Realm of Agysea: A Fantasy Worldbuilding Project

Hello and welcome.
This will be my first proper "Timeline" on this site, so i hope it will be a fun little Project but i will probably need some practice with proper formatting etc. I should also point out, that english is not my native language so some things might sound a bit funny. With that beign said, lets get started.

What is this about?
This threat will be about a fantasy world i am creating since 2016. It is a dark fantasy world set in fantasy version of the Migration Era altho with considerably different tech.
I will use this threat to post mainly maps but also flags graphics, diagrams and (if i manage to get something decent looking) drawings set within the World. There will also be a fair bit of Lore written, but i think the Maps and Graphics forum is still a better place then the writer forum, if not, someone surely can move it.
I also always find it interesting to discuss ideas and have people participate so while this is not a fully collaborative or interactive project, i am always welcome to discuss ideas and work together with people (if the interest for this thing even exists XD).
I have to admit, i only roughly used tectonics and other scientific methods to design the world. So while it isnt random, these elements were more used to guide my creativity, but i want to explore a more scientific view for this alternate planet later down the line.

What is the Setting like ?
Like i said, my focus is dark fantasy. The fantasy elements within the world however are less personal and more in the bacjground, so no shooting fireballs and teleportation, it will have more of a cosmic nature. The world itself technlogy wise would be fitting for the 16. century however most of the stylistic and narrative choices are taken from the late roman empire, the migration era and even east asian history. I specifically wanted to mix things up a bit so the "Era" cannot be translated 1:1 to earth. That means gunpowder and revolutions will just as much play a role as migrations and religion.

What will be the Format?
For the "first phase" i will usually either post a picture and write some Lore beneath or if i didnt have the time for a full graphic some paragraphs from within the world. I also plan on doing a proper timeline with pictures that show the World during a certain time with the according events per decade, however this will be the "second phase" Generally i wanna work my way from makro to mikro scale. I dont think i will ever write anything narrative like because my writing is really bad, especially in english.

What is the Update Schedule ?
Generally i will try to update once per week at most , however this is a long term passion and side project so it might be rather irregular. At a minimum i will try to put something up once a month. (Hoping all goes well after this first post, like i said, its my first proper try at this)

