Pop-culture of the Kaiserreich

Deleted member 82792


What other Tintin stories could be adapted to KR?
What about the one where he goes to America? Or the where he meets Captain Haddock?
Tintin en Amerique was drawn in 1931, so i don't think there will be any changes there. The first comics were very steriotypical, and i can't see that change, maybe he will constantly refer to Al Capone's gangsters as le syndicate as a little personal shot. Le crabbe au pince d'or, the album that introduces us to Haddock was made in 1940, 1941. The story plays mostly in French North Africa and is pretty a political. So i actualy think there wouldn't change that much. However it depends on lore. What i described happened if Germany wins the zweiter Weltkrieg. But if according to the syndicalist victory timeline ATL Belgium will be occupied by that moment, then Herge wouldn't be allowed to work, certainly not if he brought out the very first album, Im Land der Syndicalisten.

Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Cover Art

The Men of War video game series from the Ukrainian gaming company Best Way and German digitalmindsoft. The game was a real time tactics with 3rd Person shooter elements (namely with it's iconic direct control mode). The game featured skirmish missions (both single player and co-op modes), battlezones, cargo, combat, victory, and frontline modes. Some the unique things to Men of War was that you could manage the inventory of a soldier or vehicle, soldiers are needed to man vehicles, and there is also an editor for the game, which allows players to make custom maps or missions. Being set during the 2nd Weltkreig, with the Germans, Russians, AUS, CSA, French, and British factions. The three main campaigns in the original Men of War was with two officers named Smirnoff and Kuznetsov in the Russian Army fighting the Germans, the German campaign with Gunther Borg fighting on the Western Front against the French and British, and a group of soldiers with the AUS factions battling the CSA in the south. It's sequels, Assault Squad and Assault Squad 2 both had new campaigns with the all of the aforementions factions along with the new ones of the Japanese and American Federalist forces that has the player tasked in both defending their positions and also capturing enemy ones along with stealth, tank, and infiltration missions. The spinoff game called Men of War: White Tide, followed Russian Navy Marines on the Black Sea Front in WK II, along with Condemned Heroes, which followed the story of the Russian Penal Battalions. What made the series popular was that it both had the aforementioned direct-control mode, and it is rather very moddable, which led the rise of the mods such as the German Soldiers Mod, RobZ Realism, and Red Rising Mods.


A screenshot from the Original Men of War with the Russian and German forces in a firefight.

A screenshot of Men of War's famous editor mode.
trying to get a few ideas for a version of the Crown in My TL but having abit of difficulty with possible names given the diffrent context (Elizabeth succeeds after the failure of Fortitude and Edward resigning/drinking himself to death and has to work hard to perserve the monarchy itself). Any Ideas?
I mean that does seem abit assholish of the state and special treatmenty of the church ("Alright folks we'll give you a bone but only if you possibly bend your theolgy to work with our Ideolgy") but I guess that's what to be expected, certainly alot better than how it could turn out.

Oh, for sure. What I was trying to go with there was something that felt realistic for the situation and the era/stage of the country's development, but was still better than it could have gone.

Yeah...by the time the Iberians are off there victory drug, there would be alot of Dead priests...

Unfortunately it's a real likelihood... I can see things changing later, under different leaders, but during the civil war and the immediate aftermath, things could get nasty.

Yeah thats sounds alot like something the italians would have alright.

A combination of the popular feeling on the ground and leadership recognising 'Let's be realistic about this...'

Havent read it but Now I will...

Think you'd enjoy it.

Okay so more like an officall requirement which has loopholes, that works very well.

Pretty much, yeah.

Not sure this could work exactly, for reasons I mention below:

I doubt there'd be a way the Church could have zero political clout because at the end of the day they have opinions on the issues, and as long as their allowed to say what they think about said issues, a certain amount of voters will take said opinions into account when there casting there ballot. As such certain politicans will want to tap into these people weather out of a genuine feelings or simple vote getting.

Oh, it wouldn't be zero. But thanks to a combination of loss of some resources, changes, the shakeup of the entire political landscape and radical changes to how politics works, as well as government working towards this end, definitely a sharply reduced political clout.

