Patricius becomes East Roman Emperor

Who was Patricius?
Patricius was the third son of Aspar, the Alan magister militum of Emperor Leo I, and like his father—and most of the Germanic peoples—he was an Arian.

The name "Patricius", of ostentatious Roman origin, suggests that the father had plans for him, up to the imperial throne. Patricius was appointed consul in 459 by the Eastern court.

In 470, in an episode of the struggle for power between Aspar and the Isaurian general Zeno, Aspar persuaded the Emperor to appoint Patricius as Caesar and give him in marriage his daughter Leontia. However, the clergy and people of Constantinople believed an Arian was not eligible to become an Emperor, and on hearing of the appointment riots broke out in the city hippodrome, led by the head of the Sleepless Monks, Marcellus. Aspar and Leo had to promise to the bishops that Patricius would convert to Chalcedonian Orthodoxy before becoming Emperor, and that he would marry Leontia only after his conversion.

No coins of Patricius as Caesar were issued, and his only act in office was a trip to Alexandria, where he was welcomed with all the honours attributed to a Caesar.

In 471 an imperial conspiracy caused the death of Aspar and of his eldest son Ardabur: it is possible that Patricius also was killed on this occasion, although some sources report that he recovered from his wounds; in any case, after this episode, Patricius disappears from the sources. The marriage with Leontia was annulled, and later she married Marcian

Whether Patricus died or not, he would never again become a contender for the imperial purple of Constantinople. Instead after the death of Leo 1, aswell as his nephew Leo 2, Zeno would become the emperor. Though Zeno faced contenders. One named Basiliscus, and the other named Marcian.

In the clash between Zeno and Marcian, it was ultimately Zeno who would end up victorious. During their clash both would enlist the support of Gothic warlords. Marcian sought the support of Theodore Strabo, while Zeno enlisted Theodoric the Amal. Later Theodoric the Amal, at the behest of Zeno, conquered the Italian kingdom of Odoacer. Prior to the Ostrogothic conquest of Italy, Theodoric and Zeno had multiple conflicts.

Would Patricius be able to rise to the purple without causing significant unrest? Would he meet the same resistance as Zeno did in our timeline? Would he be considered legitimate? There seem to be alot

What do you think would happen had Patricius become the emperor?

Zeno, who was a Isaurian stock was considered a barbarian by many. This contributed too, or partly served as justification for why Zeno should not be emperor.I find it likely that Patricius would face similar challenges.
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Sorry for reopening closed thread
Would he take the historical place of Zeno overall or become a 4th contender?
He would become the heir of Leo 1 as the husband of Leo's daughter Leontia. Patricus' father Aspar and Leontia's father Leo 1 had seemingly already agreed on or atleast proposed their marriage. This can be seen as they had to promise that Patricus would convert to orthodoxy prior to his marriage to Leontia, and assuming the imperial purple. It is not sure, but Leontia and Patricus probably did not marry. This episode surronding the possible Patricus-Leontia marriage happened in 470. One year later a conspiracy between Leo 1 and Zeno (who would later become emperor) saw Aspar, and Patricus brother Ardabur dead. While Patricus regardless of fate dissapear from history.

Zeno also happened to be married to another of Leo the First's daughters, namely Ariadne. Ariadne and Zeno had one son, called Leo 2, who became emperor after the death of Leo 1. Leo 2 made his father co-emperor, and after the five year old death in 474 , Zeno became sole emperor.

The reason for Leo 1 marrying his daughters to Zeno and Aspar's son Patricus was to gain favor with influential warriors/warlords.

So in this ATL, the point of divergence is simply, Patricus converting to Orthodoxy immediately after the riot, then marrying Leontia.
Here i made a scenario where the Ostrogoths does not leave the Balkans for Italy. Thus the Gothic society in the balkans is more populous. Is it possible or even likely that without the Ostrogothic conquest of Italy that Gothic could remain a living language in the Balkans? If Patricus had become emperor, and the power of Gothic warlords did not dimish is that enough to prevent the Ostrogothic conquest of Italy and migration into Italy?
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