Now to begin with, i will post a Map of the region the main story will be focused on. This is the most fleshed out region so far and i will gradually expand outwards from here:
Lore: 500 B.R.
The Cultures in the Year 500 before the founding of Rem
The Tribes of Remya (1)
The Remyan Tribes originated in the Northwest of Lavidia and split in two after they passed the mountains towards the Kymbrian subcontinent. The New-Remyan tribes large replace the native Keltoi tribes. Despite their influence, the Remyans only founded one small kingdom a couple of decades ago situated in the southwest of Kymbria and profitting from trade with the Menosian Islands and the large settlements along the mouth of the river Sarl.
The Keltoi (2)
The Keltoi are a rather new group of people consiting of local hunter and gatherers as well as displaced westkymbrian natives. They are mainly present on the north and the southern Islands. After the arrival of the Remyans, their culture and lifestyle changed drastically. They mostly live in rural seminomadic tribes.
Thiudiskic Tribes(3)
Like the Keltoi, their culture also underwent large shifts recently. Thanks to expansion of Tyric trade, the influc of copper allowed these tribes to form several large proto-kingdoms. Despite beign sheltered from Remyan expansion by the eastern hills, they have considerably remyan influence.
Kymbric Culture(4)
The Kymbric Culture is a odd mix between native Kymbrians, Etrusic and Remyan People. They were one of the more powerfull and organized people before the Remyan conquest and gave Kymbria its name after the Remyans encountered heavy ressistance to their expansion from them. They are describes as brutal and warlike and are well known mercanaries, altho it should be mentioned that much of this is probably a biased and reduced view of their intreecate culture. They are locally well known for the lunar calender and large temple structures which are only surpassed in scope my Sarlys to the southwest.
Menos and Yonia(5)
The Menosian Islands are located southwest of Kymbria. They are home to people which are regarded as the best sailors and traders by some. Nowdays ruled by a Remyan King, they built a considerable Empire in the South. They are well known for their high culture and fierce almost warlike attitude towards the Tyric People. Menos is also a large source of tin which makes the lands very wealthy as this is needed for the production of bronze. The Yonians are native to Capros and Mena, they formed a distinct culture after decades of colonisation efforts by Menos. The Yonians are often seen as more practical and friendly then their cousins back on Menos
Tyric People (6)
The Tyric people often regard themselves as the oldes civilisation and are native to Cabros. Like the Menosians, they are known to be a mercantile culture. They founded many great cities like Lyra and Harthosh which went on to found their own little trade empires. They main trading partners are the Sarlysians, with which they also share a common religion. The Tyric people wage countless wars and raids on Kymbria, so far only few could put up a fight.
Etrusic Culture (7)
The Etrusians are a alliance of city states which elect a leading city every 25 years. Thei militias are well known around the world and they are the second unified realm which equipped its soldiers in full bronze gear. Even tho they appear militaristic, they only do so out of need, in the east, Thiudiskic Tribes raid their borders, to the south Tyric raiders look for new slaves while the Kymbrians are driven east by the Remyan newcomers. Otherwise the Etrusians are agriculturally gifted and very communal people
Badani Culture(8)
The Badani are among the oldest cultures which are still around in the year 500v.R. They are ruled by a Priest King and use the river Sarl as their most important cultural center. The defense against steppe people is among their chief concerns, as well as balancing the needs between the riverside dwellers and those more inland. Their culture while impressive is old and seems to be fading.
Sarlyic-Erusian Culture(9)
The great Empire, the first Empire and the largest unified state in the world. the Empire of Sarlyica Erusia or short Sarlys id truely a behemoth. Founded by the Warlord Sarlos almost 1800 years ago. Since then the empire splintered, reassembled, then broke up again or was refounded but the idea of empire always stayed central to the region. Sarlos todays is venerated as the god of the pantheon. While the empire is fascinating, it is also feared and hated by the other people, it is known for its brutal slavery and their bloody relgion which demand sacrifices on their huge pyramids for their long dead mummified emperors. However till this day their armies stood victorious.
For this first post i thought it would be interesting to open up with some Info about the "main" cultures in this corner of the world. I deliberately based them very loosely on IRL cultures, so it is easier to connect to them and they arent just abitrary blank slates, however that doesnt mean they do not diverge from this considerably or even mix and mash different IRL cultures. I generally want to be inspired by IRL cultures and events, just to keep it relatable and not too foreign but that doesnt mean this is "Earth but Fantasy" or these will be hard guidelines. Lose Inspiration i'd say would be most accurate. As for when this map is set ? The year 500 B.R. basically marks a transition between pre history towards early history. This would be right at the end of the Bronze Age of this world. I will do a timeline post for how we got here, i just thought i want to get people familiar with the world before we get into the dry prehistoric timeline.
1: The Remyans are obviously in part based on the Romans however they take the role as Indo-Europeans and Seapeople here. The currently year is like 20 years after a event similar to the bronze age collapse of OTL
2:The Keltoi...i dont like the name so any suggestions are welcome. They are a Megalthic culture and will become rather important later
3:They are a standin for Germanic and Slavic people and would be similar to the bellbeakers of Northern Europe.
4:The Kymbrians are a odd little mix and i like for them to develop a very distinct regional culture
5:Obviously these are this worlds Greeks, however they are more based on the Myceneans then Ancient Greeks.
6:They are based on the Phoenicians mixed with Egyptians
7:These would be similar to the Etruscans OTL however i mostly based their name and affinity of community on them.
8:These would be TTL egyptian analogue, altho their wars between the steppe people formed them to be quite different.
9:The Sarlysians are basically a mix of Assyrians, Aztec and Persia.
I wil generally try to alternate between Timeline chunks with dates and what happened in each decade and lore chunks with maps and background Info. The next post will jump forward in time and show the first proper states (i hope, i am a novice in mapmaking XD)
2:The Keltoi...i dont like the name so any suggestions are welcome. They are a Megalthic culture and will become rather important later
Maybe something like "Walsans" or "Valsans"? Trying to spin something off of the Proto-Germanic "Walhaz".

