Photos from Alternate Worlds

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I'm sorry, is that not a politically correct term? It means 'half' in Japanese. Refering to someone of European and Japanese blood.
I've only heard that term used in a racist sense (the subreddit r/hapa is blinded by their own hate), so i was wondering what you meant by it. Thanks for clarifying :).

"The Power Couple" -- President Harry Truman plays 'Tennessee Waltz' whilst Vice President Lauren Bacall "provides the vocals and visuals", 1949. Truman would later be assassinated by Puerto-Rican separatists a year later, leaving Bacall as the first woman president. She eventually went on to serve two terms of her own, picking decorated general Dwight Eisenhower as her new Vice President. A recording of Truman and Bacall's duet of 'Tennessee Waltz' would later be committed to the Presidential Archives in 1958, and was digitally remastered in 2007.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert has had a bunch of these:

Found some more of these:

An alternate map of Africa from Seth Meyers:

White House Press Secretary William Clinton (then, age 33) sits patiently for his turn to make a toast at a private fundraiser for the re-election of President Wallace and Vice-President Herb Bush, seated beside him; Houston, TX, c. February 1980:

(From Samantha Bee) The side of a “peep show” establishment for E.A. (Evolved Animal) manatees; New Miami, 11 April 2685:

Graffiti written on the home of Fats Domino shortly after the confirmation of his death during Hurricane Katrina, August 2005:

US Congressman John Cecil Pringle (R-UT) embraces his wife, the actress Greta Garbo, moments after winning election to the US Senate, November 8, 1932. At 33, Pringle would be the youngest freshmen Senator of the 73rd congress. Pringle would run for President in 1936, only to die from a heart attack (after a lifetime of alcohol abuse) just two weeks before the Republican National Convention, which coincided with what would have been his 37th birthday:

And in connection to a write-up I posted on Monday, President Oswald and Vice-President Sanders at a baseball stadium in early 1990:

Former Pernambuco Prime Minister (current Honorary Ambassador to Brazil) Fernando Collor de Melo and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in a dinner honoring the foreign diplomatic corps in Brasilia
Professional hunter and 2010 Republican nominee for Montana’s at-large congressional district Barry Dunham, preparing for an elk hunt near Red Lodge, Montana, circa 2009:

The ousted General-President Ronald Reagan, beginning to suffer from senility, begins to crack a smile as his girlfriend Nancy Davis worriedly keeps lookout for enemy forces from a bunker outside of Hestonville, Greater Colorado Province. Taken in May 1990, weeks after the Fall of Washington D.C. removed Reagan from power after 23 years in control of the United Soviets of America:

Presidential candidate Mike Leland (R-TX), discussing foreign policy with Governor Freddy Castro (R-FL), in a side room in Houston's Chamber of Commerce building, Feb. 1996:

Governor Jesse Americana of Minnesota (in office 1999-2007) meets with Governor Freddy Castro of Florida (1967-1975, 1979-1987, 1991-1999, 2003-2011) at the National Governors Association summit meeting in the summer of 2005:

President John Kasich (R-PA) shares a moment of frivolity with his running mate, Vice-President Floyd Weld (R-MN), while on the campaign trail, September 2012:

Prime Minister of New South Wales Eric Campbell addressing members of the New Guard, exactly one year after the 1932 Australian civil war, which saw NSW become a independent country under Italian-style fascism.

The May Revolution of 1968 (in the European-Soviet historiography - the French Socialist Revolution). On May 29, as a result of student speeches, a strike organized by trade unions, and the active performances of SFIO and the Communist Party of France, the de Gaulle government was overthrown. For some time, the situation in the country continued to be unstable until September 3 in Paris it was announced the formation of the "Central Executive Committee of the Sixth Republic." The Committee consisted of Socialists, Communists, and Trotskyists from the International Communist Party. The first to recognize the new government was the USSR. However, for a long time the young republic was torn by contradictions between the committee and the communes.

British "Ivans".
In the 1970s, another image subculture was introduced in Britain. "Ivans" arose amid a fascination with Soviet fashion and culture. As a "teddy boy," the Ivans learned Russian words, learned to drink vodka, copied the clothes and behavior of Soviet citizens. Later, various variations of this style arose.

Put "Likе" if you want more "Ivans".
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The May Revolution of 1968 (in the European-Soviet historiography - the French Socialist Revolution). On May 29, as a result of student speeches, a strike organized by trade unions, and the active performances of SFIO and the Communist Party of France, the de Gaulle government was overthrown. For some time, the situation in the country continued to be unstable until September 3 in Paris it was announced the formation of the "Central Executive Committee of the Sixth Republic." The Committee consisted of Socialists, Communists, and Trotskyists from the International Communist Party. The first to recognize the new government was the USSR. However, for a long time the young republic was torn by contradictions between the committee and the communes.
Ivans - With love to Russia
Part One: History


The origin of the "Ivans" subculture is attributed to the early 1970s. A precondition for their appearance is the beginning of a "detente" between the non-socialist countries of Europe and the USSR, which provoked the growth of cultural exchange. The main article of Soviet cultural exports was children's cartoons, Science Fiction Cinema, and films about the Second World War (in the Soviet historiography - the Great Patriotic War). On the basis of interest in the latter, this subculture began to form. Initially, they were formed on the basis of clubs of film-lovers, where they had the opportunity to watch and discuss these films, as well as to find single-minded people. Sometimes in such clubs they tried to sing songs from films ....

