Photos from Featherston's Confederacy/ TL-191


Done with Semmes! Now I plan on doing the rest of the CS and US Presidents. Starting with Jefferson Davis below.

It should’ve been mentioned that Davis was also the provisional confederate president before being elected its first official president.
Both of these were sons of Civil War veterans in OTL. I think Buckner would have fit extremely well into the books, but I don't think he makes an appearance at all, am I right?

buckner jr.png
wheeler jr.png
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I tend to think of Mr Michael Shannon and Mr Charlton Heston when imagining The Incendiary McSweeney - I think the best casting choice for the Scourge of the South would definitely have to possess an "Old Testament" aura to help make his aura of raw violence supportable.
I agree. I was thinking something cool would be an infobox from the ATL where Mcweeney becomes the president of the Fascist North.
I actually had an idea where the US lost the Great War in North America. While the rest of the central powers won in the European theatre. Eventually leading to cold war between Germany and a totalitarian US. Plus maybe a civil war between Mcsweeney and Joe Steele.
Scene from movie; City under Siege


Famed actor, Rob Hoskins, plays future US President Nicholas Kirchner (Soc.), who was an intelligence officer, during the Battle of Pittsburg. The film recreates his famous Pittsburgh speech. It goes as followed;

My name... is Nicholas Kirchner. I've come to take things in hand here. This city is not Cincinnati, nor is it Sandusky, nor Columbus. This city is Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh!! This city is only an afternoon drive away from where the Boss lives. It's more than a city, it's a symbol. If the Confederates capture this city the entire country will collapse. Now I want our boys to raise their heads. I want them to act like they have balls! I want them to stop shitting their pants! That's your job. As intelligence officers I'm counting on you.

(actor: Jude Law portraying Basil Stewart) (Ned Harris portraying Edwin King)

The central plot of “City under Siege” a legendary sniping duel between American Basil Stewart and Confederate Edwin King. There has been much controversy about the accuracy of the story. One historian noted "the painful to watch love triangle had more basis in historical fact than the most exciting sniping scenes". The scene where Nicholas Kirchner forces a US army general to commit suicide, also caused a bit of a stir. While the General did commit suicide during Pittsburgh, the question was it forced upon by Kirchner is hotly debated.