Romanov Ascendant: What if the Soviet Union survived?

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Mengistu did not have the political will or strength to defeat the ethnonationalists its either
-they are still warring against him and his regime is at the brink
-he is couped by more moderate Derg officers who make more reforms (the 89’ coup attempt happens in 93’) (ethnic federalism, an independent Eritrea)
-or Mengistu solicits a permanent Cuban or Russian presence by joining the Warsaw Pact and the resistance by EPRP and TPLF continues but underground (kind of like the Communists in the Phillipines)
I'm not sure that he wouldn't have the strength to defeat the Eritreans in this timeline considering heavier amounts of Soviet and Cuban support. I'd think him conceding more to the Soviets is the more likely option out of desperation to defeat the rebels. Though Warsaw pact membership in unlikely as previously pointed out, maybe Comecon membership is on the table, I think historically Ethiopia was already an observer state


Might be an unusual question, but here it goes: In TTL, the Berlin Wall is going to stay put without an end in sight, am I correct?
At least for now, removing the wall would be admitting that putting it up was a mistake or wrong. It would also look like bending to the west, something that neither Hans Modrow (current East German Gen Sec) and Romanov would allow. While there are generally more connections happening, more permitted visits and less legal or illegal emigration, the overall policy pushed by the security services and hardliners is preventing general contact between east and west. All television and radio signals are jammed, the only people with a connection to the emerging internet would be high level operators at universities who would probably be monitored.
When was the last time we saw East Germany inside this timeline?
and, I've legit wondered if The Soviet Union gets a new gaming scene if it goes past 1991, would a SEGA Genesis and Super SNES be possible or Sold in that country?
The last time was the 44th anniversary of the GDR's inception, the retirement of Honecker and the resulting rise of Hans Modrow. Right now there is a growing active urban revolutionary/terrorist movement in West Germany supported by the Stasi to some extent.

The Soviets would definitely get into gaming consoles and promoting them as consumer goods, for a variety of reasons that I'll get into on the next part of the 'Car of the People'. But without getting too into it, I'm thinking that basically either the Soviets would steal a Super Nintendo and copy it. Or more positively if they're willing to come to a trade agreement with Japan.
Has Japanese pop culture penetrated the Warsaw Pact nations?
I wouldn't think it has yet, but this is something that could easily start to occur if Japan and the Soviet Union come to some kind of trade agreement/mutual understanding about the Kuril Islands.


Who is in charge in Ethiopia? Mengistu or Meles Zenwai?

Mengistu seems like the likely candidate. Without the weakening of the Soviet Union, the flow of military and economic aid to the country doesn't stop so Mengistu can probably maintain his position. Though it's possible that the Eritrean People's Liberation Front is still successful, leading to the party replacing him.

Mengistu did not have the political will or strength to defeat the ethnonationalists its either
-they are still warring against him and his regime is at the brink
-he is couped by more moderate Derg officers who make more reforms (the 89’ coup attempt happens in 93’) (ethnic federalism, an independent Eritrea)
-or Mengistu solicits a permanent Cuban or Russian presence by joining the Warsaw Pact and the resistance by EPRP and TPLF continues but underground (kind of like the Communists in the Phillipines)
I just wanted to do some more research on this before I addressed it, but basically:

Mengistu manages to maintain control of the party by the backing of the Soviets, who believe that due to Ethiopia's strategic position and resources needs stable socialist government. But seeing his overall weakened position, they increasingly exert influence on him. This is kind of like the real life version of how the US would control it's South American satellites. However I doubt that they could completely defeat the Eritreans and the Soviets wouldn't be willing to throw money at it. They may push him to accept Eritrean autonomy (that would almost be just a union between a semi independent EPLF led state and his regime). With their increasing power projection capacity, the Soviets could easily coerce both to accept I would think.

