Rocket flies high: Sorelian France TL


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Eric Blair once famously said, that socialism was doomed as ideology that brings freedom. His words now, in year 1957, can bee seen prophetic in a way. Orwell, was referring to the rise of '' Flash socialism'', better known as Marxism-Mosleyism in academic circles of free and democratic world, or what is left of it. World, mankind in general, degenerated itself with socialism, and anyone who read pre-Sorelian literature about socialism can only laugh about dark irony here. Socialism! The champion of free workers, bright white knight of future and progress, now nothing more then just a false and empty shell. Is our world real victory of socialism? Is it just me, last insane person as they call me, who thinks we have returned to dark medieval slavery? How many young boys and girls need to die in grim trenches of Pakistan, fighting against French armies, who are slaves of same totalitarian system? We all have special someone who died in never ending barrage of buzz rockets?
I ask you, is there a difference between French Autocrat, British Chairman and other leaders of the free people?
People who recently died in another gas attack in the Congo front shall answer for us.
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What crime have humankind committed in order to be punished in such cruel way?
No, I can not pretend to be a philosopher. I need to tell this story, story about how people where quick to reject their sanity.
Who remembers the beginning of 20th century, who remembers the enthusiasm about bright future? Few could know that British Empire, in endless competition against French Empire, would collapse in endless strikes organised by now radical trade unions, lead by radical Jon Maclean, who did what many though was impossible: to unite worker's moment.
Decades of British ruthless exploration of workers, to compete in endless conflicts with French Empire, only alienated working man, especially Irish, Welsh and Scottish workers who where seen as weak and traitorous link by London's government. Monarchy feared that French could destroy the Empire within by spreading their nationalist and syndicalist propaganda. That was reason why, after smaller food unrest in Glasgow, British government started with more extreme laws to keep unhappy minorities in order. In 1901, in Birmingham, most of leading radical socialists gathered to create united memorandum that calls for free federal republic lead by government made of socialist parties. This congress was dominated by large umbrella party, Social Democratic Federation. The most radical factions where under leadership of Maclean, and due to their radical stance to go with '' maximal'' revolution, they gained nickname Maximists. On the other side, we had less radical, and more democratic faction under weak collective leadership, their nickname after the congress was Turncoats.
Smell of revolution was in the air.
I like it. So France and Great Britain are going to fall to two different socialist revolutions and become rivals, I suppose. Sorellianism and Marxism-Mosleyism. I suppose they're like Stalinism and Fascism.
Well, I should mention there are several PoD's here, I combined them to make TL that will be my Magnum Opus.
But main PoD is, in 1848, Germany attacks France and annexed not only Elssas lothringen but also Moselle, causing France to pursude even bigger colonial empire and French king sided more with syndicalist movment to block out more republican capitalist class.
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In order to understand current hellish situation humanity found itself, we must know the root of this nightmare. I know, I am being confusing. How can I jump from revolution in Britain to what seems to us like ancient past? I understand that dear reader but few people on Earth remember the world before Continental wars, before buzz rockets, before Flash socialism.
Year was 1948, and nationalistic revolution swept across Germany, idealistic revolutionaries called for liberal and democratic pan-German nation, and Prussia answered their call. What we know, establishment of Prussia was not really happy about events that unfolded right before their eyes but situation was drastic. Revolutionaries managed to round up unhappy peasantry who where hit hard by recent famine and hard tax laws by aristocracy. Such revolutionary wave was unstoppable by weak German city states and even Prussia and Austria had to go with it or to be eaten by wave of hungry masses of people. Prussian king Frederick William IV placed himself as leader of movement, despite his skepticism towards revolutionary movement. In just a year, most of northern Germany was united and in 1849 Frederick accepted title of Kaiser of Germans, offered to him by the Frankfurt Parliament. This was rather odd for him, he was known as romanticist and such act was against his idealistic customs of past, and that lead many speculations that he feared if he refused that republic might be formed. In order to gain support of southern German states, newly created Germany marched against France. France was just out from chaotic events of 1848, and newborn Republic was in no shape to fight against competent German army that had finest Prussian officers as the core of military. German armies swept across France, and situation in France was very chaotic. In 1850, Alsace-Lorraine and Moselle where taken in newly created Germany, and soon south German states joined as well.
This was death blow to France, with 95% of their coal and steel gone, France was in turmoil. Capitalist class with traditionalist right, created uneasy alliance to gain power and to block Louis-Napoleon from power but that was grave error, as Napoleon now sided with growing socialist and syndicalist movement, uniting nationalist populist factions with vocal socialist support, to end antinational dictatorship of capital, as they called it. Such gigantic support of working masses who driven blind by nationalistic and syndicalist rhetoric, allowed Napoleon to crown himself as Napoleon III of France, or Workingmen King as they called himself. His vision was massive empire in Africa, and aided by now morphed national-syndicalist movement, with their armed para-military, created nationalist dictatorial government with socialist state planned economy devoted only expand and enslave all of Africa. Using situation in Tripoli, France was quick to invade them and set up colony there, and Turks where in position to go against them, due to internal problems of Ottoman empire. Second strike was what caused partition of Ottoman empire .
In 1853, Russian war with Ottoman empire, lead France to side with Russians in order to gain control of Egypt and Middle East, despite the fights between Catholic and Orthodox churches that Nicolas I of Russia and Napoleon III supported. This often leads us to ask ourselves how influential where the national populist factions in French government. This move was also to isolate Britain from Europe and any potential expansion in the Arab world. Britain with weak Ottoman empire could not stand enormous Russian empire and France that operated on whole new level of economy. Not to mention, united Russian and French fleet where not to mess with, especially with rapid modernisation of French navy and army under planned economy. Ottomans where left alone to be butchered by advancing armies of France and Russia.
Russia took Istanbul, now Tsarigrad, and established total hegemony over Balkans, with greater Bulgaria leading pan-Slavic kingdom, and over northern and eastern Anatolia, and rest of central Anatolia was put under joint sphere of influence of Russia and France, while Egypt, much of Arabia and southern Iraq where under France. Holy land and Syria where put under joint control.
This left Britain to side with Germany and Austria against newly created Russian-French block, and this was uneasy German-Britain was put under test, during French war against Germany and Britain had once again to back off, afraid of growing social unrest in industrial areas of British islands. War against Germany was reversed image of 1849 war, with quick French offensive being great success pushing German armies all the way to Rhine. In 1871, France gain back lost provinces and established own protectorate on west side of Rhine.
Stage was set for first Transcontinental war.