I'm a little curious about the climate in these areas. Is Sarlys arid like Iran, or is it wetter like Central America? Are the northern areas tundra, or is this map more focused on the warmer areas?
Maybe something like "Walsans" or "Valsans"? Trying to spin something off of the Proto-Germanic "Walhaz".

I'm a little curious about the climate in these areas. Is Sarlys arid like Iran, or is it wetter like Central America? Are the northern areas tundra, or is this map more focused on the warmer areas?
The name idea is great, thanks.
I will upload a climate map soon for the world.
The area of Sarlys is mild towards the coast, similar to southern france probably, while further inwards of the continent it becomes very dry very rapidly. Probably a dry desert.
The area south of Sarlys would be humid subtropical. Kymbria overall is temprate with the south mediterranean and further north it gets boreal. The whole area this map shows is above 15 degrees of latitude on the globe.
Timeline: 12500 B.R. - 5000 B.R.
Now for my second post and the timeline chunk, i didnt manage to finish the next map, i am still learning and wanna put out sth that looks actually good.
However i think it will also be interesting to see what happened during the prehistory of the planet.

12500 B.R. The first wave of human expansion begins to end. Agriculture is sporadically done by people. Dogs, cats, pigs and cattle are beign domesticated. First appearances of pottery, jewelry and more sophisticated huntin techniques.

12300 B.R. Ceramic is developed in the west of Serenia. The golden age of the mythical Ice Giants(1) is in full swing. Most of the north is ruled by Human-Giant Kingdoms.

12000 B.R. Begin of the Holocene, drastic climat changes.

11500 B.R. Rice is domesticated in the east of Serenia.

11000 B.R. First huntingspells and proto religious beliefs appear

10600 B.R. Sophisticated cermaic becomes widespread in Serenia. A massive Volcano erupts on Menosia, ending the early human settlements on the Island.

10200 B.R. The first known temple is built at the mouth of the river Sarl to the west of Menosia

10000 B.R. Talismans and magic beliefs begin to spread. First use of metal in the east of Lavidia. Selective breeding of seeds and the processing of wheat happen. Cattle herds are now held in Lavidia.

9800 B.R. The first humans arrive in the far south of Lavidia. Ceramic becomes known in the east of Lavidia.

9200 B.R. Different kinds of fruit are farmed in the north of Mosbaria

9000 B.R. Basic knowledge about copper is developed. Early Brewery techniques are developed in the west of Serenia.

8800 B.R. Establishment of Agriculture in East-Lavidia and Kymbria. A more sedentary lifestyle becomes common in these societies.

8700 B.R. The first Proto-City Gurs(2) is established and houses roughly 2500 people. Agriculture meanwhile develops in Serenia idependently.

8500 B.R. First funeral rites become common among sedentary societies. Square houses out of clay become the prefered building method in Lavidia and Kymbria. Decorated Skulls of the dead are kept inside the houses of Kymbrian people.

8200 B.R. Sheep are domesticated in Kymbria and Lavidia.

8000 B.R. Great floos happen due to melting of the last ice age glaciers. First figures which could represent gods appear. The last Kingdoms of the Ice-Giants have their final golden age.

7800 B.R. Destruction of Gurs for unkown reasons. A giant yellow comet is seen in the night sky(3). Some cultures use this event for their calenders or later mythical beliefs. The first megalithic structures are built in Kymbria.

7700 B.R. The last Giants are seen. End of the Giant Kingdoms of the great north. the Proto-Althayan culture develops first semi-nomadic settlements in Serenia. A roce of Gnomes is seen in the vast forests of Kymbria. It is unkown if these are just myths or if Gnomes are real.(4)

7300 B.R. Agriculture is introduced in Mosbaria

7100 B.R. Proto-writing is developed in the west of Serenia.

7000 B.R. Gold and silver are used for jewelry on a small scale for the first time. The first primitive irrigation-systems are developed in Lavidia.

6200 B.R. Irrigation-systems are developed along the east of Lavidia. Sedentary agricultura has fully replaced the hunter gatherer lifestyle in Kymbria and the east of Lavidia. The slow pottery wheel is developed idepentently in different locations of Lavidia. The city of Gurs is rebuilt.