He would also be extensively benefitting from the collapse of Somalia.
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Just subscribed. I have found this timeline very interesting so far. What about Italy? With the Cold War in full swing, there wouldn't have been any Tangentopoli scandal and so the Pentapartito would have most likely remained in power, but then what?
This is something I'd like to get into, but I want to write an update about Western European Politics as a whole, in each country to this point so I'm holding onto then. I think that to some extent a corruption scandal was inevitable in Italy at this time, but the overall popularity of leftism in Italy has been positively impacted by what is occuring in the Eastern Bloc and KGB propaganda efforts, so they may balance out.
a still find it ironically funny that someone named romanov has revitalized the USSR.
Also will the USSR take a PRC like councillatory stance to the royals and aristocrats in the future? OTL the Deng Reforms succeeded also partially because the aristocrats threw their massive money into it stimulating the early reforms. It would be easier for the ussr to transition to market socialism or state capitalism with them.
There weren't really enough Russian aristocrats left at the time to be relevant, there were definitely a few that had become millionaires or even richer, but not to the same extent as China.
I don't think that will be necessary with the automation stuff working out. In any case Deng's reforms to develop the 'productive forces' would not really work out in the USSR where you already have a well developed industry. I think it would be more useful for the Soviets to redirect resources from the military to the civilian economy and start making half decent consumer goods that could be exported. One Deng reform that I could see the USSR adopting ITTL is a professionalization of the military and have it no longer rely on conscription. That would free up a lot of manpower and resources as well as easing the pressure on the population.
That's overall true. But I'd also state that overall the Soviet Policy as of now is more of a "semi professionalization", it still conscripts and trains it's population, but a core group of professional soldiers are well paid and maintain a higher degree of professionalism and training within the force itself. This of course costs more money which is why the military industrial complex isn't able to run wild, even with the expanded oil profits. As a social policy, I feel that conscription probably did more to help than hurt, as it introduced a sense of discipline or patriotism in many young men, or gave them time to figure out what to do with their lives.
If there is going to to be any reform and transition to markets then it will be market socialism. With cooperatives competing with already established state industry. Personally with how the USSR is developing and it avoiding its car fire fate will result in a shift that socialist systems do work in the eyes of the world. If there is any crisis or economic meltdown that forces reform onto the union then it will be likely limited to market socialism. Trying to convince total shift to capitalism or mixed economies would be difficult if not unnecessary to push that far. A natural market would be enough.

Though as the enemies I would be slightly sweating if the USSR made such a transition, as it would provide the soviet economy the one thing it desperately needs most, Flexibility. If it has it then America's ascension to unrivalled top dog may just be gone with the wind. Though will certainly say it changes the global dynamic of the rise of China. As China now doesn't just have one but two established superpowers to contend with, especially as one of them is literally on top of China and breathing down its neck. Personally this may mean China may just pull some restraint on a lot of otl worst excesses and nasty acts. Especially as I doubt that this USSR will be as accommodating as otl U.S. so that would
Overall increased self management and even lower degrees of market socialism could be implemented. To some extent private farming is beginning to be implemented at a very small local scale, and not as an official policy but tacitly accepted by Moscow. One thing the Soviets do have on their side is the pure industrial power their wield, their natural resources and their autocracy. They are in a good position to ride the wave of increased demand for cheap petroleum or consumer goods. China's leadership is suffering from a lack of allies and political legitimacy. Dengists can claim they are trying to implement NEP style policies, but the reality is that even if this is still encouraging the development of their economy from outsourcing and foreign investment, there is still a hardline marxist element emboldened by the Soviets to transition to Romanov style planned economics and computerization. This is encouraged by public Soviet statements that they are ready to accept China as a friend and equal, as well as enter negotiations to solve their border disputes.
As Justinian said the fertility rate can be increased to about 2.7 and the greatest increase can take place among the people of the Trans Caucasian and the Central Asian Republics an the ethnic minorities in the Russian SFSR and by today Russians may not be the absolute majority of the population and be around 48% of the total population by newer policies. But if we even get a population growth similar to the US we reach ~375 million people with further increase in growth we reach 390 or maybe even 400 million by 2020.

