately victorious, overthrowing the Qing Dynasty in favor of a new “Tian” Dynasty whose rulers claimed merely to be the stewards of Wusheng Laomu, conveying her wishes via automatic writing. The new dynasty was unapologetically Han-supremacist, discriminating against other ethnic groups in China- in particular the Mongols and the Manchu. Manchus saw their land and wealth seized and were forced to denigrate themselves through public humiliations. Russia- which had finished off the khanates of Central Asia- took advantage of the civil war to seize outlying parts of China, including Xinjiang, Mongolia, and Manchuria itself (the usual suspects) and install a puppet monarch in Korea.

Increasing Russian industrialization gave the empire the military capabilities to do this, but at a cost of growing social disruption as the Czars sought to acquire the power of a modern industrial economy without the accompanying modern socio-political change.

When it came to European imperialism, Russia and Britain were two of the only games in town. France successfully grabbed some islands in the Pacific and launched unsuccessful attempts at intervention within Indochina. Spain conquered Morocco and found itself tied down trying to deal with the restive and deeply unhappy African country. The Italians purchased Albania from the failing Ottomans. Germany ran Syria as a neo-crusader state- technically its own kingdom within the German Confederation it was ruled by a class of colonial nobility with a Christian-only military whose officers referred to themselves as knights.


Tiandao rebels during the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty.

Outside of Morocco Britain, Drakia, and various ephemeral British dominions were able to keep other parties out of Africa. But in Asia and the Pacific they were not just challenged by Russia, but by the United States.

America never went isolationist ITTL after all, and New York’s influence started colliding with London’s in the Asia-Pacific region as early as the 1840s when the two powers clashed over Hawaii. A different American opened up Japan than Commodore Perry, and a different Shogun bowed to his demands, but otherwise the opening up of Japan ran similarly to OTL. Britain intervened in TTL’s version of the Boshin War in favor of the Shogunate, prompting American intervention in favor of the Imperial Restorationists, leading the conflict to take on characteristics of a proxy war. The victory of the Emperor (someone who knows how Japanese imperial names work can help me come up with a name for him) saw Japan continue to modernize with help from an America that considered a strong ally in Asia to be useful against Britain. (OTL there was a wave of Americophilia in Japan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries- ITTL it will be even stronger and more pronounced.) An American adventurer secured control over Sabah in Borneo, and the United States annexed Hawaii in the 1870s after a pro-British Hawaiian monarch tried to align his kingdom with the British Empire and an alliance of American planters overthrew him (for what it’s worth he’d aligned himself with Britain to prevent exactly such an American overthrow in the first place).

With Spain diplomatically isolated following its attempt to play both sides during the Last Crusade there was no one to protect it in 1884 when an incident on the Haiti-Santo Domingo border led to the Spanish-American War. Peace in 1886 saw Cuba and Santo Domingo added to the Union as states (Cuba woulda been IOTL if the South hadn’t nixed it for reasons of racism)- voluntarily on the part of Cuba, an insurgency would simmer in Santo Domingo for decades to come- the Philippines becoming an American Protectorate that ceded territory for American military bases, and Puerto Rico remaining Spanish. The Red government that had controlled Spain under different leaders since the Canadian was toppled, and an absolutist revolution ended with King Ferdinand IX realigning Spain with Britain (to the disapproval of the majority of Spaniards).


The American and Spanish fleets face off in the Caribbean.

But the point of this chapter was not to spend all of our time focusing on America and Drakia.

Stuff happened in South America as well.

Colombia (it was never officially named Gran Colombia in either OTL or TTL) fought a civil war won by the Liberals, La Plata fought its own civil war won by the Federalists. The Banda Oriental (Uruguay) province passed back and forth between La Plata and Brazil in a couple of wars but ended up staying with La Plata. When the liberal Emperor Pedro II (genetically the half-brother of this guy) began passing democratic reforms and initiated the process to ban slavery in Brazil, rich landowners and elements within the Brazilian military came together in an attempt to overthrow the monarchy and replace it with a Republic. They successfully killed the emperor, but his son Pedro III vengefully crushed the revolt and followed it with a purge of suspected Republican sympathizers. This sparked an exodus of Brazilian aristocrats and conservatives (who ironically weren’t monarchists), about 25,000 of whom settled in Drakia, where they joined the pre-existing Lusophone community.