6000 B.R. Death cults and funeral rites continue to develop. Funerals are now usually done outside of the house. Beer was discovered by chance on the west coast of Lavidia. Megalithic temples become ever larger and sophisticated. Most are located along the Sarl river or in the interior of Kymbria.

5900 B.R. Agriculture continues to evolve. Irrigation Systems develop in Kymbria. Viticulture becomes a thing in east Lavidia and the south of Kymbria.

5600 B.R. The first mass graves hints at the first possible war between tribes. It is located in central Kymbria. Founding of Erur.

5500 B.R. Begin of the Copper Age. The first known religion becomes widespread in west Kymbria. It honours a Godess with the head of a Lion. Animal-cults and Mothergodesses or fertility gods, often associated with the earth, become important to many agricultural societies. On the contrary, Shepard-cults develop for pastoral societies, which pray to skygods instead of the earthgods more common among agricultural people. In the south of Serenia, large, megalithic temples are developed for Sea-cults, which venerate the ocean and bodies of water in general.

5450 B.R. Proto-writing is developed in the east of Lavidia and Kymbria. Irrigation systems and ceramic become known in the south of Serenia.

5400 B.R. Establishment of the Gurs-city system. Ceramic becomes the most important trade item of the west. Erur ursurps Gurs role as the most important city along the Sarl river. The Althayan Culture develops in the far south of Serenia and becomes the most sophisticated society on earth to this point.

5300 B.R. Development of the first Megalithic cultures in Lavidia and Kymbria. So called Shepard-religions become widespread in the north of Lavidia. Early Ships with Sails are built and used to settle the many Islands around Kymbria. Gurs and Erur become rival city. Gurs develops the first writing system.

5200 B.R. Old-Remyan People begin the settlement of the north of Lavidia and beyond. Cattle, the wheel and animal mounts are introduced in the north of Lavidia.

5000 B.R. Establishment of the first proto city-states. The world population is roughly 8 million people.

(1) Ice Giants are an early race humanoids on the planet who died out with the end of the Ice Age. They are the center of many myths.
(2) The Name is very much up for debate
(3) The yellow Comet is a reoccuring theme in the world and center of many esoteric beliefs and religions later down the line
(4) Gnomes... a possible fantasy race ?
So this is my first ever timeline post. I hope my english isn't that terrible, if it is, then I am sorry. This covers a large chunk of the prehistoric timeline. I deliberately kept many developments a bit vague (like the exact year or place they happened). You can expect the Timeline to be more detailed later down the line. At the moment i am not sure if i wanna add fantastic intelligent species, if i end up adding them, they will be largely unkown to the wider population and be pretty much in the shadows, like the hidden Forest-Gnomes or the now extinct Ice-Giants of the far past.
Why is it north and south Cabros when the islands are mainly east-west?
My Idea was that Cabros initially referred to the land east of Kymbria and after going south people found another landmass really close so it got the "south" in the name. But now that i look at it, using east and west might be more usefull like you suggested. Or maybe even just finding another name for south Cabros altogether.
Timeline: 4900 B.R. - 1900 B.R.
4900 B.R. Speacialised Plows were developed in Lavidia and Kymbria

4800 B.R. The Badani Culture develops, they fully embraced agriculture and build a complex irrigation system. The first codified form of medicin is developed.

4600 B.R. A new form of Priest-rulership develops in Lavidia, Kymbria and Menos. The relgious Institutions gain massive influence. The last Giant was allegedly seen in North Serenia. Gnomes are allegedly seen more often in the vast interior forests of Kymbria and worshipped as forest gods.

4400 B.R. Olremyan expansion reaches its zenit. Halmkar is founded in the north of Erur and becomes a new rival.

4300 B.R. The first codified version of warfare arrives in Lavidia. Vinyards become widespread on Menos. Copper is used in masses on lavidia Kymbria and parts of Serenia.

4200 B.R. The early shepard religion and sky cults begin to differentiate into different regional religions. The Skycult of the remyans establish a proper priest class. Olremyan People begin the expansion towards the southeast. This begins a roughly 2000 year long process of expansion and evolution of different peoples who are derived from the Oldremyans.

