Regnum Russiam et Lithuaniae or Vitautas won in the battle of the Vorskla river

In winter 1404/5, situation in the East worsened. Yedigei khan recovered his forces and defeated Jelal-ad-Din. So, Jelal-ad-Din maintained his control only in Taurian peninsula (Crimea). Horde threat in the East caused Vytautas to compromise. According to 1405 Plotsk peace agreement, prewar status quo was restored in Wisla basin. Order’s vassal Samogitian Principality, headed by Sigismund the son of Keistut, was formed in Samogitia. So Vytautas could prepare for war in the East, and the Order could take a break to recover. The great European war was finished.

The main purpose of Lithuanian army was pacification of Smolensk and Upper Oka principalities. After Smolensk prince Yuriy Svyatoslavovich had died, Vytautas took Smolensk in 15 of April, 1405. Smolensk principality collapsed. Its western part came back under Lithuanian control and was converted into Smolensk voivodeship. Eastern part was annexed by Moscow. Moscow threat as Northwestern Rus unifier caused Vytautas to attack Muscovy.

Both sides concentrated all their forces in this area. They had to decide the fate of Eastern Europe in Smolensk-Moscow-Vladimir war seat. Mozhaisk battle took place on Borodino field near Vozdvizhensky churchyard in 26 of July, 1405. Vytautas won. However, hearing about Tatar-Ryazan march to the North, metropolitan Cyprian made an effort to make peace. According to 1405 Mozhaisk peace treaty, Lithuania gained Rzhev town, Volokolamsk area became Moscow-Lithuanian co-ownership. Moscow and Lithuania entered into military alliance against “Godless Horde” and “Ryazan Judah”. Also, united metropolia was formed in Kiev. Joint army started its march to the South to fight for the glory of Rus and Christ.

Ugra river battle took place in August, 30. Russians (Lithuanians + Muscovites) met Yedigei army at the river crossing and overturned crossed Tatars to the river. Catastrophic threat caused Tatars move their forces into the river, so Vytautas cruelly struck them. Ugra battle was a large fail of Yedigei. He was forced to flee to Bukhara.

New Horde Khan Jelal-ad-Din swore allegiance to Vytautas. Upper Oka principalities were converted into Verkhovskoye (=Upper Oka) Voivodeship with the capital in Belyov town (modern-day Belyov in Tula oblast). Russian kings shared Ryazan Principality. Muscovy gained Ryazan city and Lithuania took Tula and Pronsk. After this war, Vytautas started King's power strengthening process in Lithuania
They become Russian. Довгі літа королю Івану Васильовичу!!! (Long live the King Ivan Vasil'evich)

I did not told you ;)

That would be a sad ending for the Lithuanians since hundreds of years they were trying to defend themselves against Slavs and Germans just to end up being swallowed by a sea of Slavs.
That would be a sad ending for the Lithuanians since hundreds of years they were trying to defend themselves against Slavs and Germans just to end up being swallowed by a sea of Slavs.

Samogitians (ttl rus. жмудіны) (samogitian Жемаитє) saved as a standalone ethnic group
They (the Lithuanians) would become Russian.
If that was your plan of this Time Line, then your POD should have been a little earlier, before the Lithuanians converted to Catholicism.
The best and easiest way to dissolve the Lithuanians into the sea of the Orthodox Russian Slavs was to get the Lithuanians baptized Orthodox Christians.

Now you have a problem - there is a religious cultural gap between the Catholic Lithuanians and the Orthodox Russians. In Our Time Line that was a troublesome issue ...

By the way, Vladislav, welcome on board! :)