Protect and Survive: A Timeline

An American dud in Munich? That's weird. There's no way I can imagine the Americans dropping one on a city in one of its allies. Maybe there was a targeting screwup for some reason by the Americans. Or the Soviets manage to steal an American nuke or two and perhaps have one of those retargeted towards Munich. I'd think the latter might be more plausible, given that Munich is the state capital of Bavaria.


An American dud in Munich? That's weird. There's no way I can imagine the Americans dropping one on a city in one of its allies. Maybe there was a targeting screwup for some reason by the Americans. Or the Soviets manage to steal an American nuke or two and perhaps have one of those retargeted towards Munich. I'd think the latter might be more plausible, given that Munich is the state capital of Bavaria.

It's rather easier to bomb a city of your allies if it's currently occupied by a good number of Soviet soldiers and their armour.
^ Interesting tactic. I never thought of that. I guess it begins to make sense when you take into account the age-old thinking of "if we can't have it, then we might as well destroy it along with the enemy".
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Glad to see P&S back. I was living on the Berwickshire coast, so I (hopefully) survived the initial exchange

And a nuclear crisis post-WW3?? :eek:

Absolute genius
I just read the first line, and, I'm very, very excited :D

The Ice Age is coming, the Sun's zooming in/ Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin/ A nuclear error but I have no fear/ 'Cos London is drowning and I live by the river
So we have, effectively, a cold war between what's left of Britain and what I'm going to call the Soviet Republic of Munich? Sounds intriguing lol.

And for some reason I quite like The Librarian, even though she reminds me somewhat of my ex (and when I picture her, it's my ex I picture, more or less).
Wow, Op DESTINY BLACK was very haunting. I can just picture the utter devastation of what was once London.
EDIT: On the Tube, the AWE (IIRC) did model what would happen to the Underground in such a situation and it was not pretty. If a ground burst breached a tunnel the blast wave would travel down it for quite some direction in both directions, destroying everything in its path.
The reference to the stampede does remind me of some of the scenes from the novel 'Black Alert' (well worth reading, btw).

The Constable is still alive; I certainly didn't see that coming.

And the Munich Missile Crisis, nice one! :D

An American dud in Munich? That's weird. There's no way I can imagine the Americans dropping one on a city in one of its allies.

As Jack says if it is full of Soviet troops advancing West then why not? In @ the US planned to hit East Berlin with nuclear weapons and you can't get any closer to friendly territory than that.
Using a nuke on Munich is not really any different from Bomber Command flattening Caen in 1944, but on a much larger scale.
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Great update, as usual!

Munich certainly provides an interesting and very challenging scenario for Willie and his government. I wouldn't know where to start. I suppose every solution has it's risks attached.

Personally I would offer the General guarantees on his (and his officers) future and try to buy him off with safe passage to somewhere. Presumably a lot of his men have died, are ill, hungry and very, very scared. They're unlikely to have famillies, and if they do have, are unable to get home. Offer them Hayling Island. Close enough to Portsmouth to supervise, but big enough for a few thousand Russians.

Of course, you never know who is left behind...

Difficult one this... wonder if these guys were the one's that fired at the Hebrides?
You've only just noticed? Jack made it clear that Whitelaw is in Corsham many moons ago. :D
Btw by 1984 it was generally regarded as being a decoy site that would only be used post-strike by surviving PYTHON groups, if it has not been destroyed. It's codename by that time was CHANTICLEER, a few years later it was changed to PERIPHERAL, which was most appropriate.

EDIT: Probably the best online link for Corsham can be found here:
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