Peshawar Lancers Redux: Kingdom of Hawaii Revised

There was some danger in having to call another election. Unless thing went right it could end up putting the opposition party into power or just as bad a government of national unity. Thus the Prime Minister would have to be a very good judge of conditions if he was to go to the King and call for a new election. He would be Prime Minister of a caretaker government until the election was held.
A major crisis took place in the spring of 1965 when one og the Liberal Democrat Representatives who had defected was murdered. A special election would have to be held and if the National Conservatives failed to win there might need to be a general election in 1965.
The Royal Hawaiian Constabulary was investigating the killing and it had the potential to become a major scandal
A Special Election was held and the National Conservative Party Candidate won. This gave the National Conservatives 268 seat but the 3 Liberal Democrats that gave the National conservatives the Majority became uneasy and in June they all withdrew their support requiring another National Election. The results horrified the King and the National Conservative Party. The Social Democrats picked up seats in the Caroline and Marshal Islands and in other parts of the Kingdom Giving them 59 seats. The Liberal Democrats held 240 and the National Conservatives 241. The Liberal Democrats and the Social Democrats agreed to together form a government. The Social Democrats however demanded that the Director of the Royal Hawaiian Intelligence Service be fires and the Commissioner of Police be replaced. The King became quite Angry over this and forbid the firings. He spoke to the Liberal Democrat leader and clearly sent a message that he would not allow politics to enter the running of the Intelligence service. He sent a written message to the Social Democrat leader to the effect that he would block any such move and might call for a new election if he didn't reverse his course. He then spoke to both the Liberal Democrat leader and Prime Minister Charles Richards about the possibility if forming a government of National unity. The King complained that he was not feeling well and ordered the court doctor to please come.. He spoke with the doctor briefly before being rushed to the Hospital. The doctor informed Mr Charles who in turn spoke with the Liberal Party leader.
The Queen had been informed by the King that she was to follow his guidance in the matter and not allow the Socialist to push their agenda.
The arrival of Paul Kincaid at the Palace meant that the Regency Council would be called into being, The Council would consist of Paul Kincaid as legal advisor, Katherine McNamara as a member, Charles Richards as a member, The attorney General, Prime Minister and Her Majesty the Queen
The Regency Council had met and the Liberal Democrat Leader was informed by the Queen that she would continue to prevent the firing of the Director of the Royal Hawaiian Intelligence Agency and the Commissioner of Police.. Thus in effect it blocked the deal with the Social Democrats. The only government that could now form would be a government of National Unity with the National Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. In which case Mr Richards would remain as Prime Minister and the Liberal Democrat leader as deputy Prime Minister.
When news broke out some Social Democrats called for the establishment of a Polynesian Republic with an elected President and changing the upper house into an elected body and the lower house would also be an elected body. When word broke out of this idea the response by most Hawaiians was TREASON!
The Queen reinstated the Previous cabinet and under the Special Powers Act declared Martial Law. All four members of the Social Democrat Party that were members of the House were ordered arrested under the Sedition Act. Their seats were declared vacant. The nation was now shaken. The Royal Guard Unit that protected the Palace went from Dress Uniform to combat uniform and all were issued weapons. Reservist were called up and Military units backed up the Police in searches in the Caroline Islands. 6 members of the House were arrested. The leader of the Liberal Democrats declared that the Party would join the Government in the new National Unity Government.
Acting Attorney General Christopher Roberts announced that the police had found evidence indicating that armed violence would have been used and that 2 Police officers had been injured
The Social Democrat Party was outlawed and special elections were ordered to take place for all of the seats. A new Party was formed as the Progressive Party of Hawaii. In the special Election the new Party elected 18 members . The National Conservatives won 30 seats and the Liberal Democrats 10. The House would serve until 1970 and then a new election would have to be held but the Prime Minister could call for an early election. The Prime Minister was talking with the Queen and the Liberal Democrats about reforms to the Upper House. It would continue to have the Nobles be members but would also have 16 elected members.
The Social Democrat Party was outlawed and special elections were ordered to take place for all of the seats. A new Party was formed as the Progressive Party of Hawaii. In the special Election the new Party elected 18 members . The National Conservatives won 30 seats and the Liberal Democrats 10. The House would serve until 1970 and then a new election would have to be held but the Prime Minister could call for an early election. The Prime Minister was talking with the Queen and the Liberal Democrats about reforms to the Upper House. It would continue to have the Nobles be members but would also have 16 elected members.
Is the Progressive Party made from moderate members of the Social Democratic Party or are the results due to the backlash from the illegalization of the Social Democratic Party?
