Plausibilty Check: US Occupation of Barbary States after 1st or 2nd Barbary War

Just as the title says occupation of Barbary States after either war, I am aware the US raised Tunis (?) after the 2nd war and broke Barbary power in the Med, What if they occupied instead, is that possible?

What are some possible situations that would allow for this?

European approval/disapproval? Does it matter or are they too wrapped up with Napoleon?

What kind of investment is this going to take?

domestic US political situation?

It's not very likely. Most Americans were very isolationist at this point. Washington's warnings against "foreign entanglements" were still very fresh. Also, Indians still posed a threat on the western frontier, so the Army is going to be more concerned about what happens closer to home. Why occupy a useless desert across the Atlantic when there are bountiful lands across the Appalachians to clear of pesky Indians? That's what most Americans are going to be thinking. Occupying the Barbary States would have no popular support and be useless.

If they were occupied and it turned bloody, the South would be up in arms about "our blood being spilled for Northern merchants and their money". It might create more sectional tensions and bring on an earlier Civil War. I don't think the European powers would care very much since the two big ones, France and Britain, had already secured safe passage for their merchantmen. One potential butterfly if they are occupied after the First Barbary War is the US being so occupied with the Barbary States that it doesn't have the money to pay for the Louisiana Purchase. This could have big effects further down the road.
what about a treaty port? All you would need is a garrison of Marines not necessarily an overseas occupying force.

Or what if something similar to Liberia occured? Founded by a corporation of private citizens/filibuster?


what about a treaty port? All you would need is a garrison of Marines not necessarily an overseas occupying force.

Or what if something similar to Liberia occured? Founded by a corporation of private citizens/filibuster?

send the US slaves to Tunis?