Reds fanfic

Bookmark, I said that BombThrower is open domain, so you can use him if you want.

Also, ScotlandForever is currently on hiatus for a month after pissing off an admin, but he'll show up again soon. He generally takes part in threads involving men's rights, so if you want to bring him in, you should create a thread about Women and Men after we conclude this new Polchat at an undisclosed date.
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Also by the way Religious_Commie is semi open domain, which means that you guys can use him in your posts but if he is in my opinion not being properly characterized I can and will try my best to correct his characterization in the post by stating "that's not how he says things" or "that's not something he'd really know/care about". Also I will likely be very blunt about it.

So you guys can use him, just remember I will be very prone to trying to correct his characterization if I feel like it doesn't match up.

Anyway. PolChat: An Ode to American Labor

Religious_Commie said:
Umm Mr.CarlCastro I know you really fucking hate SuperFucker, I'm pretty sure we al do, but can you at least keep the homophobic insults to a minimum? I understand you are not homophobic but it still doesn't change the fact that they are homophobic.

I admit this is me bleeding into Religious_Commie a bit, I just don't like either sexist or homophobic insults being thrown into the mix and whilst I'll use the standard insults that don't have those connotations just fine, I do not use those that do have those connotations and when they are used I will usually cringe a bit. Sorry.
Derek, that's honestly the most accurate view of CarlCastro's insults. And you don't have to apologize for bleeding into religious commie, that's just how CarlCastro is. But to be fair, he tries to make the homophobic insults as un-homophobic as he can.

Yeah sorry bro, I have temperament issues and I tend to lose control sometimes.

I'll say. You know when we were 16 Carl literally made a 6 foot 8 inch 300 pound man cry with his insults?*

Yeah I remember that day. Kind felt bad for the guy, but he was being a bit of an asshole, so it's no biggie.

* this actually happened. I'm not kidding. PolChat: An Ode to American Labor

UpNorth said:

No, @Religious Commie. In this case @Mr.CarlCastro is within his rights to spew bile at this maniac. Normally I would be telling him to chill. But this time, I'm perfectly okay with it. If this man was just a regular troll, I would have sympathy. But then I remember that Canada First maniacs thirty years ago nearly destroyed the Ambassador Bridge. They claimed to defend Canadian heritage, but they have no problem killing other Canadians.

My mom told me how the whole city of Windsor mourned that attack. It was terrible.

The fact that this fool joins a group that hurt so many Canadians in the past is just so repulsive. I don't care what you say to him, Castro. He deserves worse. PolChat: An Ode to American Labor

Religious_Commie said:
@UpNorth I didn't say that to defend the SuperFucker you know, I stated that because I genuinely don't like any sort of homophobic or sexist insult, even when they come from someone I usually don't have a problem with and even are friends with. Especially then actually because I know they aren't either sexist or homophobic and are not intentionally trying to hurt either women or those who are LGBT with them but they are hurting both groups, especially in the capitalist sphere, unintentionally by using such language. Still I understand, it's just a personal problem I have so I couldn't keep it inside me.

Still I understand why you hate him (The SuperFucker) so much and don't have a problem with Castro's insults. Fuck him and his neo-Nazi buddies.

Anyway @Mr.CarlosCastro the apology is accepted and I am myself hardly the example of control when I'm arguing. You can ask UpNorth about how diplomatic I can be even with someone I personally respect in an argument. Never mind when I fucking hate the shithead's guts. Also I really want to hear the details of that story sometime. I mean how the hell did you manage to make a 300 pound man cry? It might give me insights for how to improve my "technique" when I'm in an argument with some shithead in the future.

By the way I'm also interested in this little story. Must have been an epic burn.
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Derek, I'll tell you the story tomorrow, it's kinda long and I'm a bit too tired for that.

You know, I'm surprised Bulldoggus hasn't shown his face around here for a few days. He's good at creating characters and I'm sure he would have a field day with this one.

Also I kinda like FBU_CPL_BONDFAN even though he is capitalist as him and Red_DevilDog are very similar even if they come from different worlds.

Also, Castro's name isn't Carlos nor is it Carl, Carl is simply his nickname.
The Infiltrators
The series conception was inspired by three separate radio station seizures by leftist militant groups. One was the 1970 seizure of a Belgian radio station near the West German-Belgian border by the "Reformed KPD", a small West German radical militant group consisting of college students, who used their 30 hours in the station to broadcast large scale messages calling for a mass rebellion against the "capitalists and neo-fascists", before armed forces forced them out. Another was the 1971 high profile seizure of the EBC radio station in Glasgow by Owen's Army, a much longer (76 hours) stand-off, where the socialists aired an updated version of the 1925 BBC broadcast about a worker's uprising.
"Broadcasting the Barricades"?
Who else is imagining the Bombthrower anarchists waving around "Don't Tread On Me" flags?

Like they protest every time a jail opens or the military/intelligence complex is expanded and they all wear fedoras "cuz le gentlemen and ladies of the Revolution had real style." And they just constantly call everyone who disagrees with them, even a little, statist patriarch racists.

I kind of love that idea because it makes the libertarian/MRA types in this world kind of cute and harmless, but still obnoxious.
Who else is imagining the Bombthrower anarchists waving around "Don't Tread On Me" flags?

Like they protest every time a jail opens or the military/intelligence complex is expanded and they all wear fedoras "cuz le gentlemen and ladies of the Revolution had real style." And they just constantly call everyone who disagrees with them, even a little, statist patriarch racists.