The real ascent of the "Ivanov" occurred in the 74th year, after the premiere of the movie "Only" Old Men "Are Going Into Battle". After that, young people began to appear on the streets of London, dressed in Soviet uniforms of the Second World War. One of the old residents of London recalls this: "I went to work, I went into one small shop to buy cigarettes on the way." I see that three young men are choosing some kind of goods for themselves. "I go up to the cashier and ask:" Excuse me, and when did the Russians manage to seize Britain? "
- Sorry? It seems that Harold Wilson signed trade agreements with Kosygin yesterday.
- And these three ....
- It's clear! So it's local. The students. One of them is my nephew's neighbor.
"But why are they so dressed?"
- Have seen enough Russian films. "

The constant place of gatherings "Ivans" became cooperative cafes, often associated with the Trotskyite Revolutionary Socialist League and the Communist Party of Great Britain. Alan Woods (theoretician of the Revolutionary Socialist League) later recalled: "At that time, many people came to us dressed in uniforms and asked -" Are you Communists? "If they received an affirmative answer, they started asking questions like" What do Russians eat for breakfast? "or" When a new film comes out. "Given that in London things went much better than those of the" Stalinists, "in most cases they were completely disappointed."
By the beginning of the 80's the culture began to decline. Ironically, but finally, the "Ivans" disappeared with the advent of the Left Radicals.

Members of the subculture gathered in small groups, which received the name "Diviziya". In each division there was an informal leader who was supposed to maintain "comradely" relations with other members of the division. Openness and honesty were cultivated in personal behavior.
Very peculiar was the position of women in this environment. On the one hand, a woman could easily take a leadership position in a division, often becoming important persons in her environment. On the other hand, the image of Ivans girl should be emphasized asexual. Also, girls were forbidden to smoke (1).
Nevertheless, this subculture was heterogeneous ... But about this in the next part.

1 - In Soviet cinema as a rule, a positive female character was non-smoker. If a woman smokes, then she is either a speculator, or a gossip, or a debaucher .... in general in the Soviet cinema was strong edifying aspect.
Ivans - With love to Russia
Part Two: Flow within the subculture
The conservative press once again organized a moral panic. "Ivans" were accused of radicalism, betrayal of England, and other mortal sins. In spite of the obvious Russophilia, their views were totally apolitical. However, as often happens, in the subculture there were internal subcultures. Like-would hang out with the rest, but looked and behaved differently.

Gennady Golobokov. "Constructor". 1968. - Such people were imitated by cosmonauts (another name is Shuriks).
If the "classic Ivans" arose on the basis of films about the war, the "Cosmonauts" originated in a wave of fascination with Soviet fiction films. However, wandering in the spacesuits on the street was silnushkom .... As a result, there were groups, consisting mainly of representatives of students receiving technical education. These young people wore clothes of the late 50's and early 60's, and imitated the country where, in their opinion, the future was forged. Soon, along with the style came the fascination with films about life in the "Eastern Bloc", and the cure of Soviet youth prose. Special People (who were nicknamed "Lyricists") were engaged in amateur translations. Occasionally, it was possible to get samples of the magazine "Juvenility". The second editor of the magazine "Juvenility" - Boris Polevoy (Kampov) later recalled -
"Once a letter came to our office. The letter was written in Russian
- "Dear Editors.
My name is Jane Watson. Me and my friends really like your magazine. We really want to visit your country. Many of my friends want to transfer to Soviet universities. We want to build a bright future together with you.

PS - Are you going to publish a magazine in the UK? I started writing stories, can I publish them with you. "
We first decided that this was a joke, and sent a comic response. When it turned out that she was serious, we said that our magazine is oriented to Soviet youth, and outside the USSR it is not published. If you want to publish stories in the USSR, then you must first be published at home. We have special publications in foreign literature. About the reorganization you need to agree with the Rectors of Universities and the Ministry of Education. "
According to their convictions, they considered themselves to be communists .. But the economy was generally known badly, and all their communism was reduced to "computer planning" and "automated production".


Antonina Lefti as Rita Ustinovich. Film - How the Steel Was Tempered (1973). - This character became a model for the girls-communards.

Communards (They are Korchagins, they are the Red Guards) are the most radical and politicized Ivans. If French students built themselves Maoist Red Guards, then British children from working-class neighborhoods were inspired by films about the civil war, films of the Stalin era. Their distinguishing features were a leather jacket with a red armband around the sleeve. Girls wore red kerchiefs on their heads. Representatives of these groups were activists of left radical organizations.
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