Divine Intervention
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Eric Blair once famously said, that socialism was doomed as ideology that brings freedom. His words now, in year 1957, can bee seen prophetic in a way. Orwell, was referring to the rise of '' Flash socialism'', better known as Marxism-Mosleyism in academic circles of free and democratic world, or what is left of it. World, mankind in general, degenerated itself with socialism, and anyone who read pre-Sorelian literature about socialism can only laugh about dark irony here. Socialism! The champion of free workers, bright white knight of future and progress, now nothing more then just a false and empty shell. Is our world real victory of socialism? Is it just me, last insane person as they call me, who thinks we have returned to dark medieval slavery? How many young boys and girls need to die in grim trenches of Pakistan, fighting against French armies, who are slaves of same totalitarian system? We all have special someone who died in never ending barrage of buzz rockets?
I ask you, is there a difference between French Autocrat, British Chairman and other leaders of the free people?
People who recently died in another gas attack in the Congo front shall answer for us.
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What crime have humankind committed in order to be punished in such cruel way?
No, I can not pretend to be a philosopher. I need to tell this story, story about how people where quick to reject their sanity.
Who remembers the beginning of 20th century, who remembers the enthusiasm about bright future? Few could know that British Empire, in endless competition against French Empire, would collapse in endless strikes organised by now radical trade unions, lead by radical Jon Maclean, who did what many though was impossible: to unite worker's moment.
Decades of British ruthless exploration of workers, to compete in endless conflicts with French Empire, only alienated working man, especially Irish, Welsh and Scottish workers who where seen as weak and traitorous link by London's government. Monarchy feared that French could destroy the Empire within by spreading their nationalist and syndicalist propaganda. That was reason why, after smaller food unrest in Glasgow, British government started with more extreme laws to keep unhappy minorities in order. In 1901, in Birmingham, most of leading radical socialists gathered to create united memorandum that calls for free federal republic lead by government made of socialist parties. This congress was dominated by large umbrella party, Social Democratic Federation. The most radical factions where under leadership of Maclean, and due to their radical stance to go with '' maximal'' revolution, they gained nickname Maximists. On the other side, we had less radical, and more democratic faction under weak collective leadership, their nickname after the congress was Turncoats.
Smell of revolution was in the air.