Patriots and Tyrants: The Second American Revolution

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POD: Obama, after the many shootings of late, passes a radical new gun law, angering many conservatives, especially in the interior states....

Patriots and Tyrants
“The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants”-Thomas Jefferson
Lead Up to War (2013-2014)
The Probability Act (October 2013)
The first seeds of the revolution were almost certainly sown in late 2013, when the Obama Administration passed the highly unpopular and controversial Probability Act(1). The law was first suggested in February, as shootings around the country increased rapidly. Below is a transcript of the “meat” of the law.

“No American Citizen with more than 3 prior moderate infractions will be allowed to own a firearm…no American Citizen with 1 or more major infractions will be allowed to own a firearm…Any American Citizen identified as a Domestic Terror Threat* will be allowed to own a firearm…any firearm owners will be screened every six months. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in prosecution…

*Including single-cause groups, veterans angry about modern day politics, etc. (See the DTGL for more)”

Even though the law was a radical change, it was voted into being within a few months of initiation. The screenings were scheduled to begin on October 15.

(1) Also known as the GUN ACT of 2013, Obamagun, and the ANTIGUNAGENDA


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This is NOT AH.

It is a political screed. A rather obvious and unrealistic screed at that.

We don't do political screed in the main forums.

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