Reds fanfic


Kinda makes me think: is it possible any AnPrims would exist ITTL? It would be a good choice to add to the rogues gallery of Redsverse
Come to think of it, Avenge Ulster may have some long lost cousin somewhere that we could dig up, if you want to start a thread. And we can take a short break from Eagle's Wrath, methinks. Gonzo and Nofix often take weeks between updates to NSS, and they're still awesome.
Kinda makes me think: is it possible any AnPrims would exist ITTL? It would be a good choice to add to the rogues gallery of Redsverse

Probably. Never underestimate humanity's ability to create and find adherents of ideologies with despicable tenets and end games.

But really, couldn't most people just make fun of the fact a neo Luddite is using technology to rage against it? :p


Banned thread: A Lament For Natural Humanity
Our current way of life is an aberration. Anyone who isn't a brainwashed sheep can see that the chakras of natural life are out of alignment. We must destroy the state and return to our natural ways of peaceful, tribal communism. Of course, we must also rapidly change our way of life. Drastic population reduction, if not the culling of all of humanity, is in order. We must especially stop this mass reproduction in the teeming slums of India and Capitalist Africa, although it is a problem everywhere. Communist statist earthkillers want to seize the means of production, when we in fact must abandon them, return to our natural state, and live in harmony with the Godess Earth, and let the chakras re-align.


Say what now?

All of y'all can use GreenOak.
Come to think of it, Avenge Ulster may have some long lost cousin somewhere that we could dig up, if you want to start a thread. And we can take a short break from Eagle's Wrath, methinks. Gonzo and Nofix often take weeks between updates to NSS, and they're still awesome.

Well you'd have to crate the background for the poster.

And yeah, I guess I'll wait till later this weekend for the update. Just felt bad because you're the only one that's done any updates.

I think that an AnPrim ITTL would be a fan of the comic book series Crossed ITTL. If you want more basis for the comic, I wrote a description on it a while back.

It's a really fucked up comic book (I still can't believe Ennis wrote it) but it's good.
Last edited: thread: A lament for natural Humanity

"Population Reductions"
"Goddess Earth"

AnPrims: seizing the memes of production since 10,000 B.C.

Great Gaea's ghost, lad, you play a lot of Call Of The Proletariat II to be an AnPrim.

And you love Crossed? That edgy British comic book? (good god, I can't believe it's being made into a movie, I'll have to see that when I go to Scotland again) Jebus.H.Christ, there's no redeeming that brainless garbage.


Well you'd have to crate the background for the poster.

Name: GreenOak
Real Name:Alexander Molyneux Jones
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, living a lifestyle of "voluntary celibacy"
Religion: Neo-Pagan
Place Of Birth: Montpelier, Vermont, UASR
Currently Residing: Montpelier, Vermont, UASR
Political Affiliation: None
Class: Student
Occupation: Making insane comments. Starting forum flamewars
Favorite AH Work: N/A
Favorite Book: Crossed
Favorite Film: Crossed (The Motion Picture)
Favorite TV: N/A
Favorite Music: Jill Stein's old band.
Favorite Game: CoP
Favorite Art: N/A
Other Hobbies: Being insane
Likes: Nature. Far too much
Dislikes: The state, humanity
Demeanor: Insane
AH Works on the board: N/A

It's a really fucked up comic book (I still can't believe Ennis wrote it) but it's good.
Is it real?
Name: GreenOak
Real Name:Alexander Molyneux Jones
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, living a lifestyle of "voluntary celibacy"
Religion: Neo-Pagan
Place Of Birth: Montpelier, Vermont, UASR
Currently Residing: Montpelier, Vermont, UASR
Political Affiliation: None
Class: Student
Occupation: Making insane comments. Starting forum flamewars
Favorite AH Work: N/A
Favorite Book: Crossed
Favorite Film: Crossed (The Motion Picture)
Favorite TV: N/A
Favorite Music: Jill Stein's old band.
Favorite Game: CoP
Favorite Art: N/A
Other Hobbies: Being insane
Likes: Nature. Far too much
Dislikes: The state, humanity
Demeanor: Insane
AH Works on the board: N/A

Is it real?

