Quick question

Hey guys, this is a bit out of place but has to do with an alternate history book I am writing. I was wondering how you could seriously screw up a siege as a defender, the story happens in 1803 and I was just wondering if you could help out. Sorry This is random but need help with this and don't know where I could ask history buffs.
I'm a defense-minded guy. Off the top of my head...

1 - Failure to secure adequate water supply, or protect it from poisoning.

2 - Failure to secure adequate food supply, or protect it from fire.

3 - Failure to provide adequate security to protect the life of the decisive leader of the resistance to the siege (civilian, military, and/or religious).

4 - Failure to prevent infiltration by spies. (Guards on walls, adequate passwords, adequate inspection of incoming and outgoing parties or individuals).

5 - Failure to prevent internal betrayal (mistreatment of senior military officials, relatives of the ruling families, intelligent minorities).

6 - Inadequate tactics or poor defensive posture. (Not anticipating attempts to undermine walls. No preplanning for defense against wall scaling, concentrated battering attacks, strategic movement or bunkers to avoid artillery).

7 - Simple geographic short-sightedness. (Leadership chose to hole up in just the wrong damn city when they could have held out forever someplace else).

8 - Poor character - Loyal forces could break the siege but the Leadership needing rescuing was led by A**holes, so their countrymen decided: Why f**king bother?

9 - Simple bad luck - You are under siege by the Empire of the Mongols or the United States (after 1900).