Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

Maps of the planned Markerwaald polder in the Markermeer lake in the Netherlands. Originally planned by the Dutch civil engineer Cornelius Lely as part of the other polders in the Zuiderzee known as the Zuiderzee works, the first image is the original planned extent of the polder until the 1960s, the second image is the extent of the polder after revisions were made throughout the 1970s and early 80s due to environmental concerns (believing that the use of the Markermeer for recreation and as a buffer protecting Amsterdam from weather coming from the North Sea outweighed the potential benefits of the polder), and the third image is the Marker Waaden, a chain of islands that will instead be created in the lake after the original polder was scrapped.

Did the Dutch have any other land reclamation projects that never came to be IOTL?
Did the Dutch have any other land reclamation projects that never came to be IOTL?
Here's one I posted earlier.
Buma Plan 1883.jpg

This may have been posted before, but here's another plan for the draining of the Zuider Zee.
The 1915 Treaty of London provided for an 'optional' partition of Albania between Greece, Serbia, and Montenegro, with the rump 'Islamic State of Albania' becoming an Italian protectorate.

"Accordingly, on April 26, 1916, the first anniversary of the Treaty of London with Italy, France and Russia signed the secret Sazonov-Paléologue Treaty concerning their respective territorial rights in Asiatic Turkey. Russia was awarded full sovereignty over the vilayets of Trebizond, Erzurum, Bitlis, and Van, a vast area of 60,000 square miles (about one and one-fifth times the size of the State of New York), containing valuable mineral and petroleum resources. This handsome prize put Russia well on the road to Constantinople and in a fair way to turn the Black Sea into a Russian lake. And at the moment the treaty was signed the armies of the Grand Duke Nicholas were actually overrunning the territory which Russia had staked out for herself."
- "Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway: A Study in Imperialism"
"Accordingly, on April 26, 1916, the first anniversary of the Treaty of London with Italy, France and Russia signed the secret Sazonov-Paléologue Treaty concerning their respective territorial rights in Asiatic Turkey. Russia was awarded full sovereignty over the vilayets of Trebizond, Erzurum, Bitlis, and Van, a vast area of 60,000 square miles (about one and one-fifth times the size of the State of New York), containing valuable mineral and petroleum resources. This handsome prize put Russia well on the road to Constantinople and in a fair way to turn the Black Sea into a Russian lake. And at the moment the treaty was signed the armies of the Grand Duke Nicholas were actually overrunning the territory which Russia had staked out for herself."
- "Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway: A Study in Imperialism"
quick map
I'm going to guess from the text and the colour that it's territory to be given to Montenegro.

This map has more or less the same information, but in Italian:

Thank you. Oh, well...
It's just that the coastal area involved looks more-or-less in he right place and for some reason I like the idea of a surviving Ragusa.
Thank you. Oh, well...
It's just that the coastal area involved looks more-or-less in he right place and for some reason I like the idea of a surviving Ragusa.
I've run the sentence under google translate, and I was correct. It appears to be written in Macedonian rather than Bulgarian according to its "detect language" feature, and reads: "Territories that would be annexed by Montenegro"