I gues the Soviets will cross the 300 million mark by 2001 and the US will receive fewer immigrants I guess ITTL as the surge from 624 thousand people per year in the 80s to 977 thousand people per year may be slower with President Ross Perot and the new geopolitical situation with no NAFTA and if the US loses 3 million immigrants per decade then they would cross the 300 million mark post 2010 maybe 2012 or 2013.
That's a good point
Yes one can obviously turn to Japan for cars. The Suzuki Alto and Suzuki Cultus would make for better cars and give the buyers a choice. The Cultus can retain the 9000 Ruble price tag of the Lada and the Alto can go for about 5000 Rubles. A larger car can be the TATA Estate maybe for 16000 Rubles of instead of that a new variant of the GAZ Volga with different chassis options can be made for a bit higher price. The Zil limousine must be updated for the
Scaling up production numbers hit a problem that is consumer products have little utility to the economy in which money isn't the measure all the time and there has to be shift to a more money based consumption driven economy. And for waiting time we need to remember that buying a car was a large investment in the Soviet Union as the standard Lada or "Zhiguli" costed 9000 Rubles whereas the average income ranged from 1500-3000 Rubles depending on the job. The ZiL-4102 can be the new executive car while the latest Chaika can be the one for the mid to high rank Nomenklatura. The Lada 110/VAZ-2110 can take place of the Cultus if developed in OTL timespan.
See what alluded to and was thinking was that the Soviets would promote a cross country, massive multi industry attempt to design the best, most affordable car, with the benefit of reverse engineering japanese technology. Build a line of versatile vehicles around it (vans, trucks, etc) Then modernize the automobile production facilities, universalize them and create the trading and economic supply chain necessary for this endeavor. They would probably try to get the price down to 6500~ Rubles, but create subsidization plans for domestic purchase as well as foreign export. They would also probably build enough to try and give them away for 'good behavior'.

The ZIL-4102 would probably take the role of the high end state car, the new 'Volga' that everyone wishes they could have.
Before increasing the production a issue that needs to be addressed is that there were very limited garage spaces provided in apartment buildings OTL after the collapse of the USSR car ownership exploded and suddenly people had nowhere to park their cars. Garage complexes and new apartment buildings with more garages should solve that problem.
I think that is something that could be addressed by better Soviet (versus post soviet) urban planning and infrastructure projects. Probably a lot of underground parking garages.
And could you please tell me the full form of TLDR that you used in the last line?

Well let them have a car first, then one might think about racing them and then Formula one in a classic capitalist wastage (I don't mean the game is a wastage but it's advantages will have no beneficial consequences in USSR).
Improvements that can be made to the Soviet Union include easing the freedom of movement so as to allow people to visit where they want.

