Is this TL a good start?

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Seems like Iraq is becoming an utter clusterfuck, with Americans, against the Iraqis (military, militias and insurgents) and Kurds, killing each other. This definitely will lead to 'Vietnam War Syndrome,' only much worse.
Technically America after some initial struggles, managed to quickly occupy Iraq. This is the......aftermath.
Letter from Mustafa to Fatima.
الله هو القادر على كل شيء. الله أكبر. إنه يغفر لنا كل الذنوب التي نرتكبها ، لئلا يضلنا الوثنيون والذين يقتلوننا دون تفكير. لقد قتلنا الأمريكيون ، وقتلونا ، وعذبونا ، ودمّروا أراضينا. لقد أعلنوا الحرب على شعبنا وديننا وهويتنا الوطنية. لا يمكن السماح لهذا بالبقاء ولن نسمح له بالبقاء. الله أكبر! العراق عظيم! يعيش الله! يعيش العراق!

أولئك الذين لا يؤمنون يأتون لتشويه سمعتنا ، ويأخذون حياتنا منا. لقد أرادوا إبادتنا ، ومع ذلك فنحن نقف بقوة. لن يموت دين مكة والمدينة العظيم. لقد ضلنا طريقنا ولن يموت أيضا شعب العراق العظيم أحفاد السومريين. سوف نستمر في المقاومة ومواصلة القتال. لن ننهي هذا القتال حتى نتحرر من كل طغيان مسيحي.

يدعو الرب جنوده النبلاء على الأرض أن يفعلوا أمره. لقد انتظرنا طويلا بما فيه الكفاية. حان وقت الجهاد! لن نفشل في واجبنا المقدس. هذا الحق الذي منحنا إياه الإله العظيم الله سيكون حقًا سيُسجّل في التاريخ باعتباره أعظم عمل يرتكبه المسلمون في جميع أنحاء العالم. لن نتوقف حتى تلاحظ الحضارة الأمريكية أكثر من أنقاض تدخين في الجزء الغربي من الكوكب! هذا ما شاء الله وما يشاء نطيعه!

- مصطفى محاربكم الفخور للعراق والله
Been reading through this TL with great interest. If Russia restores the monarchy I wonder how many more nations might follow plus it does seem that the UK dodged a bullet by not getting involved and wonder how this might effect British politics?

Maybe unification movements taking place across the Middle East regarding if the Iraq-Syrian proposal takes place of if that's dead in the water? Would be funny if with a more stronger Russian economy that Russian space flight might overtake the United States here one way or the other. Long awaited Russian moon landing anyone? :p Anyway, hopefully Yugoslavia (good to see a monarchy there) maybe able to stay together, at least with what they have right now plus what does the map of Europe look like here?
Been reading through this TL with great interest. If Russia restores the monarchy I wonder how many more nations might follow plus it does seem that the UK dodged a bullet by not getting involved and wonder how this might effect British politics?

Maybe unification movements taking place across the Middle East regarding if the Iraq-Syrian proposal takes place of if that's dead in the water? Would be funny if with a more stronger Russian economy that Russian space flight might overtake the United States here one way or the other. Long awaited Russian moon landing anyone? :p Anyway, hopefully Yugoslavia (good to see a monarchy there) maybe able to stay together, at least with what they have right now plus what does the map of Europe look like here?
I'm going to make a map, don't worry.
Rough Map.
This is the Rough Map of Europe.



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RE the Russian space program.

If the economy recovered in 1996, you would want to make use of the Buran. The Buran is amazing and better than the space shuttle in so many ways. And also, Energia is arguably the true star of the show what with all its features.
If the space race re-starts because of this, expect to see the Space shuttle's planned advancements come to fruition.
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RE the Russian space program.

If the economy recovered in 1996, you would want to make use of the Buran. The Buran is amazing and better than the space shuttle in so many ways. And also, Energia is arguably the true star of the show what with all its features.
If the space race re-starts because of this, expect to see the Space shuttle's planned advancements come to fruition.
Yeah, I do have some planes for the space portion of Russian aerospace capabilities.