I kind of love that idea because it makes the libertarian/MRA types in this world kind of cute and harmless, but still obnoxious.
That's sorta the Idea.

BombThrower and his "comrades" are the twisted equivalent of a combination of the Tea Party/Westboro Bapist Church ITTL, as he is part of the Red/Black movement, which is a small yet well known movement in the UASR. It basically consists of a militia and a nutty "leader" for lack of a better word. The constantly endorse Ron Paul for president, even though his policies aren't Anarcho-Communist.
Who else is imagining the Bombthrower anarchists waving around "Don't Tread On Me" flags?

Like they protest every time a jail opens or the military/intelligence complex is expanded and they all wear fedoras "cuz le gentlemen and ladies of the Revolution had real style." And they just constantly call everyone who disagrees with them, even a little, statist patriarch racists.

I kind of love that idea because it makes the libertarian/MRA types in this world kind of cute and harmless, but still obnoxious.

I imagine they would be the ITTL equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church, picketing the funerals of soldiers, calling them "worthless statist parasites" who deserve death, only to get attacked by other veterans.

The sad truth is these people will have gotten their tactics from the very classrooms they decry as statists. UASR schools would teach children about organizing and resisting, and these nuts use these lessons to launch their insane protests.
I imagine they would be the ITTL equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church, picketing the funerals of soldiers, calling them "worthless statist parasites" who deserve death, only to get attacked by other veterans.

The sad truth is these people will have gotten their tactics from the very classrooms they decry as statists. UASR schools would teach children about organizing and resisting, and these nuts use these lessons to launch their insane protests.
And what they are unhappy? I would put the feet in such a world!
Fun fact: the tradition of diamond wedding rings was created by the marketing team for the DeBeers diamond cartel to drive up their profits. Right down to the exact cost (one or two months' salary).

While I never exactly had a high opinion of diamonds before now, because of the whole 'encouraging child soldiers for ugly see-through stones', you have no idea how much I want to jump straight into hell and join in tormenting the [various things that shouldn't be repeated in polite company] who thought this up. Not only do rings instantly become more expensive when you stick one of the things on them, they seem to be the only thing most of the jewelry shops in Britain advertise on their websites.

If this doesn't become a thing ITTL then god riddance and I hope anyone who thinks this up in the FBU falls into a well in Flintshire.

*end off-topic rant*

I have actually got an idea for a Babylon 5 style program that will probably be produced by an FBU production company.

The anarkiddie thread is interesting albeit derailed,i'll probably post something there although my character is not really that inclined to go wade into PolChat.

The constantly endorse Ron Paul for president, even though his policies aren't Anarcho-Communist.
Isn't he a mutualist though?It would be interesting if we have a DRP mutualist character because i've been starting reading the b r e a d b o o k. I think @Mr.E have AVeryTrueDemocrat although rarely seen now.

Meanwhile i have an idea for A Very British Civil War,but it seems that Edward VIII is still king(pre-revisions,dunno if this have changed),throwing all my draft out of the window.Perhaps the PoD is he abdicates instead,causing a constitutional crisis in UK?VBCW was one of my first exposure to AH scenarios,and in a world that experiences two revolutions and probably countless civil war,FBU wargamers and alternative historians might find this scenario...quite interesting.
The anarkiddie thread is interesting albeit derailed,i'll probably post something there although my character is not really that inclined to go wade into PolChat.

Isn't he a mutualist though?It would be interesting if we have a DRP mutualist character because i've been starting reading the b r e a d b o o k. I think @Mr.E have AVeryTrueDemocrat although rarely seen now.

Meanwhile i have an idea for A Very British Civil War,but it seems that Edward VIII is still king(pre-revisions,dunno if this have changed),throwing all my draft out of the window.Perhaps the PoD is he abdicates instead,causing a constitutional crisis in UK?VBCW was one of my first exposure to AH scenarios,and in a world that experiences two revolutions and probably countless civil war,FBU wargamers and alternative historians might find this scenario...quite interesting.

The thread only got derailed once Bookmark brought in SuperCanuck the Nazi (which isn't a big deal, in fact it was welcomed.) we'll get it back on track soon, but I've been kinda busy today.

Anyways your character is welcomed and I'm hoping that Mr.E and Mr.C decide to put some of thier characters in there, even though I believe they are working on their own stuff right now. They have some very nuanced characters that make these PolChats fun. I'd also like to see Bulldoggus come back, but he hasn't shown his face for a while so I doubt that is happening.

Yeah, Ron Paul is a Mutualist, but these guys are full blown AnComs, so they aren't completely similar ideology-wise.

I might add a NatAn in there, if people find that interesting.
Hershey just becomes a chocolate cooperative. I mean, the whole community is pretty much owned by the company, so it wouldn't be hard to collectivize the community, and turn it into a communal chocolate town.
I wonder what would happen with Hershey himself. He did have a second company town in Cuba, but he doesn't seem like the type who would flee to MacArthur's Cuba.

The Movie Psycho (1960) in Reds:
It think the bigger question would be whether Psycho is still made by Hitchcock ITTL. A Psycho without Hitchcock at the helm might be significantly less influential, which would have an effect on the horror and thriller genres from the 60s onward ITTL.
It think the bigger question would be whether Psycho is still made by Hitchcock ITTL. A Psycho without Hitchcock at the helm might be significantly less influential, which would have an effect on the horror and thriller genres from the 60s onward ITTL.
I had the idea that Hitchcock would come to the UASR during a brief period of detente to produce some films. Psycho was one, I think Vertigo was another.