Plausibility Check/AHC : Gothic spoken in Parts of Spain ,Occitania and Italy

Any chance of the Gothic Language surviving in the Greatest Extent of the Ostrogothic and Visigothic Realms .
Edit : Minimum PoD is 418 .
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Quiet unlikely. Gothic speakers speciality in Italy and Western Europe were just small majority, practically only noblility and royal families speaking that. Eventually they would begin to speak some Romance language even without Arab invasion.

I think that best chance would be in Crimea where some form of Gothic language was spoken until 18th century. But even that might be difficult to achieve. Another place might be Aloine region but even they would get much of Western Germanic and Latin influences.
Quiet unlikely. Gothic speakers speciality in Italy and Western Europe were just small majority, practically only noblility and royal families speaking that. Eventually they would begin to speak some Romance language even without Arab invasion.

I think that best chance would be in Crimea where some form of Gothic language was spoken until 18th century. But even that might be difficult to achieve. Another place might be Aloine region but even they would get much of Western Germanic and Latin influences.
The scope of the AHCis limited to the greatest extent of the both the gothic Kingdoms. Vandals in North Africa is fine too but Too unlikely in my opinion. Burgundians in Burgundy is also fine .
Maybe have the Visigoths win against the Romans and take over Arles and Narbonne, the Goths in this timeline don't invade Iberia to help the Romans against the Suebi and the Vandals and the Vandals don't go to Africa which in a way increases the resources of the Roman state but given their worse luck in Gaul and Iberia this doesn't end up too favorably for them.
The remaining Goths in Pannonia after an earlier fall of the Hunnic empire end up migrating to the Po, Rhone and Ebro valley to join their Visigothic brethrens as in this timeline they can't invade peninsular Italy just yet.
In the north eventually the Roman lands fall to Franks, Alemanns and Burgundians which either stay pagan or convert to Gothic-style Arianism.

Eventually the remnant Western Empire(peninsular Italy, islands and Africa mostly) end up being ruled by the Eastern Emperor, the threat of Byzantine invasion causes the the Germanic kingdoms to ally with one another under the guide of the Gothic kingdom and persecute and expel Nicean Bishops and Nobles that have sympathies for the Byzantine empire and establish Gothic as the liturgical language of their Church.
Maybe have the Visigoths win against the Romans and take over Arles and Narbonne, the Goths in this timeline don't invade Iberia to help the Romans against the Suebi and the Vandals and the Vandals don't go to Africa which in a way increases the resources of the Roman state but given their worse luck in Gaul and Iberia this doesn't end up too favorably for them.
The remaining Goths in Pannonia after an earlier fall of the Hunnic empire end up migrating to the Po, Rhone and Ebro valley to join their Visigothic brethrens as in this timeline they can't invade peninsular Italy just yet.
In the north eventually the Roman lands fall to Franks, Alemanns and Burgundians which either stay pagan or convert to Gothic-style Arianism.

Eventually the remnant Western Empire(peninsular Italy, islands and Africa mostly) end up being ruled by the Eastern Emperor, the threat of Byzantine invasion causes the the Germanic kingdoms to ally with one another under the guide of the Gothic kingdom and persecute and expel Nicean Bishops and Nobles that have sympathies for the Byzantine empire and establish Gothic as the liturgical language of their Church.
Does Northern Gaul become mostly Germanic in your scenario?
Another thing is that the Goths were foederati in Gaul and the Goths only tried to conquer Iberia when Atilla came over, perhaps it would be better if Goths stay in the Balkans.