Photo of a World Without World Wars


Albert Einstein, one of leading scientists on German nuclear program[1] Thanks of scientic and technological advantage Germ,an Empire became first nuclear power of the world.


Worldäs first nculear test happened in German South-West Africa in 1953 [2]. During later years several other powers too developed their own devices. In 1973 due many nations getting nculear bombs and some terrible usage of them on colonial wars it was signed Accords of Brussels. These prohibited sharing nuclear technology for other nations, limited numbers of the bombs and restricting futher technology [3].

[1] Since no rise of nazism Einstein has not reason to leave Germany and so he is helping Germany instead USA to get first nuclear bomb.
[2] Since there is not WW2 there is not real rush on developing nculear bombs and these are invented much later altough development of them begun about same time as in OTL.
{3[ Thanks of no Cold War numbers of nculear bombs not rise really high and theri technology is not that advanced as in OTL §970's but ratherly remain level of OTL 1950's.

Michael Collins (1890 - 1973)

Collins became one of most notab le Irish nationalist leaders in 1910's and 1920's. Ireland managed to get more autonomy through 1920's and it became free state in 1927 [1]. Collins became first taoiseach (prime minister) of Irish Free State. Him had deal with Irish nationalists who wanted Ireland becomin fully independent and wanted Northern ireland to be annexed to Ireland {2[. Him anyway managed to make many economical reforms and continue industrialisation. Collins served as taoiseach to 1937. But even he couldn't stop short but bloody Irish Civil War in 1940 - 1941 between government and nationalists. Collins became taoiseach again in 1941 and served on that office two years. Later he served as governor-general of Ireland and he was knighted in 1956 by king Edward VIII {3].


Dublin, capital of Irish Free State

Ireland has been already long time political fighting field of liberals and conservatives. Altough Ireland is still loyally British dominion, there is much of support for transition to republic. The country is quiet prosperous and there is quiet good well-fare system but Ireland is too pretty conservative. Catholic CHurch has still much of power and the country has one of stricktest abortion legistature of the world. It is allowed only if mother's life is on danger, pregnacncy is due of rape or mother is underage. Homosexuality was decriminalised in 1997 and there is not any motion to allow LGBT marriages. Divorce is allowed but it is really difficult process.


Belfast, center city of Northern Ireland

Belfast is nowadays quiet popular tourist destination and Northern Ireland is well-developed region altough strong area of Tories. The place has always been pretty safe altough Irish terreorist organisations like IRA occassionally cause some problems but these are usually deal by local special forces.

[1] Without WW1 there is not Easter Rising and so Ireland doesn't see wars in 1920's. Nationalists still radicalise but not in such degree as in OTL.
[2] Northern Ireland is smaller than OTL and it has only four counties instead OTL six counties. Nationalists are still angry but it doesn't cause such problems as in OTL and so the Troubles in 1960's - 1990's.
[3] Edward VIII never meet Wallis Simpson and so no abdication.

A billboard depicting the photo of queen wilhelmina,her husband,prime minister suharto and his wife in the capital city of indonesia batavia, circa 1970s. The process of decolonizing in indonesia is slow but it was smooth and starting in 1930s the goverment enacted a mandatory schooling for all citizen in the colonies this lead to many prominenet activist such as sukarno to demand a gradual move toward self governence and in the 1959 the dutch gave the indonesian self governance with the condition that queen wilhelmina and future dutch monarch become the head of state (akin to the uk commonwealth system). The aftermath wasnt so peacefull homever as muslim group such as the DI/TII staged a rebellion in many part of the country to turn indonesia into a muslim state like the ottomans and not to mention there is a huge irredentist movement to annex the republic of west papua as they saw it rightfully belong to indonesia.

Tripoli Cathedral in Tripoli, Kingdom of Italy. Libya was gradually integrated to Italiy altough Italian government had crush several rebels trough 1920's and 1930's. Nowadays Libya is quiet strongly italised. About 75 % speak Italian and about same number are Catholics. Economy of Libya begun to boost due oil and Libya is nowadays quiet prosperous altough local Arab population is quiet poor and occassionally pretty discriminated.


Aligers is second largest city of France after Paris. Algeria has been under French rule since 19th century and has been pretty much integrated part of Metropolitan France. Local Arabs were pretty much secon class citizens and faced much of discrimination and several attempts to destroy their Arab/Muslim identitet. This just caused more and more bitterness through decades. Finally in 1960 these troubles broke out as Algerian War. At same time France was too fightin brutal colonial war in Indochina. War was really brutal and France even used nuclear bombs against some rebel cities. French used brutal tactics like carpet bombing and chemical weapons. But it too used ethnical cleansing which just made situation worse and war became further unpopular in France and abroad. Finally France had accept peace treaty with Arabs. Algeria was divided and whole Northern Algeria was held by France which was mostly empty from Arabs and there was mostly French origin people and some Berber tribes. Most remaining Arabs were kicked to Sother Algeria which was re-named as Republic of Sahara. Due expences and losses on colonial war Thrid Republic collapsed and it was soon replaced by Fourth Republic. France decolonised most of its colonies on early 1970's and gave autonomy for its remaining oversea territories.
For a bit of fun I actually made a set of flags for a Kaiserreich-style scenario where a bunch of currents nipped in the bud by World War I get a chance to shine without it. Among other things militant Esperantism emerges as an anticolonial ideology in the colonies and Marxism falls into irrelevance in favor of Georgism, Nihilism and Yellow Socialism, depending on what country you're in. They're not photos but if anyone's interested I can link them here.