The Progressive Party of Hawaii was formed by the more reasonable members of the Social Democrat Party. It is an attempt by the former Social Democrats to be able to give a voice to their positions which are to the left of the Liberal Democrats. In the Special Election which saw a new House elected the National Conservatives regained a lot of seats giving them 271 seats and no longer requiring a government of National unity. Prime Minister Richards however has kept the Unity government going as a means to work on reforms to the Upper House. Thus the reforms would have a greater chance of coming about with an agreement by both the two major political parties and the Queen. One proposal is to retain the nobility and chiefs as members of the Upper house and then add 2 Senators from each state in the empire. Thus Hawaii would get 2, Tahiti-2 etc.
Prime Minister Richards was attempting to come up with a plan that would reform the government and which everyone could live with. The reworking of the Upper Chamber was something that was taking a lot of work. The Prime Minister was thus working with both the Queen and the Liberal Democrat Party to come up with the reform that would pass the Queens approval and the House and then go to the states within the Kingdom for approval.
Another question that was being looked at was the size of the House .It was currently at 540 members but their was a question as to whether to allow it to get bigger or at some point put a limit on the size of the House. A committee was formed and would report back in 5 months with options.
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June 1967 The Reform Proposal was now being debated in the House. It would set a limit of 120 members Of those members 24 would be elected ( 3 from each of the 8 states in the Kingdom and 96 would be members of the nobility or chiefs. The elected members would serve for 5 year terms with 1/2 elected every 2,1/2 years. The body would then chose its majority leader.
The Proposal for the House of Representatives was submitted with 2 options. Option 1 was to limit the House to no more than 520 members elected for a 4 year term of office. The Majority party would select the Prime Minister. Option2 would allow the house to continue to expand until it hit a ceiling of 600 members.
The Tiny Progressive party believed that more changes were needed in the upper house and proposed that the entire upper house be elected to 6 year terms with a third up every 2 years.They would support option 2 regarding the cap on the size of the house. Within the National Conservative and Liberal Democrat Party there was opposition to the Ideas proposed for the Upper Chamber but there was clearly a majority which would support Option 2 for the limit on the size of the House.
The Prime Minister called for a Special Committee to again look at reforms to the Upper Chamber.
The House Committee for Reforms of the Constitution heard from members of the Upper Chamber who were puzzled as to why the House of Representatives was attempting to reform the House of Nobles and Chiefs. They could agree with possibly having members replaced when they got to the age of 80 but the idea to make it an elected body they felt was wrong. A a 10 page letter from the Queen said that she was unhappy with the proposals.
The Proposals for reform were reconsidered.. The Prime Minister put forward some suggestions which would see that represatives from some parts of the kingdom were made.
People who were no longer chiefs might be required to resign and new people would be suggested to the a Monarch for appointment.
A decision was reached to go with a small reform that everyone could live with. The Prime Minister was going to go to the Queen and call for a new election.
With the reforms to the House of Nobles and Chiefs completed the bill was sent to the Queem. The Progressive Party was not happy that reforms had not gone further but its leader felt it had been a move in the right direction. There would be 540 house seats up for election in May of 1968. Polls indicated that the National Conservatives stood likely to win a majority.
The Election saw the National Conservatives win a majority 280 seat plus 10 Independent members voted to align with the National Conservatives. The Progressive Party of Hawaii saw its more reasonable stance rewarded with them winning 15 seats and the Liberal Democrats won 235 seats. Charles Richards was chosen by the National Conservatives as its leader and Prime Minister. Patrick Mallory was chosen as the Majority Leader in the house . He had campaigned a lot for National Conservative candidates and had helped to push the defense bill through. He was currently holding the seat that had been known as the Kamehameha Family seat. It had been held by the great William Kamehameha for nearly 30 years and then his son Georgw W and by both of his granddaughters
Charles Richards went to the palace and presented the queen with his cabinet. For the most part it was the same one that he had had in the last government. He retained for the moment the Secretary that was well loved by the Liberal Democrats. The reason that he kept him was that they got along and he seemed to put the welfare of the Kingdom first. He spoke with the leaders of the two parties about issues that he hoped could be dealt with by a consensus. He proposed a number of candidates for the Upper House to replace those that had died or resigned.
While the majority of the candidates on the Prime Ministers list were National Conservatives there were some Liberal Democrats and at least one Progressive. Karl Tsuti of the Caroline Islands was the Progressive. He had no problem with the Monarchy and had spoken up against some of the more violent members of the Old Social Democrat Party. He believed that there was ground for compromise. The Progressive Party appreciated that he was on the list given to the Queen.
The King Kamehameha III nuclear carrier was the largest and most expensive warship ever built by the Hawaiians. It was started in 1962 and progress was slow because it was the first attempt at building a surface Nuclear powered warship. Estimates were that it cost 940 million Hawaiian dollars. In contrast the Admiral William Kamehameha class of carries cost less than half that amount. With the completion of the nuclear carrier the Admiral Kamehameha was to be sold to Brazil.