Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

Electoral Districts of Poland for the 1919 Parliamentary Elections showing some interesting western claims but no claims in Russia

from the south african intervention in angola 1975-1976 by Robin Hallett

So apparently the South African considered creating " greater ovambo state" across northern namibia and southern Angola in the early days of the Angolan civil war, mainly as a buffer state. Tho it may also have been a ploy to pressure MPLA into not crossing the border.

It could be a possibility in a timeline where the MPLA does considerably better in 1974-1975 (kinda hard to do tbh)

from the south african intervention in angola 1975-1976 by Robin Hallett

So apparently the South African considered creating " greater ovambo state" across northern namibia and southern Angola in the early days of the Angolan civil war, mainly as a buffer state. Tho it may also have been a ploy to pressure MPLA into not crossing the border.

It could be a possibility in a timeline where the MPLA does considerably better in 1974-1975 (kinda hard to do tbh)

So basically something like this (the area highlighted in thick purple borders):


or even like this:

To be fair those are all areas either inhabited by Poles or were part of the PLC, except that bit of Pomerania which I think might have something to do with the Piast duchies that existed there at one point?
The Pomeranian bits are about the (germanized) Kashubians (and more realistically, more coastline and distance from Gdańsk)
I suppose a few extra blocks of non-housing areas aren't going to make much of a difference. The border between the stated-DC and mini-DC is going to be all but invisible regardless.

Assuming that retrocession is what would happen*, the area would probably get called Washington County, or Columbia County, or something like that. It would be the fourth most populous county in Maryland in such a case. Baltimore is the only independent city in the state. The city itself probably just gets called the City of Washington, MD.

*which it 100000000% won't, given neither Maryland nor DC want such a thing anyway.
As it is, Maryland already has a Washington County. THus, maybe it would be Washington City or Anacostia County.
Here's a Q-BAM version of each proposal:
View attachment 557805
It's interesting to think about these Algerian arrangements in the context of possible Berber separatism too.

Roosevelt's proposals for France and Germany merged in a single post-war map of Europe. He wanted to merge Wallonia, Luexembourg and Northern France into a buffer state (with the original name of Wallonia). Borders for this state were never clearly defined so I just followed some department borders. If you guys know of any other woke plan from Roosevelt, tell me so I can add it to the map.
View attachment 559984
Roosevelt's proposals for France and Germany merged in a single post-war map of Europe. He wanted to merge Wallonia, Luexembourg and Northern France into a buffer state (with the original name of Wallonia). Borders for this state were never clearly defined so I just followed some department borders. If you guys know of any other woke plan from Roosevelt, tell me so I can add it to the map.
I always felt bad for Roosevelt- Polio is never fun. But this- this is the worst thing I've ever seen. He saved America from possibly collapsing into civil war, but that is negligible compared to this fucking atrocity.
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There’s a far cry (revanchistically) between a state that fought to establish and create itself over decades or centuries and a state that was drawn up on a piece of paper by mandate. I guess a self-determination plebiscite is too dangerous, though.

France is going to be absolutely furious at the mere existence of Wallonia.