Yeah that would work very well as it plays into what im going for with the Syndie's (ie not over the top Communist totalist hellhole stuff but more subtle corruption and aimed attacks while keeping a smiley face) and it could vary from place to place.

Had a feeling it might.

that would be fun to see and I think that would work very well.

and apparently Theg agrees, isnt internet Brainstorming grandx'D

It definitely makes sense, alright!
Oh, for sure. What I was trying to go with there was something that felt realistic for the situation and the era/stage of the country's development, but was still better than it could have gone.
Yeah, thats my impression of most your world, where the Syndicalists took the high road (within reason) most of the time,when it would of been so much easier for them to go low...Im guessing that if they ever did get a machine to travel between universes and saw mine, theyd be rattled and then shake there heads at there counterparts for taking short cuts and there corruption and using it as a lesson for back home.
Unfortunately it's a real likelihood... I can see things changing later, under different leaders, but during the civil war and the immediate aftermath, things could get nasty.
Yeah,It take a long time for the wounds to heal in Iberia given how Nasty literally everyone would of been... Hopefully by the modern day the Iberians have owned up to at least some of there atrocities and are working on a Truth and Reconciliation comisson.
A combination of the popular feeling on the ground and leadership recognising 'Let's be realistic about this...'
Yeah, dont want to get yourselves stupidly overthrown...
Think you'd enjoy it.
Oh I bet I will,I found Don Camillio last summer and I liked it practically immediately both for the expoloration of the period, the Innate Christianity in it, and the comedy
Pretty much, yeah.

so I guess he also takes advantage of this with his Carpentry being mostly to assist the Parish...
Oh, it wouldn't be zero. But thanks to a combination of loss of some resources, changes, the shakeup of the entire political landscape and radical changes to how politics works, as well as government working towards this end, definitely a sharply reduced political clout.
Im sure that works on a national level but Im not so sure on a Local level, considering that Syndicalism does give a lot of autonumy to the local communitties, if the people want something like say a Christian bible at the court house, Im fairly sure they can have it.


Anyways heres my images for the day:


Blue Bloods, A CBS Shows following a Cop family In New York City as it navigates a complicated environment to make sure Crime is dealt with Fairly in New York City, now one of the most noticeably diverse cities in the world due to the Government Reconstruction policy of inviting in exiles and Immigrants from all over the world to reconstruct the city from damages, often leading to what is a true show of the melting pot of America to many but also creating a unique situation for Cops who have to work with the mix effectively. It is praised for the family dynamic as it deals with everyone's personal lives and there different Philosophies, from GrandPa and former commissioner Henry Reagan, who still remembers how the City was before the Second Civil War, in his childhood and the complicated days of policing after the war, Henry, a tough but fair commissioner and his own Children: Danny (who is a by the books cop who has no time for rule breaking) Jamie (someone who thinks bending the rules once in a while is worth it if it gets the job done) and Erin (the New York City prosecutor) and there own families.


a Scene from ground Zone Dublin, a Film about the beginnings of the Irish Second War of Independence. Following brand New Recruit Gary Hook (played by Jack O'Connell) looking to serve his country and promote the revolution he is deployed first to the Violent streets of Dublin as the Local Syndicalist Government cannot contain the massive, violent demonstrations calling for the end of Syndicalism.Initially sold on the promise that he was just fighting a few extremists and Counter revolutionaries, Gary learns it's far more complex after being dropped on the ground and thrown into the suppression of the massive demonstrations, where he witnesses the brutality the local authorities are willing to use to find anyone possibly connected to organizations like the New IRA or the ARF (Arm Friotaíocht Chaitliceach, or Catholic Resistance Army) and shows the Sunday Massacre when the Army fired into Crowds of protestors. However it does not shy away from some of the actions the Nationalists committed in there quest, as it quickly becomes a game of Cat and Mouse as Gary is separated from his units and has to flee from a group of fanatical Irish Nationalists looking to kill him and terrorizing any citizen who they consider a Collaborator, including the Family who aided him (who are actually personally quite Pro Nationalist and Anti Syndicalist). It is judged with abit of controversy in both the Republic and Britain, the current Nationalist Government is very much angry at the "Smearing of Noble freedom fighters by a bunch of Brits", while many in Britain don't like being reminded of their country's more brutal actions in the conflict...
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Deleted member 82792

Do you think Game of Thrones would be any different in KR?
What about the one where he goes to America? Or the where he meets Captain Haddock?
The America-book wont change much. To some degree it was propaganda like "land of the Soviets", just t hat in this case, american capitalism was the target.
Crab with golden claws is more difficult, because IOTL it was written at a time, were ITTL the WKII is most likely already going on and Belgium is at the frontline. Good chance Haddock is butterflied away.
Father Brown is that you?:D
You called?


