a lot of American politicians considered getting the Floridas just compensation for the damages caused by Spanish ships in the Quasi War, in addition to believing that part of West Florida was included in the Louisiana Purchase (the Florida Parishes of modern Louisiana), so I could see the US arguing it only has to pay for Cuba. Plus, Spain had mostly written off the Floridas by that point so its no real loss to them.the big issue here that I haven't seen a lot of clues on how ttl is going to deal with is that the treaties ending the wars against Napoleon and the general agreements in 1815 made an decent effort to restore colonial possessions to the way that they were prior to the French Revolution. Now nobody seriously attempted to restore Louisiana to the French, but a Military Conquest like Florida or Cuba, you might get a *lot* of push to restore to the Spanish Crown. (And then perhaps pay for them). Now most of the European powers (for example Austria) would not be in a situation to enforce the US giving them back, so it largely would be Britain that would be responsible for that. It would be interesting if the British used the US as sort of a Rapid dog in those discussions. (You can sell them to the UK, or we won't be responsible for what happens when the Americans decide that they want them)
Cuba though is the Jewel of the West Indies, only once matched by Hispaniola which, uh, isn't looking so hot after the wars with Haiti and French occupation in the east of the island, so yeah, definitely gonna butt heads over that. Depending on how the US went about getting Cuba, like if they coopt an independence movement, they could reasonably argue that they have the support of the inhabitants.