Yeah,wonder if the term would be used ITTL by Stalinists?
Same,actually was the first things i'm wondering since i've first read the alt-AH threads in the second pre-revision,especially the times when RuleBritannia was more of a cardboard shooting range target than an actual character(one of the fan submissions made him a Neo-Nazi in all but name,ffs)*that the Americans somehow didn't have the obnoxious character type,considering the reasons stated above.I imagine UASR won't have anything like Vietnam to turn public opinion soo i imagine the mindset is still WW2 ish,"we're on the side of angels" to paraphrase the opening quotes
I also somewhat echo
@Bookmark1995 's sentiments that the UASR/Comintern would support anyone who have "Socialist" or "People's" on their name with all the consequences and the "better them than [insert here]" apologia.
Then again,it might be just projecting OTL views and sentiments to ATL but heck,i can't sleep and wanna rant lolol
*Honestly,current RB is one of my favourite characters here,since now he has more of a personality.