If there has to be some sort of transition to be made to capitalism then a good start would be to privatize the tourism industry and allow micro businesses like small farms, cleaning agencies, restaurants, car rentals to operate, followed by allowing private participation in small scale industries and allowing them to grow to medium industries and foreign investment in a limited manner, maybe 49% or even 33% or 26%, (a lower value at 24% or less won't attract investment I guess) can be allowed to gather expertise and hopefully businessmen don't meet the fate of Artyom Tarasov OTL. The State Transportation network also need to adapt itself for the free market.
I think that would probably be the only "capitalist" transition would be small scale private enterprise, anything of a wider scale would have to become authorize and work with or under the state agencies. That comes in with self management policies, people who have good ideas or political connections or both to start enterprises could manage them and get rewards, like the ZIL-4102 or even the cheaper one, better apartments, etc.
The main problem is that Gosplan cannot account well enough for the needs of the people which are dynamic in their five year plans so unless they are ready to transition to some degree of free market capitalism the most they can do is to eliminate the lines at the shops, which will also be in the face of opposition requesting investment in free market.
Overall, I'd argue Gosplan is now just over producing consumer goods, resulting in pollution and inefficient use of resources; but due to the higher quality of goods can be corrected by export. Whatever they can't produce enough of, the lucrative state owned international corporations, can transfer hard currency to buy in quantity. Or simple barter style trade deals, like Vodka for Pepsi licenses or etc.
Very good timeline so far! What's up with Muammar Gaddafi and with the Libyan nuclear program?
I've got something cooking up for him too, I think he would be overall discouraged from a nuclear program but he might be ready for another go at Chad.
At least for now, removing the wall would be admitting that putting it up was a mistake or wrong. It would also look like bending to the west, something that neither Hans Modrow (current East German Gen Sec) and Romanov would allow. While there are generally more connections happening, more permitted visits and less legal or illegal emigration, the overall policy pushed by the security services and hardliners is preventing general contact between east and west. All television and radio signals are jammed, the only people with a connection to the emerging internet would be high level operators at universities who would probably be monitored.
So, in TTL, Republikflucht nach Fersehen ( Republic Flight by Television- basically watching west german TV) is eliminated by wide-scale introduction of cable tv in East Germany ? Well, without a cultural connector as like TV, the differences between East and West would really become massive
See what alluded to and was thinking was that the Soviets would promote a cross country, massive multi industry attempt to design the best, most affordable car, with the benefit of reverse engineering japanese technology.
So basically a higher quality UAZ-452, UAZ-469, KamAZ *, with the former leveraging the Hilux and Jimny parts. But what the Union needs to learn is not "just" the Japanese focus on quality, but even more importantly their production techniques.

So perhaps a joint venture with Toyota?


Does Rawling’s Ghana still takes the IMF loans? Or go back to dependence on the USSR?
Yes, but I think he would also probably transition to becoming a French 'neocolonial protectorate' in the sense that he wouldn't want to go to the Soviets
So, in TTL, Republikflucht nach Fersehen ( Republic Flight by Television- basically watching west german TV) is eliminated by wide-scale introduction of cable tv in East Germany ? Well, without a cultural connector as like TV, the differences between East and West would really become massive
Yes this is one of the aspects I was referring to heavily, while some western culture in the form of approved movies and television, or co produced movies were allowed to be broadcast on Eastern television or Cinema, advances in jamming technology as well as the political pressure from the Soviets to jam everything completely ensured that. There would definitely be an increasingly cultural divide between the halves of Europe, especially when western culture doesn't get the same amount of exposure or popularity that it did OTL.
So basically a higher quality UAZ-452, UAZ-469, KamAZ *, with the former leveraging the Hilux and Jimny parts. But what the Union needs to learn is not "just" the Japanese focus on quality, but even more importantly their production techniques.

So perhaps a joint venture with Toyota?
That's something I could see happening, it's going to come down to Japanese Soviet relations, if a settlement on the Kuril Islands can be reached and if some kind of licensing scheme could be brought in for the Soviet flagrant copying of Japanese consumer products which would be aggravating it's largest companies.
Will the Soviets and the Japanese sign a treaty about the Kurils thanks to their improving relations or will the situation remain like as OTL?
It's going to become an issue, I might put it to the vote. Soviet and Japanese reconciliation, diplomatic and economic.
-or Mengistu solicits a permanent Cuban or Russian presence by joining the Warsaw Pact and the resistance by EPRP and TPLF continues but underground (kind of like the Communists in the Phillipines)
There was a Cuban presence in Ethiopia until the 1989 and the fall of the Warsaw pact
Chapter Five: War and Peace 1994



Infantry of the 3rd Regiment defending the 'ambush highway', near Middelburg, January 30th 1994


