Return of Horrible Educational Maps

Crazy Boris

If you need a bad map, go no further:

View attachment 852865

Obviously it is a carpet (there is the lower edge of a door on it in the upper left) and compared with other maps they at least managed to avoid the Greenland Penguin, although the European Zebra is a novelty (and handily enough it obscures much of the European coastlines, the bits that are visible are already bad enough)

Ah yes, the iconic European zebras, majestically running through the palm tree forests of the Ukrainian steppe on the way to their breeding grounds on the shores of Caspian Bay
If you need a bad map, go no further:

View attachment 852865

Obviously it is a carpet (there is the lower edge of a door on it in the upper left) and compared with other maps they at least managed to avoid the Greenland Penguin, although the European Zebra is a novelty (and handily enough it obscures much of the European coastlines, the bits that are visible are already bad enough)
Looks like the Caspian Sea managed to link up with the Indian Ocean, Japan has been flipped upside down, Australia grew a tumor, the Mediterranean Sea has been drained so that Europe and Africa and join together, and lastly, Antarctica has been Thanos'd.
Maybe it's an ambitious cougar (or the map maker got confused by its alternative name of being a mountain lion)
Maybe the extinct Panthera atrox? Although since they were cousins of P. spelaea, which seem not to have had manes, it seems more likely that it's just another case of mistaken distribution.
Usually I no longer post grade school maps that were obviously done by the children, but the island of Sweden did catch me by surprise.

The last few maps I had posted were obviously intended to be more decorative than educational (so with lots of tolerance some of them might be excused), but for a change the next webfind is undoubtly meant to be educational:

The last few maps I had posted were obviously intended to be more decorative than educational (so with lots of tolerance some of them might be excused), but for a change the next webfind is undoubtly meant to be educational:

View attachment 853738
To escape the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, Cambodia and Japan was forced to invade their neighbours and settle in Bangkok and Sakhalin respectively. Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Laos, however, were gone, reduced to atoms, while China conquered Vietnam, ushering in the Fifth Era of Northern Domination.
The last few maps I had posted were obviously intended to be more decorative than educational (so with lots of tolerance some of them might be excused), but for a change the next webfind is undoubtly meant to be educational:

View attachment 853738
Japan, Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Laos got the Atlantis treatment while China took over Vietnam, thus cementing Chinese domination of the Viets once again for the gazillionth time.
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Not sure if this counts, but look at the map in the back of this image of LBJ's birthday

What did they do to Australia?!

Some projections should just never be used.

Well.... there are some legitimate applications for the Azimuthal Equidistant Projection..... this doesn't happen to be one of them :p

I'm not sure this is meant to be educational but I'm certain that its not a shitpost (idk if this site has an enforced definition for such a thing or not...) however its damn neat and isn't necessarily great at communication if the viewer can't deduce that its reversed the land with the oceans thus turning the mid-oceab ridges and trenches into the highest places on the new land and vice versa.
View attachment 856140

I'm not sure this is meant to be educational but I'm certain that its not a shitpost (idk if this site has an enforced definition for such a thing or not...) however its damn neat and isn't necessarily great at communication if the viewer can't deduce that its reversed the land with the oceans thus turning the mid-oceab ridges and trenches into the highest places on the new land and vice versa.
It's clever, though the new mountains don't really match OTL oceanic ridges, etc - for example, there should be mountains all the way up the middle of the Atlantic continent.
View attachment 856140

I'm not sure this is meant to be educational but I'm certain that its not a shitpost (idk if this site has an enforced definition for such a thing or not...) however its damn neat and isn't necessarily great at communication if the viewer can't deduce that its reversed the land with the oceans thus turning the mid-oceab ridges and trenches into the highest places on the new land and vice versa.
I want to make an entire conworld out of this so bad…