Peru (which includes OTL Bolivia ITTL) had an interesting time of it, including a revolution in the 1840s by Native Quecha who proclaimed a restored Incan Empire, followed by a period of military rule, followed by an attempt create a republic along utopian socialist lines. By the late 19th century however, the country had settled down under a fairly normal (by OTL standards) republican oligarchy.

La Plata began focusing heavily on the conquest and settlement of Patagonia, opening the land there to an eclectic variety of European immigrant groups, not unlike OTL Argentina. As America began to expand its influence over what remained of Latin America- acquiring Panama from Colombia after a war in 1886- the Platineans remained friendly with New York, regarding the United States as a fellow federal democracy.


A Platinean homestead in Patagonia.

But let’s talk about ideologies for a bit.

With an earlier, more extensive, and more intense industrial revolution the factors that drove the OTL rise of social reform and Socialism emerged in spades. The Red Movement split into a conservative wing affiliated with the Reds who had gained power back when the French Sister Republics were taken down, and a Christian Democratic wing called the Christian Populists. Radical forms of Socialism akin to OTL Communism emerged in the absence of substantive change, but unlike OTL there was another radical and ultimately revolutionary ideology that was born alongside it. That ideology was Geoism- albeit rather more than just the simple economic school that you’ll find if you click on the link. Geoism doubled down on the connection between the common people and the land, on a romanticized image of “down to earth country folk”, and the truth that the value of land rises because of the efforts of the community, generating landowners more money without them providing any investment or contribution. It called for a tax on economic rent (google it) in lieu of other taxes that can depress economic activity or be passed on to consumers, and it wanted common ownership of natural resources by the people. Geoism demanded a form of basic universal income funded by the profits off of natural resources, and it wanted land reform, but it didn’t propose to abolish capitalism or- initially- to radically restructure society. Unlike Socialism it was pro-organized religion (within reason) and socially conservative in a number of ways. Peasants, farmers, the rural poor were attracted to Geoism in the face of a transforming global economy that was leaving them behind and edging them into a financially precarious existence. This meant that it struggled to gain adherents in urbanized countries like France and Britain where the Socialists had the support of factory workers, but in more rural countries like Russia- where it evolved from TTL’s version of the Narodniks- Geoism could emerge as a real force. In the United States Geoism took the form of the Nationalist Party, a rural party of French-style positivism and Geoist economics (Christian Populists would eventually join the Nationalist coalition, giving it an urban wing) that called for state ownership of railroads, free coinage of silver, a single tax on economic rent, and an end to the crop lien system. The National Party rapidly became the primary opposition to the Whigs and remained moderate as it proved able to achieve some of its goals through legislation. In other countries though- such as Russia and Spain- Geoism was suppressed by governments that regarded it as dangerous, driving it underground where it festered and radicalized.

Nationalism got big as it did OTL, with people across the world identifying with their country and wanting to see it grow in power- or simply exist. The Polish nationalists sought independence from Prussia and Russia, the Finns from Sweden. German pan-nationalists successfully brought Hannover into the German Confederation after a British-allowed plebiscite that firmly reoriented Germany from the Russian bloc into the British one, and unsuccessfully agitated for unity in Bavaria, Austria, and the French Rhineland. Italian nationalists pulled off a coup in the Republic of Ragusa with the help of Italian-speaking elites there and saw it annexed to the Italian Federation (to the annoyance of Ragusa’s Slavic majority). They also called for a similar annexation in actually Italian-majority Sardinia to no avail. Zionism emerged as a Jewish response to racial nationalism that refused to admit that Jews could ever be loyal citizens of their different home countries, and a version of the Jewish Colonial Association settled Jewish agricultural colonies in parts of America, Argentina, and the Holy Land. The Scandinavianists were far more successful than OTL, securing official support from the governments of Denmark and Sweden (each of which had ambitions to unify Scandinavia under itself). The Schleswig War of 1880, in which Denmark and Sweden fought together against the German Confederation and won, with Danish and Swedish airships dropping white phosphorus bombs on Berlin, brought the countries closer together and ultimately a dynastic marriage between the House of Glucksburg and the House of Bernadotte led to the United Kingdoms of Scandinavia in 1888.