Forces of the Free South African Army, early 1994

Innovative Weapons
Early Winter to Mid Spring, 1994
By early 1994, The SADF Junta was beginning to face serious strategic and logistical issues. Despite the massive losses that they inflicted, how they would wipe away entire Free South African Army formations left and right seemly with ease, but SADF units were suffering attrition not only from the guerrilla warfare by the Mkhonto we Sizwe, the ANC's armed wing, but fatigue, equipment loss and breakdown. International embargos made acquiring spare parts and new weapons difficult, and increasingly they began to rely more and more on the smuggled weapons of China, Iraq and North Korea paid for in exchange for diamonds. In addition the FSAA ranks were being swelled by African volunteers eager to achieve the final liberation of the entire continent. To make matters worse the FSAA was being flooded with western weapons, western money, and most concerning for the SADF, western mercenaries and volunteers.The SADF Junta was becoming increasingly paranoid, as the land bridges to their hold out army bases, settlements, its leftover forces in Namibia and main naval bases had become increasingly under threat or attack. The orange line had been completed with slave/ prisoner labour, and their front line continued to extend out from it, becoming a second fortified line sarcastically referred to as the 'du Plessis' line, the figurehead president of SADF controlled South Africa.

When the ANC managed to stage another armed uprising behind the lines in Johannesburg, a younger, ambitious officer in the Junta, with ties to the AWC, managed to arrange the use of what he termed "innovative weapons". The first recorded use of chemical weapons in the South African Civil War was on February 3rd, 1994 against rioters in the Edendale uprising. Edendale was a predominantly black suburb of Pietermaritzburg, the Capital of the Natal Province that while controlled by the SADF, the local African population were supportive of the Left wing ANC and FSAA. The riot had started on the 1st and increased in scale and violence by the third, in response the SADF and AWB shelled it with both chlorine and mustard gas. Special military police detachments, AWB battalions and "clean up" units began scrubbing down the evidence and burying the bodies in mass graves. At first, the rest of the Junta and President Du Plessis were morally revolted and deeply concerned with international perception.

The officer, Brigadier General Lourens Jonathaan, had his immediate arrest and court martial demanded by some moderates, but others in the Junta, more powerful voices were more interested in the practical side of his actions. The chemical weapons did in fact prove fairly effective, especially in a situation where locally the enemy had a massive quantity advantage but no means of protection. The rest of the Junta was coerced and then managed to assuage Du Plessis and Jonathaan was quickly elevated to the role of liaison and overseeing officer with the AWB and foreign volunteer units, due to his 'practical mindset'. It was also believed if things went wrong, they could always just assign him the blame. The authoritarian and police state level of control exercised in SADF controlled South Africa allowed them to mostly cover up the use of chemical weapons for a time, aside from ANC networks which had smuggled out only verbal and written accounts. The world would generally go unaware of what had occurred there for a period.

Thanks to ChadMachine999 who wrote the update

Edit: also check out majorsam on youtube, he was my source for those hard to find SADF pictures.
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Well.....the situation in South Africa is "interesting": I think that it's not so impossible to see a situation akin to the OTL Yugoslav Wars with the UN sending in the peacekeepers (maybe a joint USA-USSR thing to symbolise the "end" of the Cold War; for the moment) to put an end to the fighting. We could also see an equivalent to the OTL Federal Republic of Yugoslavia rump state under the "Milosevich" of the moment until he is overthrown and the last remnant of Apartheid South Africa finally democratise.
Well.....the situation in South Africa is "interesting": I think that it's not so impossible to see a situation akin to the OTL Yugoslav Wars with the UN sending in the peacekeepers (maybe a joint USA-USSR thing to symbolise the "end" of the Cold War; for the moment) to put an end to the fighting. We could also see an equivalent to the OTL Federal Republic of Yugoslavia rump state under the "Milosevich" of the moment until he is overthrown and the last remnant of Apartheid South Africa finally democratise.
You are right. I also think that the South African civil war can become a bonding factor between Romanov and Perot (with both seeking detente) and lead to a momentary cooling of tensions around the world.
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