4100 B.R. The old native societies of Kymbria collapse for unkown reasons. Newremyans begin to settle and conquer central and west Kymbria. The early Menosian culture develops on the lush islands off the southern coast of Kymbria. In the southeast of Serenia, the Althayic culture has its golden age.

4000 B.R. Metalworking comes to the east of Kymbria. A fast pottery wheel revolutionizes the pottery industry. The Badani begin to mummify their dead.

3900 B.R. The plow is independetly developed on Serenia. Glazed terracotta becomes a important trade good in Lavidia.Astronomy is developed in Lavidia Kymbria and Mosbaria.

3600 B.R. Rise of Erur. The city becomes the largest metropolitan area of the continent and society grows evermore complex. Colony-cities of Erur develop the area. The Naquata become a distinct region of the Badani culture. Cities and towns of the north of the Badani culture unify into the Naquata realm under a King, while the south is unified into the Realm of Deshret under a priest class.

3500 B.R. Oldremyan people settle a majority of the Kymbrian highlands. Bronzeworking is discovered on the west coast of Lavidia.

3400 B.R. Cuneiform is developed in Erur and used for temple administration. Begin of the Althaic bronze age and second cultural golden age. Vinyards are spreading on the Menosian islands and even Cabros.

3200 B.R. Spread of bronzeworking knowledge in the known world. Naquata and Deshret develop their own writing system. Glass is produced in east Lavidia for the first time.

3050 B.R. Newremyans conquer Menosia and become a ruling class. Vast palace complexes are built on the Menosian Islands. Chariots are used by many armies in east lavidia and Kymbria. Silver is mined on a larg scale on Cabros and Lidon, a settlement a couple 100 kilometers to the south of Sarlys. Silk and glazed ceramics become a symbol of Althaic power. Papyrus is developed.

2960 B.R. The Kingdoms of Nequata and Deshret unify under Narnes I into the Kingdom of Desquata after he killed the preist class of Deshret. Sumys is founded to be the seat of the new Kingdom. A bull cult is becoming important in the east-menosian colonies. First sacrifices to forest Gnomes are attested in Kymbria.

2750 B.R. The first Pyramids are built by the Badani.Knowledge of copperworking rapidly spreads and the new tools allow for ever more complex irrigation systems, artificial lakes and larger constructions.

2600 B.R. Begin of the Highmenosian age. The oldest Harbor is built on Menosia. The eastmenosian colonies become their own culture called Yonians. Ceramics become widespread in Serenia. Tyr is founded on Cabros and quickly becomes a important trade city thanks to its silvermines and rare dyes.

2500 B.R. Complex literature is now developed in Lavidia. Old sagas are about mystified Kings of Erur. The sunclock is developed in the west of Lavidia.

2260 B.R. Rise of Great King Sarlos I. Sarlos conquers Erur and the surrounding lands and founds the Sarlysian Empire. The City of Sarlys is founded and quickly grows to be the largest City of the known world. This begins the old sarlyisan age.

2150 B.R. The first and still standing sarlyisan ziggurat os built. Sighting of another yellow comet, many cults see this date as very important to their relgion.

2000 B.R. End of the first Sarlysian Empire with the death of the last son of the line of Sarlos. Rebel leader Nahamar founds the third Realm of Erur. Sarlys becomes the first idea of an Empire that many nations will try to emulate. Athayic People now rule vast areas to the south of Serenia. A kind of proto colonial empire.

1900 B.R. Bronze is present everywhere on the Serenia continent now and some even further and less settled areas of the world.

A new Timeline segment, sorry no map, real life had other plans. But its probably also a good thing to get the lore and background our forst for the world. If you have any suggestions or questions, let me know.
Resource: World Map 200 B.R.

We are doing a little timejump to the known world of 200 B.R. The major cultures have firmly established organized states around the central seas while the vast lands of Lavidia, Masbaria and Serenia are in the process of beign discovered together with a vast ammount of tribal cultures.

So its finally back, this map took way longer to do then i thought and shitty depression didnt help with that. I am not 100% statisfied but really wanted to post it now that i finally have done it. If you have any questions i will be happy to answer