Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

Chetnik leader Stevan Moljević's plans for a post-WW2 Yugoslavia, where Croatia is severely 'punished for its actions' and both Serbia & Slovenia get to fulfil their nationalist territorial dreams

...and some worlda patches for it



Chetnik leader Stevan Moljević's plans for a post-WW2 Yugoslavia, where Croatia is severely 'punished for its actions' and both Serbia & Slovenia get to fulfil their nationalist territorial dreams

...and some worlda patches for it


Heh, I wouldn't mind this lol. Though as I see it that's probably what he would have demanded, to still get a lot - you know, kinda when you try to sell sumn and give the first price as larger than you want, then the buyer will reduce it to the price you actually want (or get more than expected, hehe)
Chetnik leader Stevan Moljević's plans for a post-WW2 Yugoslavia, where Croatia is severely 'punished for its actions' and both Serbia & Slovenia get to fulfil their nationalist territorial dreams

...and some worlda patches for it

I wonder how long it would last till Uncle Joe turns it into a "People's Democracy".

But i think it's possible if the Chetniks alongside the Bosnians/Croatians somehow managed to crush the Yugoslav Partisans.
Heh, I wouldn't mind this lol.
Do you really think replacing crazy Croat nationalists with crazy Serb nationalists would turn out at all alright? Like come on, you're the "[r]esident Serb expert" here, you know what happens when 20th century Yugoslavs get nationalistic.


Do you really think replacing crazy Croat nationalists with crazy Serb nationalists would turn out at all alright? Like come on, you're the "[r]esident Serb expert" here, you know what happens when 20th century Yugoslavs get nationalistic.

That's an gross... oversimplification of things. At that point some future conflict was an inevitability (and still is, if anyone tells you otherwise, they're wearing rose-tinted glasses and get high of wishful thinking). And if conflict is inevitable, at least you can hope that your side wins tbh
I'm pretty sure that the map you are basing this on was a fake. If I remember it was made by an anti-muslim group. The map also just doesn't make much sense. Take all of that territory but leave out areas like Indonesia, it just doesn't make sense.

Also, why, if you are claiming India, would you leave out the heavily Muslim Bangladesh? Or not claim Tartarstan, etc?


There is the fact that prior to the whole Ukrainian chaos truly erupted, the South-East of the country was the power-base of the pro-Russian faction, and the North-West was the power-base of the pro-EU/NATO faction. I think a lot of Russian ultranationalists believed/hoped that the more pro-Russian regions of Ukraine would happily welcome Russian 'protection' and/or become an indpendent Russian ally in the event of Ukrainian balkanisation.

As it transpired, Ukrainian nationalism, fanned on by the escalating situation, was a lot stronger than the historical preference of 'friendship with Russia' over 'friendship with the West'. The vast majority of ethnic Ukrainians almost immediately shifted to the nationalist (Western-backed) camp, and only ethnic russians and certain other minorities favoured joining Russia. Hence, separatism in Crimea and 'Novorossiya' (both majority non-Ukrainian).

I'm not even sure if even any Russian ultranationalist still claims the 'optimistic' borders they initially desired. That was just a pipe-dream, it has faded, and now even the most rabid nationalists only claim Crimea and Novorossiya (as far as I know; I may be underestimating the lunacy of some extremists).