Yup, it's real. Look it up, but DONT look at the pictures, they're FUBAR.
Kalki said:
Well, I've heard a lot of strange, extreme views on this site. Human extinction is a new one. I don't know how you could top it, unless "reality destruction" becomes a view. Also, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't know what a chakra

TheThirdMan said:
A literal Newt Gingrich villain, brought to flesh. I think misanthropic ecoterrorists were villains in a couple of his books. Seriously, he's the only spy novelist who focuses a lot on people in his own nation that he doesn't like. thread: A lament for natural Humanity

UpNorth said:

Oh god...

There is certain bit of hypocrisy there pal.

You want man to return to nature, and yet you use a product of industrial socialism to make this statement. Why not throw it away, burn all your electronics to set an example?

Tell the truth, do you go to a supermarket? Why not live on a commune, and eat nothing but grass and hunted venison, if you are so committed to escaping this world you call soulless?


Banned thread: A lament for natural Humanity
Jesus H. Christ. Hey, Red_Devil, what was that you said about how only the Cappie sphere could create an ideology as toxic as Liberalism?

Fuck off, you stupid little shit! Your insane ideology is making us all look bad, you genocidal psychopath! I prefer fucking DevilDog to you!

I prefer fucking DevilDog to you!
We have entered the twilight zone, ladies and gents.


I like your use of Newt Gingrich as a novelist. Pat on the back. Funny thing is, I'd get along great with Newt, given we have all the same interests, and the only real difference between us is our politics.


The Reds(!) Rogues Gallery:
Cyber Doctor
Insane Ideology: Randroid

Rule Brittania
Insane Ideology: Tory, not as much insane as dickish

Insane Ideology: Nazi

Insane Ideology: Anarcho-Asshole

Stratenford Wife
Insane Ideology: Cultist

Insane Ideology: All of them, but the most visible is his religious extremism.
Note: AU is banned. Only use on the most special occasions.

Insane Ideology: Wants to wipe humanity off the face of the earth to preserve nature

Now, who am I missing? thread: A lament for natural humanity

BONDFAN-San, I owe you over ten thousand apologies for my dishonor.

You mean I actually agree with ShitThrower? Wut?

Annnndd then he insults me. Great. I really don't understand why you think that your little internet crusade against me actually resonates with me giving a shit. Tell me, is it my roguish handsomeness that keeps you coming back for more?

Aye mate, methinks the little shit is pulling his tadger to ya.

Not that that would be a problem if he wasn't such a goddamn wanker.

But it looks like Adam, the first man over here is gonna contest ShiteThrower for the prize of biggest loonie.

Aw, goddamn it. I come back from East Italy to this shit? FUCK, this pisses me off.

ShitFlinger- get a fucking job, you shithead, and stop playing soldier boy with the rest of the Red/Black babies. You'd never even fucking make it in the WFRA, much less actually defeat them in combat.

GreenOak- lay off the drugs. That's all I can say. And stop taking queues from Mein Kampf.

Ayy, The Triple Threat's back, and so's the token Scot! Awesome.

Does anybody else think that BombThrower and GreenOak, and the rest of the Rogue's Gallery are just aliens that have come here to cause us all to die from Internet-induced rage?

Jesus, I'm baked....
Dear friend - I'm struck by the absence of you have ideas about dialectical materialism.
You perceive only one side of the issue, quite ignoring the consequences of such a radical solution of the problem. It will suffer not only humanity, nature will suffer no less. It will remain a huge waste of the production of harmful ...
Only reason and science can eliminate the consequences of irresponsible attitude to resources and environmental issues.
Do not forget that the mind is the natural result of the evolution of matter.