A Scandinavian airship during the firebombing of Berlin.

On a side note; those Danish airships that bombed Berlin were opposed by early heavier-than-air flying craft carrying light machine guns. These were not OTL airplanes though, invented in Austria in the 1870s they were four-winged ornithopters (the forward wings were fixed, the aft wings flapped, it’s no less practical than a propeller design really). Initially known as “libellen” they were later dubbed “drachenflieger” after some cross contamination between English and German and pilots deciding “dragon flier” was more badass name than some kind of bug (this is my etymological hill and I will die on it). While their use in the Schleswig War and several other late 19th century conflicts demonstrated that drachenflieger were a cheaper but effective substitute for airships when it came to military reconnaissance, the total inability of German drachenflieger to notably damage let alone shot down a single one of the Scandinavian airships during the Schleswig War left most countries convinced that drachenflieger were not an effective weapon against airships. This opinion was reinforced when Russian experiments in the 1890s aimed at developing an incendiary bullet capable of igniting the hydrogen gas in airships (instead of poking a small hole and passing right through like an ordinary round), concluded that the use of incendiary bullets against airships wasn’t practical either. The bullets failed to ignite in the absence of oxygen once they entered the airship’s hydrogen cells, and so Russia (and everyone else) reasoned that nothing short of a large artillery shell could effectively take down a modern military airship. Military aviation thus focused its attention on developing heavy anti-aircraft weapons to take down airships, ignoring drachenflielger which were good for reconnaissance and shooting down each other, but nothing else.

Someone is in for a rude awakening sooner or later.


The annoying thing is that they only ever built like two of these OTL, so there's only like two decent pictures of them.

Anyway, back to ideologies. American Fascism influenced some schools of thought abroad, but America’s unique situation meant that most countries had little use for a multiracial, monocultural society, and those who could have (like Drakia or the other minority-white British dominions) were fundamentally hostile towards it. Fascism did influence France towards greater acceptance of its Afro-Caribbean and Polynesian citizens though, and it played a role in Scandinavia’s project to create a pan-Scandinavian culture (while suppressing the cultures of the Sami, Finns, and Inuit). The ideology had more success in Latin American countries like Brazil, where the government promoted it as an alternative to the old race-based colonial ethnic divisions. It was the Japanese however who embraced Fascism whole-heartedly, de-emphasizing the importance of the Yamato Race compared its national identity OTL, and incorporating the Ainu and the Ryukyuan peoples into Japanese society wholesale- provided they assimilated of course.

At the same time another ideology was spreading across the globe, sinking down roots and influencing almost every country that engaged with it.


A certificate issued by a Eugenicist in Drakia issued to young persons for the purpose of whatever passed for dating there.