Cairo, capital of Kingdom of Egypt

Egypt became independent kingdom in 1924 altough it maintained close relationships with Britain and Britain is still controlling Sez Canal. Egypt has developed as quiet stable constitutional monarchy and it is one of most prosperous African nations altough it is still far from many European countries.
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View of the capital city of the federal republic of guatemala, guatemala city.

Guatemala after experiencing a civil war caused by the fruit company that exploited the country was invaded the american and british following the massacre of the fruit company worker and innocent bystander by the revolutionaries this lead to creation of 2 guatemala: the federal republic of guatemala in the south rhat is a us and mexican puppet and the colony of guatemala, this lead to some tension between the two as they both saw that the whole of guatemala belongs to them.
This has gone on for a bit, but I have an issue with the history of "Danubia". The degree baring Franz Ferdinand's children from the succession was made by Franz Josef, and I think Franz Ferdinand would have been able to reverse it if he had become Kaiser. That meant that the Dukes of Hohenburg would have become Kaiser and King, though currently, unless women were barred from succeeding (unlikely due to the precedent of Maria Theresa), the current Kaiserin would be Princess Anna von Bardeau.

For the USA, no World War I almost certainly means no prohibition, and quite possibly means that Wilson does not get re-elected in 1916. It was a Republican era, so Wilson and Cleveland would remain as the only Democratic presidents between the Civil War and the Great Depression. And no World War I probably butterflies away the Great Depression.

South America would have been the only continent unaffected by no World War I, so I don't get the Brazil post. Removing Brazil's participation in World War 2 is not enough of a POD to radically change its political history. Something like the Russian revolution probably happens anyway, but without Lenin's faction coming to power.
This has gone on for a bit, but I have an issue with the history of "Danubia". The degree baring Franz Ferdinand's children from the succession was made by Franz Josef, and I think Franz Ferdinand would have been able to reverse it if he had become Kaiser. That meant that the Dukes of Hohenburg would have become Kaiser and King, though currently, unless women were barred from succeeding (unlikely due to the precedent of Maria Theresa), the current Kaiserin would be Princess Anna von Bardeau.

Ok. I will check what I can do with that.

For the USA, no World War I almost certainly means no prohibition, and quite possibly means that Wilson does not get re-elected in 1916. It was a Republican era, so Wilson and Cleveland would remain as the only Democratic presidents between the Civil War and the Great Depression. And no World War I probably butterflies away the Great Depression.

I agree with Wilson. Without war in Europe he probably would be one-term president. Anyway, some level of depression is bit different thing and even the post refending for that states that happening later and being milder. Even yet nowadays historians are debating reasons of the Great Depression and it is quiet likely that something is going to happen anyway altough much milder and not so global. And early 1930's too saw Dust Bowl which hardly would be butterflied away due its mostly nature-related reasons. So lack of WW1 wouldn't change that.

South America would have been the only continent unaffected by no World War I, so I don't get the Brazil post. Removing Brazil's participation in World War 2 is not enough of a POD to radically change its political history. Something like the Russian revolution probably happens anyway, but without Lenin's faction coming to power.

That Brazil was indeed quiet random. If it is too implausible I can change that.
The Brazil thing wasn't exactly implausible, I just don't see any way World War I affects South America. No World War 2 removes some American investment from Brazil, but a milder Great Depression counteracts this, along with no shipping losses due to u-boats. and I don't think its enough to make any difference. Argentina might get a boost with less disruption of exports due to the Great Depression and World War I.


There still might have been a war, probably between China and Japan at some point.


Manila, capitol of the Philippines Commonwealth

Prime Minister Mar Rojas (Since 2014 when his Liberal Democratic coalition gained a majority). He has advocated for improved relations with Japan to the consternation of many conservatives.
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Adlai Stevenson II, Secretary of State from 1945 to 1953. He is credited for maintaining America's neutrality during this period and helping to maintain diplomatic ties with the European League.



View of the Main US Military Department (formerly the War Department) building in Washington, D.C. The building has been the headquarters for the four main branches of the US military (Army, Air Corps, Navy, and Marines) since its construction in the 1950s.


