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I'm happy you enjoyed hearing my thoughts on this. I think embracing non-classical cultures could very well be a good reaction (perhaps even Pre-Columbian American ones as a nod to Mexican and especially the "loyal" Mayan peoples-for former may have interesting intersections with the Criollo high culture mentioned earlier). Arabs are probably a good choice-the USA might be especially sympathetic out of guilt for "abandoning" them in the 30s, but could also ape Indian examples, as the ancient heritage of a valued ally.

They're interesting thoughts. :)

There was already a big neoclassical Mesoamerican thing in architecture, that could certainly inspire later variants involving other types of native architecture more. My only concern about India, is that while it's an ally now, it certainly wasn't during the Great Pacific War.

Not that that's a barrier to Americans being interested in their culture, as the OTL USA's fascination with all things Japanese demonstrates. But that was a very different circumstance.

Ah the main fault here... Assuming rationality in a intensely unrational enemy

To be sure they have extensive contingency plans in place against Drakia doing something like that, it's just that the Alliance is so far ahead of them by this point that it's hard for many in the AfD to imagine the Pact being that stupid.

h o t? sir, i need more please.

I'll tell the kitchen.:p

don't believe in irrational enemies. Jeremy Dart's most likely insane like the rest of them.

Do you mean rational enemies? Because you're right.

@Ephraim Ben Raphael

Wow, that's quite an update! I'd be terrified, except that you're a good and unpredictable writer, so things may not be as abrupt, or at least, some more amazing detail might transpire in the meantime.

TBH we're about to let the dice make some pretty big decisions, so I'm kind of terrified myself.

Have the AfD not noticed just how batshit crazy the Agoge generation are?

It can be difficult to sus out what is genuine crazy and what is just for appearances, particularly when you don't believe in your enemy's ideology and are thus more inclined to assume they're more pragmatic in private. As I said before though, they do have plans just in case.

I want to say "called it!" but I'm pretty sure everyone saw that a mile away too.

I was tempted to just quote you directly in describing him.:biggrin:

Yeah. I can accept the logic that anti-armor weapons will outpace armor(they're doing that now, at least with regard to tank guns), but that just means you strip the armor off and invest in speed and countermeasures. I don't see how you can get a man to run >48 km/h on open or broken terrain, while tooting a 120mm high velocity gun, without building a tank around him.

So my thought was that if you need that kind of firepower you'll just call in an airstrike, and if you don't have air superiority then your armor is probably toast anyway.
Plot twist: an American graphic novel portrays the Persians as the clear good guys at the Thermopylae.
Possibly, but I don't think it's really possible to tell the story of the Persian Wars with them in the "good guy" slot-the Greeks are still outnumbered and fighting for their independence. Probably, the story just isn't told that much as the Greeks are reduced in importance, and the Spartans most of all. Maybe instead there will be something on the Peloponnesian War, with Athens as a tragic stand-in for America in the last war, and Sparta as all its enemies, plus Drakia.
Interlude: Stone Dogs
Separated at Birth I Pic CCLVII.jpg

Interlude: Stone Dogs

“Give me the executive summary, doctor.”

“As your excellency wishes. Central to the Stone Dogs Project are three variants of Alphainfluenzavirus Orthomyxoviridae- flu virus essentially. Created by selective breeding and an RNA splicing method-”

“I don’t care how they were made. I want the practicalities. How do the Stone Dogs function as a weapon?”

“Ah, yes of course Archon. All three of the Stone Dogs viruses are highly contagious and have the potential for a basic reproduction number as high as three- that is to say that we would expect someone infected to infect as many as three other additional people. Each eliminates infected persons through a distinct method- SD1 relies on cytokine storm, ah, it causes the immune system to attack itself, SD2 relies on pneumonia, the alveoli of the lung floods with fluid, SD3-”

“Forcing the handicappers to deal with three outbreaks at once. Can a person contract more than one of the viruses at once?”

