Peshawar Lancers Redux; Australia and New Zealand

The Hawaiian,Australian, New Zealand alliance saw increased co-operation between the three parties. Hawaii stood ready to assist and it was clear that all three countries treated one another as equals. By 1880 18 Australians had graduated from the Royal Hawaiian Naval Academy and warships were coming into service in the Australian Navy that were built in Australia.
A coast watcher radioed in of strange ships in the Solomon Islands As a result The Armored Cruiser HHMS Polynesia and the Australian Protected Cruiser HMAS Sidney arrived and began a search of the area.
Ground forces were sent for and 2 companies of Hawaiian Marines and a reinforced platoon of Australians arrived by ship. The force was landed at Guadacanal with a comapny of Marines and the Australians beginning the search. The othe Company of marines set up a base camp. Native volunteers were hired to help track any invaders.
The Search parties was divided into two groups: 1) the first group consisted of 120 Hawaiian marines with native guides while 2) consisted of 45 Australian Army and 40 Hawaiian Marines with guides. Care was taken to avoid ambushes and traps. The Australians ran into the invaders and engaged them in a firefight. The fight lasted 4 hours and the hostiles were all killed. one Australian and 1 Hawaiian were killed and 5 others wounded. The hosiles were searched for information and pictures were taken with a camera.
Sergeant William Tomari of the RoyalHawaiian Marines stated that they appearedto be Japanese,
The wounded were brought back to the base and transported to the Hawaiian Armored cruiser which had a naval surgeon aboard. Information was copied and the copies given to both parties. Several other islands were searched.
A decision was reached to leave a joint Australian-Hawaiian Land force on Guadalcanal. Captain Roland Bander Royal Australian Army was left with 35 men and he was joined by 1st Lt Daniel Peters with a 40man platoon of Royal Hawaiian Marines as well as an experience Royal Hawaiian Navy Corpsman.
Hawaii's Military Representatives in Australia met wit their Australian and New Zealand counterparts to plot what to do next a decision was made to build a military base on Guadacanal. The Australians and Hawaiian would work on the base but it would be under Australian command.
The mid 1880's saw the appearance of the airship. Travel by airship would have a growing impact on the ability of the allies to cut down the travel time.
Australia and New Zealand were both developing far more than would have been the case had the Fall not happen. It had a massive gain in population and saw a large investment by the Royal Bank of Hawaii.
Both Australia and New Zealand were seeing a growth in their economies and population as a result of the Great Fall. The 1880s had seen a lot of investment by the Kingdom of Hawaii in both countries but Australia had seen the greater investment. Mining and Steel production had grown and there was a demand for more workers.
Railroad construction steadily moved westward.
By the 1890s both Australia and New Zealand were far different than they had been before The Fall. Both countries had seen considerable growth in population and economy.
The Royal Hawaiian Navy was cooperating with the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal New Zealand Navy. The three nations were also working together to accept designs for wasships which could be used by all three. Hawaii had developed weapons to arm the ships.
Australia had gained a great deal as a result of the event known as The Fall. It had gained a large increase in population, industrial growth and an increase in rain in western Australia.. Money had poured into the country from Hawaiian investments. But Hawaii was also investing in New Zealand.
Australia and New Zealand were both developing far more than would have been the case had the Fall not happen. It had a massive gain in population and saw a large investment by the Royal Bank of Hawaii.
Considering today new Zealand barely has 5 Million people, This is understandable! :)
At the turn of the century New Zealand had a population approaching 6 million as a result of The Fall. For nearly 30 years the country had seen a demand for a lot of items among them being new home and jobs. There had been a shortage of medical personnel that had gradually disappeared as younger people had graduated from College and Medical Schools.
Australia had seen an even large population increase and the development of a trans continental. railroad. The Fall had seen a massive increase in several of the lakes in the west
and as a result there had been development of the land.. Thus population and foreign investment allowed for the great boom to take place.
The Hawaiian Government and the Australian Government reached an agreement in the late 1890s which would allow Hawaii to have Capital ships built in Australia. This came about due to the fact that Hawaii had to import materials to manufacture steel and it would be easier and less expensive to have them built in Australia.
Thus a shipyard in the Melbourne area was purchased and worked began on turning it into a facility capable of doing the job. The Royal Hawaiian Navy set up an office in the area so as to help with the construction.
Hawaii's need for resources needed to produce goods was leading to increased production in Australia. Prior to The Fall the Hawaiians would buy goods from the US but after the Fall there was the problem with reconnecting the country and with the Mexican dictator. As a result the Hawaiians turned to Australia and to New Zealand.
In 1912 the Shipyard in Australia began work on the second ship in the Polynesian Class of Battleships.It was based on an altered British design of the King George V . The Hawaiians had worked on the design with the Royal Navy. The first ship had been started in Hawaii but the other two ships would be built in Australia. It would use oil for a fuel rather than coal. The engines had been designed in Hawaii.
The Royal Australian Navy sought to build two battlecruisers in Australianand sought the assistance of the Royal Hawaiian Navy's design bureau . The Australians received the benefit of a study that the Hawaiian Navy had done on the Queen Mary class of Battlecruiser. The Australians would be getting a ship that had been modified and had receceived modifications to flaws in the original Royal Navy design.
A third Battlecruiser was to be built and would serve as the flagship of the Royal New Zealand Navy. The Shipyard was expanding and as a result would require more workers.