Phillipines still on the us sphere or independent?
Probably independent and more in the British sphere since they have a parliamentary form of government. They most likely gained their independence during the 1950s or later.
Probably independent and more in the British sphere since they have a parliamentary form of government. They most likely gained their independence during the 1950s or later.
Make sense since i heard the us prepared the phillipines for independence in the 30s (got disrupted by ww2 ofc)



Famed Zanzibar-born operatic pop singer Frederick Bulsara, 2021 aged 75. Bulsara (born Farrokh Bulsara) gained fame in the 1970s for his operatic style, which combined Indian and Western musical influences. For this, he has been compared to other opera greats such as Luciano Pavarotti, with whom he occasionally toured and performed with. Bulsara now lives in London.
The cover to German author Eleanor Roth’s award-winning 1956 alternative history novel The Shot Heard Round The World, one of the most influential works in the genre. The novel depicts a world in which Gravillo Princip’s failed assassination attempt against Franz Ferdinand had succeeded, and the ensuing chaos caused a massive war across the world. This fictional “Great War” has completely devastated Europe and has lasted for over four decades. The novel follows dual narratives, one of a woman living in war-torn Frankfurt whose home is captured by Russian soldiers and another of her younger brother, a child soldier forcibly drafted into the military fighting in the irradiated ruins of Hamburg. The novel marks a significant shift in the alternate history genre; it was among the first to not feature time travel or interdimensional travel and one of the first with a female protagonist. As well, it popularized the concept of an in-universe alternative history, featuring a fictional novel known as And Desire Shall Fail, which depicts a world where Ferdinand survived the assassination attempt and war is averted. The novel has been praised for its bleak depiction of war, its thoughtful and fleshed-out worldbuilding, and its strong prose. The novel has twice been adapted: once as a film by David Lynch, who emphasized some of the novel’s more dreamlike elements (to largely negative reviews) and a recent television adaptation by Damon Lindelof which saw widespread acclaim.
OOC: So David Lynch and Damon Lindelof adopted a dystopian classic that sounds like something straight out of Iron Storm. :p :)

Good touch with the OTL WWI painting by Kokoschka (IIRC) as the cover of this ATL novel.

Famed Zanzibar-born operatic pop singer Frederick Bulsara, 2021 aged 75. Bulsara (born Farrokh Bulsara) gained fame in the 1970s for his operatic style, which combined Indian and Western musical influences. For this, he has been compared to other opera greats such as Luciano Pavarotti, with whom he occasionally toured and performed with. Bulsara now lives in London.
Awesome. :D

Photo of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany at the end of his reign
Wilhelm II was Kaiser of the German Empire and King of Prussia from June 15, 1888 until his death on June 4, 1941, he was the longest-serving German Kaiser on the throne, a total of 53 years, his reign was extremely agitated and thriving in germany, despite strengthening the position of the german empire as a great power by building a blue water navy and promoting scientific innovation, its tactless public statements and erratic foreign policy greatly antagonized the international community.

Wilhelm II was the son of Prince Friederich Wilhelm of Prussia and Victoria, the royal princess. His father was the son of Wilhelm I, a German Kaiser, and his mother was the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. On the death of William's grandfather in March 1888, his father became German Emperor and King of Prussia as Friederich III. Friederich himself died in June of that year and Wilhelm II ascended the throne. In March 1890, he dismissed the powerful longtime chancellor of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck.

After Bismarck's resignation, Wilhelm II assumed direct control over his nation's policies and embarked on a bellicose "New Course" to consolidate his status as a leading world power. Throughout his reign, Germany acquired territories in China and the Pacific (such as Kiautschou Bay, the Northern Mariana Islands and the Caroline Islands) and became the largest manufacturer in Europe. However, Wilhelm often undermined this progress by expressing xenophobic views and making threatening statements to other countries without consulting his ministers. Likewise, his regime did much to alienate itself from other great powers, initiating massive shipbuilding, challenging French control of Morocco and building a railroad through Baghdad that threatened Britain's hold on the Persian Gulf. In the second decade of the 20th century, Germany could only rely on significantly weaker nations such as Austria-Hungary.

During the 1914 Saravejo Crisis, Wilhelm pledged full support for Austro-Hungarian claims on Serbia after the attempted assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the crisis would be resolved during the London conference in July, the remainder of his reign saw a great deal. Strengthening German culture and influence in Europe, Wilhelm secured support from Bulgaria during the Third Balkan War, Romania during the Fourth Balkan War and Spain during the Spanish Civil War, managing to bring the three nations to the German bloc.
During his reign there were also the 1916 Summer Olympics and the purchase of the Belgian Congo by Germany in 1923 for the realization of the "Mittelafrika project", Wilhelm died as a popular old Kaiser at the age of 82 in 1941, being succeeded by his son, the Kaiser Wilhelm III, he has gone down in history as "Willhelm II, The Iron"