Prince Carl of Denmark doesn't become King of Norway

In 1905 Norway became independent of Sweden. They thought of several European to whom they could offer the throne but their chosen candidate was Prince Carl of Denmark.

What if they had chosen someone else or Carl had turned the offer down??
Actually, Carl was their second choice. Their first choice was one of the Bernadottes, but Oscar II forbade it.

Hmm, yes you are basicaly right but:

He was only asked because the Norwegians knew that the offer would be turned dow.

If there had been any real chance that the Swedes would have accepted, I seriousley doubt that the offer would have been made.
In 1905 Norway became independent of Sweden. They thought of several European to whom they could offer the throne but their chosen candidate was Prince Carl of Denmark.

What if they had chosen someone else or Carl had turned the offer down??

Something of a precedent had been established by the former Prince of Denmark, regent in Norway 1814 Christian Frederick, later Christian 8 of Denmark was elected King by the Norwegians 1814 and kept the crown until giving in to Sweden.

turned down the offer - never:
Carls father Frederick the 8 was the brother of Alexandra married to Edward 7 of Britain, brother of Vilhelm king of the Hellenes as Georg 1, brother of Dagmar married to Tsar Alexander 3 of Russia...

Someone else - someone in protestant Germany I guess.
Someone else - someone in protestant Germany I guess.

I doubt it. The main thing about Prince Carl was his British wife.

The Norwegians wanted the British connection to secure British support.

If not Carl, you have to look for someone else that can link themselfes strongly to the British monarch
I doubt it. The main thing about Prince Carl was his British wife.

The Norwegians wanted the British connection to secure British support.

If not Carl, you have to look for someone else that can link themselfes strongly to the British monarch

How about Prince Alexander of Battenburg (1886-1960)

He was the son of Prince Henry of Battenburg and Princess Beatrice, the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria
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