In the 1950/60th the "Pater Brown"-movies, were a very popular series in german cinemas. Although the storys were mostly pure whodunits and didn´t really try include Chestersons philosophie, they were one of the first post-war movies, which showed a symphathic image of England.
The titular role was played by famous german actor Heinz Rühmann.

Rühmann is till today best known for his role as Adolph Hitler in the german movie classic "Mein Kampf".

So What you guys think of Men of War being in the Kaiserreich Universe?

I could easily say that this game is rather underrated with AH.com.
Do you think Game of Thrones would be any different in KR?
GoT is somewhat a deconstructing of tolkienesque High Fantasy. The question is, will such High Fantasy become a genre. Yes, Tolkien wriite in KR, but success would depend on several factors. If America goes and Britain stays syndie, I think High Fantasy will not be a thing there. If Germany wins WKII and stays dominant on the world stage, it would propably develope
its own brand of High Fantasy, which wouldn´t needed to be deconstructed the GoT-way, because its already pretty dark. I mean in the Song of the Niebelungs the hero get murdered in the middle of the story and at the end everybody dies in a massacre.

Deleted member 82792

Do you think R.L. Stine wrote to Goosebumps books in KR?
GoT is somewhat a deconstructing of tolkienesque High Fantasy. The question is, will such High Fantasy become a genre. Yes, Tolkien wriite in KR, but success would depend on several factors. If America goes and Britain stays syndie, I think High Fantasy will not be a thing there. If Germany wins WKII and stays dominant on the world stage, it would propably develope
its own brand of High Fantasy, which wouldn´t needed to be deconstructed the GoT-way, because its already pretty dark. I mean in the Song of the Niebelungs the hero get murdered in the middle of the story and at the end everybody dies in a massacre.

I’d agree.

Within a democratic Syndicalist setting, my ‘in-universe article’ would hold true I think...

‘Swords and Gears: A Study of Fantasy Literature and its evolution within the Internationale’
by Doctor Judith Fairfax, Magdalen College
Collected in the book Essays on Popular Fiction since the Revolutions (New York, 2011)
When it comes to popular fiction within the Internationale in general - and in North America and Britain in particular- speculative fiction has always enjoyed a strong position. Science-fiction, in particular that of a more optimistic type showing better futures made possible by scientific advancements and the brotherhood of humanity, has themes that strongly resonate within the Syndicalist world. As to horror, it is of course a universal genre that works wherever in the world one is.

Fantasy, however, was something that some thought initially might not fit in with the new trends as seen in Syndicalist writing. While this might seem an unusual opinion - especially given the popularity of superhero works such as Superman and Wonder Woman, both of which effectively brought fantastical and mythological tropes into play for the modern age - there was a reason for this, and it lies in the nature of fantasy as a genre. When we look at early pioneers of fantasy, for example pre-Civil War Howard, Tolkien or Lewis, we note the more primitive eras and aesthetics at play, and we in certain works we note the assumption of monarchy as a natural order, at least from the point of view of the protagonists. This, of course, would be antithetical to a dedicated Syndicalist, and would be unpopular to say the least.

This fact, and the corresponding fact that a writer would begin from a point of view of monarchy as a system with severe flaws, ultimately is why fantasy writing developed as it did among Internationale writers: namely, with the establishment of sword-and-sorcery stories as the dominant form of fantasy. Primarily focused as this genre is on individual characters and their exploits rather than wider scope politics, such stories remain universal in their appeal: while one might not enjoy a story about the return of a perfect, ‘rightful’ king to claim an ancient throne and automatically set things right, the reader can enjoy an imperfect barbarian swordsman or swordswoman fighting to stay alive in a world that, while decidedly imperfect, is recognised as such and is all he or she knows.