“Yes, Archon. The goal is trigger three major epidemics simultaneously, with symptoms that will sap medical resources in three unique ways and require three unique vaccines to stop. While they vary slightly, all of the viruses have incubation periods of 3-5 months and 4-7% of those infected never show symptoms.”

“How is that good, doctor? Why would we want the handicappers to not show symptoms?”

“Ah, well persons who don’t show symptoms are more likely to spread a disease because they don’t know they’re sick and neither will the persons around them. The long incubation period also means that the Stone Dogs will be able to spread for a time without anyone realizing there’s an outbreak.”

“How many will die?”

“Averaged across all three of the Stone Dogs we see roughly 90% lethality without treatment, falling to 75% with treatment. This is counting the 5-7% who become carriers. The plan for deployment-”

“That is where I run into an issue. The plan for deployment.”

“I- um- I, well the deployment plan isn’t really my department Archon-”

“The plan itself is solid, my question is why wasn’t it implemented? From what I have here, the Eternal Polemarch authorized vaccinations against the Stone Dogs for government officials, front line troops, medical personnel, and other essential persons, but then he cancelled the planned vaccination of the general population and our allies, and never did anything further with the project. Tell me why doctor.”

“Archon… your excellency… it’s not really my place to speculate about the decisions of the Eternal Polemarch-”


“Yes, your excellency. I… from my understanding the Eternal Polemarch was concerned about some of the potential ways in which the Stone Dogs could backfire.”

“Such as?”

“Well, to start with the Stone Dogs viruses only have a 3-5 month incubation period in healthy humans. The Alliance has significant populations with compromised immune systems who would likely start showing symptoms much faster- in as little as two weeks.”

“The Inferior genetics of the Machine State.”

“Quite so, excellency. Also the elderly, and persons undergoing certain types of medical treatments. The problem is that the Alliance’s medical experts are aware that a biowarfare attack from us is a possibility, and they are aware that the first sign of such an attack would come in the form of large numbers of immunocompromised persons falling sick. As such they monitor these populations closely and would realize within 3 to 4 weeks from deployment that they are under attack, and then implement public health measures to contain the spread. These measures aren’t really the problem- while they would likely slow the spread of the Stone Dogs, these are very virulent diseases and they would need to be extremely lucky to actually halt the outbreak. But-”

“The problem is that the sickness and death of a large number of the most Inferior persons in their society is unlikely to weaken the Alliance much, and they will still have at least two months to strike at us with everything they have before the less Inferior persons in the Alliance start dying.”

“Precisely, excellency. Adding to that is the fact that viruses this lethal will inevitably spread to the neutral countries, including Colombia and Centroamerica who we have no way of vaccinating without risking discovery. There is a good chance that countries like China would treat Project Stone Dogs as an act of war and join the Alliance to attack us.”

“Meaning that we find ourselves fighting against the entirety of the handicapped world for months before the real effects of the project begin to manifest.”

“Yes, Archon. There were also concerns about the Stone Dogs possibly being a double-edged sword. Viruses are living things and once deployed they will be totally outside of our control. Generally, viruses mutate into less lethal forms, but not always and we can’t guarantee that the vaccines we have prepared for the initial forms of the Stone Dogs will shield us from those new forms. There is a chance- a very, very tiny chance, but a chance- of a Stone Dogs virus mutating outside of our control while remaining deadly and sweeping through the Empire’s population.”

“And Kobold was afraid of this?”

“The Eternal Polemarch felt that given the potential damage that our enemies could do to us before they succumb, and given our inability to shield the friendly neutrals from the Stone Dogs’ effects, and given the small but extant chance of the project backfiring completely, that it was best held back unless war were to become truly unavoidable.”



“He was too kind of a man, the Eternal Polemarch.”