Modern Eugenics- in the Separate-verse as in OTL- arose in part from a growing awareness of genetics, evolutionary theory, and the nature of artificial selection. Eugenicists argued that through selective breeding of human beings it was possible to reduce or eliminate the prevalence of inherited genetic diseases, low intelligence, criminal behavior, immoral behavior (including dishonesty, selfishness, and cruelty), mental illness, and a great many things, many of which were not actually controlled by genetics. They wanted to breed out these things partly by encouraging “superior” persons to have more children, but also partly by preventing “inferior” persons from reproducing through a variety of methods, some more unethical than others. Eugenics was popular because it reinforced existing social and economic hierarchies- it argued that elites were privileged thanks to superior genetics and that the disadvantaged were disadvantaged due to their inferior biology. It did not directly attack individuals such as Evan Pharrish who received their disabilities later in life through circumstances outside of their control, but by arguing that a person born blind or unable to walk “could only ever be a burden on society” the ideology implied a corollary that people who received disabilities later in life became burdens. Eugenics also fathered a subsidiary ideology- Scientific Racism. After all, if superior genetics explained why some people ended up in the ruling class and others in the masses, then surely superior genetics explained why certain races ended up ruling over other races? Eugenics offered a “rational” and “scientific” justification for the rule of white Europeans over black Africans and “yellow” Asians, suggesting that non-whites could never become the equals of whites, no matter what religion they espoused or what culture they practiced. Their inferiority, it argued, was a biological issue outside of any one individual’s control. In such it was directly opposed to TTL’s Fascism.

Discussion of Eugenic principles began in the 1870s, implementation of its policies first began twenty years later. An earlier start made sure that the movement was more global and longer-lasting than it was in OTL.


A pro-Eugenics display in America.

Eugenics had a fair bit of popularity among the upper and middle classes in Europe and the Americas for whom it reassured their superiority. Eugenic programs in those places offered compensation for “inferior” individuals who voluntarily subjected themselves to sterilization, and even forcibly sterilized inferior persons who were imprisoned for crimes or hospitalized for mental illnesses. Occasionally euthanasia of inferiors occurred via lethal neglect on the part of doctors and hospitals. But that was extreme- to give credit where credit was due there were relatively harmless and even occasionally positive Eugenic programs in many places. They played a role in opening up greater access to contraceptives, sexual education, and abortion for women that those in power deemed inferior while denying such access to women in the middle and upper classes. The identification- earlier than OTL- that drinking alcohol while pregnant led to a variety of disorders spurred some quite reasonable public health projects to discourage drinking, smoking, and sex while pregnant in order to reduce the rate of children born disabled. In parts of Europe this was paired with efforts to improve pre- and post-natal nutrition for the same reason. After the French Eugenicist Auguste Charbonnier came up with the pseudo-scientific theory that physical fitness allowed individuals to improve the genes they passed on to their children, it sparked a global craze for fitness and calisthenics. But this was Eugenics as it presented itself in places where it faced staunch opposition from Fascists and Liberals and religious Christians (including the Papacy which condemned forced sterilization and euthanasia categorically), forcing it to moderate.

This was not the case in Drakia and the White minority-ruled dominions of India and the East Indies.

For White colonial minorities Eugenics was incredibly attractive. It legitimized their rule and offered a scientific excuse for the exclusion of Natives from government and their exploitation at the hands of their rulers. Drakia in particular loved Eugenics, and under the government of Premier Benedict Westermann in 1889 began to adopt Eugenic policies that would reach their maturity in the first decade of the 20th century. Like many they misunderstood the rules of evolution, forgetting that it was the adaptable that it favored, choosing instead to believe that evolution preferred the strong. And who was stronger than Drakia? Drakia with its unending wars of conquest against the Natives to keep it sharp, wars in which the weak lost and the strong conquered. Drakia with her people drawn from the nobility and aristocracy- and therefore the most genetically, physically, and morally superior stock- of Britain and France, and by extension of Rome and Greece. The Firstborn Dominion glorified ancient Sparta, and of course the Spartans had performed a form of Eugenics themselves. To be sure superiority was a matter of degrees, there were relatively superior Natives who could become Honorary Whites, but they would never be able to achieve equality with true Drakian stock.


An anti-miscegenation Eugenics display in Capetown.

Most of what Eugenics accomplished in other countries it achieved in Drakia- in particular the craze for physical fitness which built on pre-existing Drakian trends- and then it kept going, and going, getting progressively worse and worse into the early years of the 20th century.

