Random Map Thoughts

Without searching it, what do you think the factions on this map represent?

Orange is the EU or an equivalent. Red, especially is it is the color China, Russia and North Korea are shown in indicates socialism to me, which seems to fit well fetched for some other inclusions in the red faction (Ukraine, India), could work for Japan and Iran, but the inclusion of the US, Israel & New Zealand is definitely interesting, especially when I see that all the borders are the same as the OTL modern ones, it starts to seem quite unlikely. The green countries look like they'd fit in some sort of "third bloc"/non-aligned kind of sphere. Like there all somewhat random choices from various continents that aren't big powers but for the most part are doing quite well for the region they're in and, with the exception of South Korea and the ROC tend not to fall too much under the influence of any one major power. The blue faction is by far the weirdest. They're all formerly British colonies? Apart from that though I see little that would connect them.
Red: The Internationale (Comintern) after a Soviet victory in the Cold War. Thus, the US is included.

Blue: Countries "in transition"?/currently implementing Socialism

Orange: The Internationale (Euro-Communist), the arch-rivals and sometimes bitter enemies of the Red bloc.

Green: Remaining capitalist or fascist countries.
Both of your answers were really interesting! Now let's see what was the map truly about...


Yeah, those are nations with orbital launch capability. So, it wasn't really a political map of any sort, but I really liked the assumptions that both of you made! As both of you stated, the Blue or Green faction didn't make any sense from a political view, unless they were chosen at random or they were in a defensive pact, while the red faction looked like Comintern in steroids.

So yeah, nice answers! If anyone wants to post a random, out-of-context map, go for it.