“I… I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“I do. He loved his troops, but to be a strong leader means sending your troops forth even if it means they will die in battle. He cared for the people, but to be a good leader means accepting that the people must make sacrifices for their own good. He worried for the fate of our allies, but a leader must always put the fate of his own people first. He wanted to wait until war was unavoidable- but war with the handicappers has been unavoidable since they first rejected Naldorssen’s truths.”

“Archon, I don’t know-”

“Tell me doctor, do you know how many members the Noble Race has? How many Superior individuals there are in our allies? How many Aspirants there are among the Honorary Whites?”


“I’ll tell you the answer; not enough. One Superior man may be able to beat two, or three or five Inferiors- our Drakensis may be able to take on ten or more once they are grown- but what does that matter if the handicappers can outnumber us by hundreds or thousands on the battlefield? They use their godless machines to offset their inferiorities at the cost of their humanity, and eventually their societies will collapse into degenerate debauchery, but before that happens, they will have the numbers to drown us in their bodies. The Inferiors breed like rats and the longer they wait the more cogs they produce for their war machine.”

“Yes Archon.”

“Two months, five months… that is enough time to hurt the Empire, to hurt us severely even, but not long enough to truly to defeat us and occupy us- not with our allies as buffers between us and them. We only need to survive the gauntlet, and when the Stone Dogs reduce their numbers by 90% we can re-emerge to conquer what little is left. We will all lose friends, loved ones, and it may take us a century or more to recover, but the sacrifice will be worth it. This will be the Final War, the last war that humanity ever has to fight before the eternal peace of the Final Society. It is a hard decision to make, but it is also the only decision to make.”

“Ah, your excellency, you should know that while the Stone Dogs Project has the potential to eliminate up to 90% of a population, that’s under absolutely perfect conditions. A combination of high-quality public health, rapid response, and luck could cut that number by half or more.”

“Have more faith in your creations doctor! And have faith in the degeneracy of our foes. A swift, effective response might work, but these are nations whose leaders are chosen for their popularity, not their skill. Britain may manage something, decayed as it is, and there is some vigor left in Australia and New Zealand, but the rest will fall. What is the next step for the Stone Dogs Project?”

“We have a stockpile sufficient to immunize 250 million persons, the next step is to vaccinate the Citizen populations here and elsewhere in the Pact, also the Nationals and those Bonded who are essential. We’ll do so under the cover of the annual vaccinations so the Alliance does not suspect.”

“Good. Go ahead with that, and notify me when we are ready to release the Stone Dogs. We will give them a couple of weeks to spread, and then launch a devastating conventional strike before the handicappers can realize what is happening. If you need to reach me, I am going on a pilgrimage.”

“A… pilgrimage, Archon?”

“Where better to be when the world ends than Jerusalem? Service to the state, doctor.”

“Glory to the race, your excellency.”

Interlude: Stone Dogs

“Give me the executive summary, doctor.”

“As your excellency wishes. Central to the Stone Dogs Project are three variants of Alphainfluenzavirus Orthomyxoviridae- flu virus essentially. Created by selective breeding and an RNA splicing method-”

“I don’t care how they were made. I want the practicalities. How do the Stone Dogs function as a weapon?”

“Ah, yes of course Archon. All three of the Stone Dogs viruses are highly contagious and have the potential for a basic reproduction number as high as three- that is to say that we would expect someone infected to infect as many as three other additional people. Each eliminates infected persons through a distinct method- SD1 relies on cytokine storm, ah, it causes the immune system to attack itself, SD2 relies on pneumonia, the alveoli of the lung floods with fluid, SD3-”

“Forcing the handicappers to deal with three outbreaks at once. Can a person contract more than one of the viruses at once?”

“Yes, Archon. The goal is trigger three major epidemics simultaneously, with symptoms that will sap medical resources in three unique ways and require three unique vaccines to stop. While they vary slightly, all of the viruses have incubation periods of 3-5 months and 4-7% of those infected never show symptoms.”