Moreover, as time went on, the focus on character-driven works would lead to the gradual growth of more subversive protagonists, shown rebelling against or resisting corrupt institutions. This process had begun with pre-Civil War Conan the Barbarian stories, which had as a central theme the decay and corruption of once-powerful empires and kingdoms prior to their eventual conquest. It would be gradually magnified in later stories, stories in which corrupt nobles and priests would become ever-more prominent as Conan’s enemies. This trend would be seen in later works in the genre: Clark Ashton Smith’s Hyperborean stories of the master-thief Satampra Zeiros featured his targeting corrupt priests and nobility for his thefts, as seen in particular in ‘The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles’ which details the corruption of the setting’s priesthood; Anne Donovan’s Tales of Tiana feature the titular swordswoman protecting the poor of her world from rapacious nobles and often taking it upon herself to teach said nobles ‘lessons’ ranging from deadly, as in 1952’s ‘The Serpent Rider’ to merely embarrassing, such as the fate of Lady Hayla in ‘The Crimson Moon Waxes’ of the following year...

...by contrast, there has only been one truly stand-out example of ‘heroic fantasy’ as some have termed it in the Internationale. This is, of course, the Renewal Cycle by Ursula LeGuin. It has been long considered a ‘Syndicalist rebuttal’ to the imitators of Tolkien who were popular in Australasia and Russia during the 1970s. Focused as it is around the wizard Hawke and the shieldmaiden Kyra’s resistance to Valtor, an evil man armed with mythical weapons and claiming he is the prophesied king of the land of Tenar, and ending with a peasant rebellion that puts and end to the age of kings, one can see why...

Because Conan-esque stories tend to be more gritty and built around often flawed characters rather than themes of kingship, etc., I can see this kind of fantasy developing. Rather than ‘all was well when the Rightful King (TM) came along’, it’s ‘This world is corrupt, here’s what our hero did while living in it’.
I'd expect Red fantasy literature to be rooted in concepts like Mistborn: The Final Empire. Heist novel about ragtag lower-class heroes mounting a rebellion against a corrupt and totalitarian regime.

Deleted member 82792

Broadly speaking...
  • The Internationale is the single most powerful bloc on the planet. It dominates the Americas, Europe (West, Central, North and East), large chunks of Africa ( North Africa, former National French West Africa, the former Mittelafrikan states, and the new South Africa after the old Russian-backed regime went down), and the Middle East, Bharat runs India and brought Syndicalism to Myanmar and through Bharat the Internationale is reaching out to former Russian Central Asia. Basically, after Russia went down, they got to work on trying to bring its old Sphere of Influence in.
  • In order, the leading nations of the Internationale are: The Commonwealth of America; the Union of Britain; The Commune of France; Bharat; and increasingly the reunited Federal People’s Republic of Germany.
  • Russia is officially unaligned but both the Internationale and East Asia have been helping them back on their feet via development aid after Voynism collapsed. They’re democratic, are gradually turning into a welfare state, have reduced their military sharply, etc.
  • The only non-Internationale major power is Greater East Asia: Japan; China; Transamur; the Philippines; Vietnam; Laos; Thailand; Malaya; Sarawak; Indonesia; and Australasia. They also have influence in Africa that they’re working on building. They’re more conservative than the Internationale, but they’ve a solid range of corporate regulations, worker-Protection laws and welfare state stuff, introduced to ‘kill Syndicalist sentiment with kindness’ back in the 60s.
  • Used to be run by Japan, but increasingly being run by a re-united China, though Indonesia has also been taking a greater leadership role.
  • In a state of ‘distantly cordial detente’ with the Internationale, though they compete for influence in Africa, and during the Cold War they had an understanding that they’d team up if Russia attacked either.
  • There hasn’t been any war on terror analogue yet, but there have been actions against rogue regimes in places - mostly during the 90s. The biggest was the South African War in 1994, when the Internationale brought down the old Russian-backed racist regime.
That’s it broadly :)

