On one hand,one is something that happens on Britain's backyard,and another is an unpopular movement to begin which(the Malayan Communists are generally from the Chinese population)
But i have to echo this statement.
It seems something like an over-the-top cartoon villain would do,instead of what an actual high command would.I mean,contingency plans,but i highly doubt it could even got a greenlight till an armed bomber.
I mean,we're all speculating too far("we'll cross the bridge when we cross it") and the Comintern would have their share of "oh god what have we done",but shoehorning the capitalist bloc on the lower moral ground seems dissapointing. The concept of well-meaning and successful radical leftists versus a liberal democracy somewhat familiar to ours is more interesting than seemingly making all in the blue bloc future-Nazis-in waiting.
Sorry if i sounded harsh,i greatly enjoy this timeline and think that it can be far more interesting than this.
Absolutely this. As a fan of the TL, the FBU being a relatively stable and well meaning if ultimately backwards liberal democracy vs a radsoc democratic America is far more interesting than the FBU turning into a junta (and lets be honest you guys, your writing is good but some of your future reveals are incredibly blatant that the FBU is a heavy handed shit-fest, with the Montreal bomb being the worst offender) which will make the story far less interesting.
I remember the early years of the TL had the UASR and friends as ultimately the right side of history, but they were still a heavily flawed state, and the FBU, while ultimately wrong in its goals, was still a functioning state that ultimately meant well for their homes, families, and their homelands.
As the hears have progressed the writing, both in the fanfic and the main threads, seem to suggest that the UASR is the utopian, "do-no-wrong", golden boy of the story, while Britain and France are slowly turning into a Rosbif and Brie version of it can't happen here.
The AH.threads especially seem to indicate this, where it is almost always badass intelligent communists BTFOing ignorant liberal democrats or educating naive European Fellow travelers.
The whole thing is starting to stink of a take-that against right wing culture, which is understandable, but often gets in the way of the writing.
I will still be an avid reader of the story, but I knew something stank when the British Labour Party's political history was seemingly thrown to the wind shamelessly to help build a broad Left-Wing opposition front to the Tory Party.