“How is that good, doctor? Why would we want the handicappers to not show symptoms?”

“Ah, well persons who don’t show symptoms are more likely to spread a disease because they don’t know they’re sick and neither will the persons around them. The long incubation period also means that the Stone Dogs will be able to spread for a time without anyone realizing there’s an outbreak.”

“How many will die?”

“Averaged across all three of the Stone Dogs we see roughly 90% lethality without treatment, falling to 75% with treatment. This is counting the 5-7% who become carriers. The plan for deployment-”

“That is where I run into an issue. The plan for deployment.”

“I- um- I, well the deployment plan isn’t really my department Archon-”

“The plan itself is solid, my question is why wasn’t it implemented? From what I have here, the Eternal Polemarch authorized vaccinations against the Stone Dogs for government officials, front line troops, medical personnel, and other essential persons, but then he cancelled the planned vaccination of the general population and our allies, and never did anything further with the project. Tell me why doctor.”

“Archon… your excellency… it’s not really my place to speculate about the decisions of the Eternal Polemarch-”


“Yes, your excellency. I… from my understanding the Eternal Polemarch was concerned about some of the potential ways in which the Stone Dogs could backfire.”

“Such as?”

“Well, to start with the Stone Dogs viruses only have a 3-5 month incubation period in healthy humans. The Alliance has significant populations with compromised immune systems who would likely start showing symptoms much faster- in as little as two weeks.”

“The Inferior genetics of the Machine State.”

“Quite so, excellency. Also the elderly, and persons undergoing certain types of medical treatments. The problem is that the Alliance’s medical experts are aware that a biowarfare attack from us is a possibility, and they are aware that the first sign of such an attack would come in the form of large numbers of immunocompromised persons falling sick. As such they monitor these populations closely and would realize within 3 to 4 weeks from deployment that they are under attack, and then implement public health measures to contain the spread. These measures aren’t really the problem- while they would likely slow the spread of the Stone Dogs, these are very virulent diseases and they would need to be extremely lucky to actually halt the outbreak. But-”

“The problem is that the sickness and death of a large number of the most Inferior persons in their society is unlikely to weaken the Alliance much, and they will still have at least two months to strike at us with everything they have before the less Inferior persons in the Alliance start dying.”

“Precisely, excellency. Adding to that is the fact that viruses this lethal will inevitably spread to the neutral countries, including Colombia and Centroamerica who we have no way of vaccinating without risking discovery. There is a good chance that countries like China would treat Project Stone Dogs as an act of war and join the Alliance to attack us.”

“Meaning that we find ourselves fighting against the entirety of the handicapped world for months before the real effects of the project begin to manifest.”

“Yes, Archon. There were also concerns about the Stone Dogs possibly being a double-edged sword. Viruses are living things and once deployed they will be totally outside of our control. Generally, viruses mutate into less lethal forms, but not always and we can’t guarantee that the vaccines we have prepared for the initial forms of the Stone Dogs will shield us from those new forms. There is a chance- a very, very tiny chance, but a chance- of a Stone Dogs virus mutating outside of our control while remaining deadly and sweeping through the Empire’s population.”

“And Kobold was afraid of this?”

“The Eternal Polemarch felt that given the potential damage that our enemies could do to us before they succumb, and given our inability to shield the friendly neutrals from the Stone Dogs’ effects, and given the small but extant chance of the project backfiring completely, that it was best held back unless war were to become truly unavoidable.”



“He was too kind of a man, the Eternal Polemarch.”

“I… I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“I do. He loved his troops, but to be a strong leader means sending your troops forth even if it means they will die in battle. He cared for the people, but to be a good leader means accepting that the people must make sacrifices for their own good. He worried for the fate of our allies, but a leader must always put the fate of his own people first. He wanted to wait until war was unavoidable- but war with the handicappers has been unavoidable since they first rejected Naldorssen’s truths.”