In British, France and parts of America there was involuntary sterilization of convicted criminals and the severely mentally ill. Drakia imposed forced sterilization on members of the general population it identified as having inferior genetics- persons classed as “feeble minded”, persons with alcoholism or addiction, persons with diabetes, persons with epilepsy, persons who were physically deformed, persons who were blind, persons who were deaf, persons who suffered from Huntington’s Disease, persons who expressed “anti-social behavior” (which included prostitution, criminal activity, homosexuality, and anti-government activity). Euthanasia targeted “burdens on society” who not only had inferior genetics but were disabled such that they “were not worthy of life” (i.e. could not perform labor). Persons thus categorized included persons with severe intellectual disabilities, persons with Down Syndrome when accompanied by blindness or deafness, persons with microcephaly, persons with hydrocephaly, persons born with deformation of the limbs, head, or spinal column, persons born deaf and blind, and persons with moderate to severe Cerebral Palsy. Such Drakian Eugenic programs were aimed far more heavily at Bondsmen and Nationals than Citizens, and considerably more at Honorary Whites than Whites. Though defended as being for the good of Africans and the only way that the African race could be truly improved and civilized, in practice it was a means of population reduction and social control- if you wanted inferior genetics in yourself or your family to be overlooked then you were obedient and you made yourself useful to your rulers.

The application of the Eugenic policies was far from universal. Despite heavy investment into roads, railroads (including the Cape to Cairo connection), telegraph and telephone lines, and general infrastructure there were still swathes of territory where Drakian control was weak and government policy could be exercised only intermittently. Within the nominally autonomous Drakian Princely States Eugenics were moderately applied, if at all.


From a French Eugenics "medical" text for identifying superior and inferior genetics on the basis of a person's appearance.

Inferiorities tended to be overlooked among White Citizens if they weren’t visible- alcoholism and male homosexuality for instance- as Drakia wanted such people reproducing to keep its numbers up. When it came to “anti-social behavior” among otherwise genetically superior Citizens, they were often left unsterilized regardless- particularly if they were women. The Dragon’s Nest Project was initially conceived of as a way for unmarried pregnant women with superior genetics to give birth out of wedlock discretely and safely in out of the way places, after which their children could be adopted out to suitable Citizen families. It expanded however to incorporate general adoption programming- finding desirable orphans in Europe or America and rehoming them in Drakia- and “treatment” for women who displayed anti-social behavior. For the most part this meant Drakian women from three different sources- women who had engaged in sedition or anti-government behavior, women who had engaged in prostitution, and women who were homosexual. The so-called treatment involved hypnosis, drugs, physical exercise, psychological abuse of various forms, and was not considered successful until the woman in question had been married to a husband and given birth to a child. The women who passed through the program were then released into their husband’s custody- usually a lower ranking soldier who had finished his service in the Drakian Army- and were to be sent back if their previous behavior re-emerged.

Of course, these programs were impossible to keep secret. And it’s worth noting that the worst of it was never submitted to the parliament in London for approval- as Drakia was legally required to do. The Premier simply secured the approval of key members of the Drakian Parliament and then acted in violation of British law.


Woman undergoing "treatment" for "anti-social behavior" at a Dragon's Nest facility.

The mass forced sterilization was public from the start and strongly criticized even in Britain, where attitudes had been liberalizing steadily towards the mistreatment of colonial Natives- let alone Whites. But that was really just a more extreme version of what was happening already in many parts of Europe, and Drakia could get away with it. Not for much longer- not with criticism mounting of the Bonded labor system, Drakian Eugenics, and the Firstborn Dominion’s general cruelty towards the Native Africans. But it wasn’t until word broke of the Euthanasia program, until the testimony of Audrey Ratcliff before the British Parliament, until Black Lamb’s Blood entered publication in Scandinavia… but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

Give it a few years.

And a world war.


Separate-verse in 1900. I know the different British dominions are a little hard to tell apart- particularly Nigeria and Drakia- but don't worry. It won't take long.
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