Space tech is also more ahead: there’s been a pair of growing Lunar bases (one from each bloc) since the 80s, with more being planned after Helium 3 was confirmed, and the Internationale wants to go to Mars.
What's Australasia like in Greater East Asia?
‘Swords and Gears: A Study of Fantasy Literature and its evolution within the Internationale’
by Doctor Judith Fairfax, Magdalen College
Collected in the book Essays on Popular Fiction since the Revolutions (New York, 2011)
When it comes to popular fiction within the Internationale in general - and in North America and Britain in particular- speculative fiction has always enjoyed a strong position. Science-fiction, in particular that of a more optimistic type showing better futures made possible by scientific advancements and the brotherhood of humanity, has themes that strongly resonate within the Syndicalist world. As to horror, it is of course a universal genre that works wherever in the world one is.

Fantasy, however, was something that some thought initially might not fit in with the new trends as seen in Syndicalist writing. While this might seem an unusual opinion - especially given the popularity of superhero works such as Superman and Wonder Woman, both of which effectively brought fantastical and mythological tropes into play for the modern age - there was a reason for this, and it lies in the nature of fantasy as a genre. When we look at early pioneers of fantasy, for example pre-Civil War Howard, Tolkien or Lewis, we note the more primitive eras and aesthetics at play, and we in certain works we note the assumption of monarchy as a natural order, at least from the point of view of the protagonists. This, of course, would be antithetical to a dedicated Syndicalist, and would be unpopular to say the least.

This fact, and the corresponding fact that a writer would begin from a point of view of monarchy as a system with severe flaws, ultimately is why fantasy writing developed as it did among Internationale writers: namely, with the establishment of sword-and-sorcery stories as the dominant form of fantasy. Primarily focused as this genre is on individual characters and their exploits rather than wider scope politics, such stories remain universal in their appeal: while one might not enjoy a story about the return of a perfect, ‘rightful’ king to claim an ancient throne and automatically set things right, the reader can enjoy an imperfect barbarian swordsman or swordswoman fighting to stay alive in a world that, while decidedly imperfect, is recognised as such and is all he or she knows.

Moreover, as time went on, the focus on character-driven works would lead to the gradual growth of more subversive protagonists, shown rebelling against or resisting corrupt institutions. This process had begun with pre-Civil War Conan the Barbarian stories, which had as a central theme the decay and corruption of once-powerful empires and kingdoms prior to their eventual conquest. It would be gradually magnified in later stories, stories in which corrupt nobles and priests would become ever-more prominent as Conan’s enemies. This trend would be seen in later works in the genre: Clark Ashton Smith’s Hyperborean stories of the master-thief Satampra Zeiros featured his targeting corrupt priests and nobility for his thefts, as seen in particular in ‘The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles’ which details the corruption of the setting’s priesthood; Anne Donovan’s Tales of Tiana feature the titular swordswoman protecting the poor of her world from rapacious nobles and often taking it upon herself to teach said nobles ‘lessons’ ranging from deadly, as in 1952’s ‘The Serpent Rider’ to merely embarrassing, such as the fate of Lady Hayla in ‘The Crimson Moon Waxes’ of the following year...

...by contrast, there has only been one truly stand-out example of ‘heroic fantasy’ as some have termed it in the Internationale. This is, of course, the Renewal Cycle by Ursula LeGuin. It has been long considered a ‘Syndicalist rebuttal’ to the imitators of Tolkien who were popular in Australasia and Russia during the 1970s. Focused as it is around the wizard Hawke and the shieldmaiden Kyra’s resistance to Valtor, an evil man armed with mythical weapons and claiming he is the prophesied king of the land of Tenar, and ending with a peasant rebellion that puts and end to the age of kings, one can see why...
Interesting over on the Timeline 191 pop-culture thread we discussed about H.P Lovecraft and Robert Howard taking the place of Tolkien and CS Lewis in literary prominence. Only with Lovecraft's work being influenced by his time fighting in the trenches of the first Great War and then seeing the fallout of the Superbombs in the Second Great War.

While Tolkien's work would be influenced by his experience in the Great War and living in exile in Australia after the Silver Shirts came to power in the UK. With his work not coming into prominence until decades later and being considered the father of the alt-steampunk genre.

Of course that's timeline 191 so....:p