“Archon, I don’t know-”

“Tell me doctor, do you know how many members the Noble Race has? How many Superior individuals there are in our allies? How many Aspirants there are among the Honorary Whites?”


“I’ll tell you the answer; not enough. One Superior man may be able to beat two, or three or five Inferiors- our Drakensis may be able to take on ten or more once they are grown- but what does that matter if the handicappers can outnumber us by hundreds or thousands on the battlefield? They use their godless machines to offset their inferiorities at the cost of their humanity, and eventually their societies will collapse into degenerate debauchery, but before that happens, they will have the numbers to drown us in their bodies. The Inferiors breed like rats and the longer they wait the more cogs they produce for their war machine.”

“Yes Archon.”

“Two months, five months… that is enough time to hurt the Empire, to hurt us severely even, but not long enough to truly to defeat us and occupy us- not with our allies as buffers between us and them. We only need to survive the gauntlet, and when the Stone Dogs reduce their numbers by 90% we can re-emerge to conquer what little is left. We will all lose friends, loved ones, and it may take us a century or more to recover, but the sacrifice will be worth it. This will be the Final War, the last war that humanity ever has to fight before the eternal peace of the Final Society. It is a hard decision to make, but it is also the only decision to make.”

“Ah, your excellency, you should know that while the Stone Dogs Project has the potential to eliminate up to 90% of a population, that’s under absolutely perfect conditions. A combination of high-quality public health, rapid response, and luck could cut that number by half or more.”

“Have more faith in your creations doctor! And have faith in the degeneracy of our foes. A swift, effective response might work, but these are nations whose leaders are chosen for their popularity, not their skill. Britain may manage something, decayed as it is, and there is some vigor left in Australia and New Zealand, but the rest will fall. What is the next step for the Stone Dogs Project?”

“We have a stockpile sufficient to immunize 250 million persons, the next step is to vaccinate the Citizen populations here and elsewhere in the Pact, also the Nationals and those Bonded who are essential. We’ll do so under the cover of the annual vaccinations so the Alliance does not suspect.”

“Good. Go ahead with that, and notify me when we are ready to release the Stone Dogs. We will give them a couple of weeks to spread, and then launch a devastating conventional strike before the handicappers can realize what is happening. If you need to reach me, I am going on a pilgrimage.”

“A… pilgrimage, Archon?”

“Where better to be when the world ends than Jerusalem? Service to the state, doctor.”

“Glory to the race, your excellency.”
Don't Fear the Reaper...
Absolutely. Chilling.

EDIT: though, why the "stone dogs" code name?

TBH we're about to let the dice make some pretty big decisions, so I'm kind of terrified myself.
Quite unnerving... I do hope at least that the various factions get appripriate buffs and debuffs on their rolls to show how much luck the Pact needs to defeat the Alliance for Democracy.

EDIT: I wonder, will you be doing separate rolls for before and after the pandemic hits them, and perhaps how bad the pandemic is?
SD2 relies on pneumonia, the alveoli of the lung floods with fluid
I mean it's definitely not what it reminds me of, but I can't help but be reminded of a certain virus.
While they vary slightly, all of the viruses have incubation periods of 3-5 months and 4-7% of those infected never show symptoms.”
Yikes. Are there any real-world pathogens with an incubation period that long?
There is a good chance that countries like China would treat Project Stone Dogs as an act of war and join the Alliance to attack us.”
Ahh, now THIS is how we get China to throw their pocket sunrise at Drakia!
“Two months, five months… that is enough time to hurt the Empire, to hurt us severely even, but not long enough to truly to defeat us and occupy us- not with our allies as buffers between us and them. We only need to survive the gauntlet, and when the Stone Dogs reduce their numbers by 90% we can re-emerge to conquer what little is left. We will all lose friends, loved ones, and it may take us a century or more to recover, but the sacrifice will be worth it. This will be the Final War, the last war that humanity ever has to fight before the eternal peace of the Final Society. It is a hard decision to make, but it is also the only decision to make.”
So, seems Drakia will lose some territory, initially, but has a good chance to reconquer.

Well, Draka has their wunderwaffle to even the scores. And it's a frighteningly good idea. A bioweapon can kill much of the enemy, without destroying the infrastructure in ways that would cripple their logistics. Well, assuming their enemies don't go Scorched Earth on them.
“Where better to be when the world ends than Jerusalem? Service to the state, doctor.”
Something will happen involving a chair or something. I'm betting on it.
Also @Ephraim Ben Raphael, there's something else I'm curious about.
I probably missed something, but, if the plan is to breed a new master race from those 45,000 Drakensis, what's ensuring the loyalty of the Citizens working on the project (or the broader population as it gradually finds out)? Sheer ideological commitment? Promises about their seed being introduced to it too, eventually if they prove themselves worthy? Just fear (though that has limits)? Something else?
So my thought was that if you need that kind of firepower you'll just call in an airstrike, and if you don't have air superiority then your armor is probably toast anyway.
Thing is a tank can fires its 120mm gun NOW rather than in ten minutes and it can keep firing for a while without needing to fly back to base between attacks.

I suppose even if main battle tanks decline, armored personnel carriers and mobile armored artillery will continue to be prevalent. In far better numbers and quality than Drakia can manage.
So my thought was that if you need that kind of firepower you'll just call in an airstrike, and if you don't have air superiority then your armor is probably toast anyway.
You can have all the air superiority in the world, doesn't mean you have attack aircraft orbiting over every trouble spot ready to pounce.

Aircraft are expensive to procure, and expensive to fly. Even an MQ-9A costs upwards of three thousand dollars per flight hour, and that's for an expendable drone.

I suppose even if main battle tanks decline, armored personnel carriers and mobile armored artillery will continue to be prevalent. In far better numbers and quality than Drakia can manage.
A sort of 'light tank' would carry on, too--a gun carrier for what used to be a tank gun, possibly built on the new model of APC ala Stryker with treads. Or an assault gun with a turret.

EDIT: I'm reminded of the Wallies in The Anglo-American/Nazi War, actually. Light-leaning doctrine, heavy on air support, maybe airborne operations too. And Africa has a long coastline to protect.

“Two months, five months… that is enough time to hurt the Empire, to hurt us severely even, but not long enough to truly to defeat us and occupy us- not with our allies as buffers between us and them. We only need to survive the gauntlet, and when the Stone Dogs reduce their numbers by 90% we can re-emerge to conquer what little is left. We will all lose friends, loved ones, and it may take us a century or more to recover, but the sacrifice will be worth it. This will be the Final War, the last war that humanity ever has to fight before the eternal peace of the Final Society. It is a hard decision to make, but it is also the only decision to make.”

There's the fail state then.

Well. No one can say you're not topical.
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Yeah. I can accept the logic that anti-armor weapons will outpace armor(they're doing that now, at least with regard to tank guns), but that just means you strip the armor off and invest in speed and countermeasures. I don't see how you can get a man to run >48 km/h on open or broken terrain, while tooting a 120mm high velocity gun, without building a tank around him.
And even without then tanks would make good cover in open terrains, at least against small arms fire, and countermeasures against its superheavy counterparts in the Separateverse must have been already made. Modern Tank armor's one tough of a material I doubt anything other than large-caliber guns and raw airpower could thoroughly destroy, ideally along with its crew.

If anything, arriving at mid-2020's technology must mean that they've perfected air support doctrines, so drones, helicopter gunships, and AC-130's are still a must. Then, tank doctrine must put emphasis on survivability than anything else - to serve to be just as effective AA platform as its AT capabilities. This means that such vehicles would be way more diversified unlike OTL where only propelled Howitzers where differentiated - if humans can prove to be a reliable and precise enough platforms for sufficiently heavier and powerful weapons, then those tanks must serve as the parts of its "mobile fortress". AA, armored counterparts of mobile howitzers than can double as AT guns, etc.

I don't see that self-correcting shells would be precise enough to defend itself against attacking air power, rocketry deemed absent must have done a better job, but come on, it's 1980! Computing technology and materials engineering must have made them already conceptualize those things!

If anything, soldiers are still just as likely to sit on the top of its APC's and Armors as much as inside those when they sense that AP rounds would surely kill them when they do the latter.

EDIT: Also, the Drakian flu would mess up the psyche of the non-Drakian nations and make them develop a hate-boner.
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I mean, power armor is probably not going to protect against .50 caliber ammo to any reliable effect, and definitely not against 20mm AP. As soon as Drakia realizes the capabilities of their enemy's power armor, they'll be putting heavy machine guns on EVERYTHING they can. Being immune to hand weapons will help the AfD certainly (especially in close-quarters fighting), but the protected punching power of a tank, field artillery, or assault gun will very much be needed. Having advanced mortars and guided rocket launchers will reduce that need but not remove it.

And power armor caught in the open will not be that much better off that normal infantry when Drakia's own tanks come charging at them. Especially if said tanks have been fitted with extra-sized machine guns.

EDIT: I wonder, would the power armor allow people who would otherwise be too weak to be proper soldiers serve in at least second line duties? How much of their infantry can the AFD afford to outfit with power armor?
I mean, power armor is probably not going to protect against .50 caliber ammo to any reliable effect, and definitely not against 20mm AP. As soon as Drakia realizes the capabilities of their enemy's power armor, they'll be putting heavy machine guns on EVERYTHING they can. Being immune to hand weapons will help the AfD certainly (especially in close-quarters fighting), but the protected punching power of a tank, field artillery, or assault gun will very much be needed. Having advanced mortars and guided rocket launchers will reduce that need but not remove it.

And power armor caught in the open will not be that much better off that normal infantry when Drakia's own tanks come charging at them. Especially if said tanks have been fitted with extra-sized machine guns.

EDIT: I wonder, would the power armor allow people who would otherwise be too weak to be proper soldiers serve in at least second line duties? How much of their infantry can the AFD afford to outfit with power armor?
Yeah, and it's not like much of the world are unnavigable urban hellholes or dense marshlands and jungles - we still have the North European Plain and Iraq to duke it out with the Pact of Steel. Something must still cover the advancing people and APC's from the ground.

EDIT: If anything, they must have focused on weapon platforms that can subvert low altitude air supremacy like those helicopter gunships and AC-130 analogues like how Russia and Israel did with its missile systems.
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Yeah, and it's not like much of the world are unnavigable urban hellholes or dense marshlands and jungles - we still have the North European Plain and Iraq to duke it out with the Pact of Steel.
Plus substantial open deserts/savannahs on both sides of the Sahel if we take the fight to them.
“The plan itself is solid, my question is why wasn’t it implemented? From what I have here, the Eternal Polemarch authorized vaccinations against the Stone Dogs for government officials, front line troops, medical personnel, and other essential persons, but then he cancelled the planned vaccination of the general population and our allies, and never did anything further with the project. Tell me why doctor.”
OK, what the fuck.

The one requirement for an effective deterrent is that the threat must be credible. Elaborate murder-suicides only become credible if the initiator is genuinely nutters enough to go through with it, because there's no way to 'win' a superweapon exchange with such a weapon, and if you're nutters enough to go through with it anywho deterrence is no longer a policy goal.

(That's not a complaint to you, by the way, it's towards Kobold, Drakia as a nation state and a failure to fully embrace MAD as a policy goal where it might have done some good. So props to you?)

- we still have the North European Plain and Iraq to duke it out with the Pact of Steel.
Plus substantial open deserts/savannahs on both sides of the Sahel if we take the fight to them.
Who is 'we', white man?

I'll show myself out.
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