Our League of Nations

Jewish homeland location

  • Jewish Oblast Russia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • part of Manchuria

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Kimberley Northwest Australia

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Madagascar

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Kenya

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Argentinia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Guyana

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ethiopia/ Somaliland

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Sinai

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Israel Transjordania Palestina

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • former Turkish Anatolia/ Italian LON territory

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Cyprus

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Macedonia/ Thessalia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Azerbaijan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pale (Poland Lithuania White Russia)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Sitka US Alaska or Western Canada

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Caribbean Island

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Alsace-Lorraine

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • somewhere on the Arabian Peninsula

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
French February 1934 Crisis

Given the Basque full autonomy in their own province, quickly sparked similar movements in Galicia, Asturia, Aaragonese, Catalan and Al-Andalus, which would see the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (CEDA) which had win the November 1933 elections becoming even more influential and powerful, while also cooperating more with local autonomy and independence groups that now tried to cooperate with it in hopes that a supportive Madrid government give them the same autonomy and rights then the Basques. This ultimately would lead to an even bigger rise for the Spanish Socialist Workers Party PSQE and the Republican Left Pary IR, who together with the CEDA would form the so called Popular Front, a left-wing government coalition made up by Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (CEDA) Republican Left (Spain) (IR), Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), Republican Union (UR), Communist Party of Spain (PCE), Acció Catalana (AC) and some other parties, that would soon have the Church, the Nationalists and Carlist Monarchists in divided but also open opposition to them. Meanwhile in China in Fujian or Fukien, the local provincial government of the Fujian or Fukien People’s Government, together with some smaller opposition parties is given a participation in the regional government, which they intent to use to further undermine the local Kuomintang National Government, instead of working together with it in a lager, overall All-Chinese Coalition. Romania descents into some instability as the Iron Guard assassinates Prime Minister Ion Gheorghe Duca, while shortly afterwards the League of Nations establishes the International Telecommunication Union in January 1934 to further fast communication and diplomacy around the world in the hopes this new means of technology also furthers understanding one another. Surprisingly for many the Nazi German state and the Second Polish Republic announce a at first 10-year long non-aggression pact between each other, a paper that many falsely view as an unofficial accepting of the East German border with Poland. Internaly the Nazis use moves like this and the Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich (Gesetz über den Neuaufbau des Reiches) to crush all major remaining resistance, such as the power of the larger federal states like Prussia, Saxony and Bavaria. Supported heavily by Nazi Germany, the Fatherland Front secures and consolidates it’s power during the Austrian Civil War, were a Nazi German, Fascist Italian cooperation against the socialist and communist block further cemented their common shared goals.

During the French political crisis the far-right leagues of France, among them Action Française, Jeunesses Patriotes, Mouvement Franciste, Croix-de-Feu, Solidarité Française, Union nationale des combattants and others dissatisfied with the government rally their supporters in front of the Palais Bourbon Place de la Concorde, near the seat of the French National Assembly with riots starting and manage to succeed in a coup d'état against the Third Republic which brings the Right-Wing Coalition under the new Prime Minister Charles Maurras to power. Alongside a new cabinet around Great War hero Philippe Pétain, Charles Maurras, Pierre Taittinger, Marcel Bucard, François de La Rocque, François Coty, Pierre Laval, P.É. Flandin, François Darlan, Pierre Laval and others they form a Gallic French National Government with heavy emphasis on anti-German, anti-Italian, anti-Bolshevik (anti-Soviet Union) and irredentism nationalist rhetoric, that outright denies any claims or regaining for the Germans on the League of Nations Mandate of Kamerun/ Cameroon, claims parts of Italian Turkey, Arab Syria and Italian Libya alongside the Italian island of Sardinia, while also demanding Catalonian land in Spain as well as the Balearic islands to secure their air and sea ways to French Algeria in North Africa and don’t truly recognize the Independence of independent Belgium anymore, as they claim the European mainland as well as the Belgian Congo for their own Colonial Empire. They call their new national ideal Greater France, or Greater Gaul as some anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, pan-Celtic elements within the French Right-Wing Coalition dream their future nation state, claiming France is neither Latin Roman, nor Germanic Teutonic. While many French Leftist fear their political independence and power, some flee to Spain, strengthening the Left Block there with a sort-of French Left-wing government-in-exile and making connections to the Soviet Union who promises political and propaganda support. Some parts of the French National Gaullists meanwhile emphasize their Latin roots and try to bring Italy and Mussolini, as well as Spain and Portugal into an anti-German European block and alliance that would have no need for the British that many also see as foul friends at best, global colonial rivals ever since Napoleon at worst. Encouraged by the new French government meanwhile Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia (Greater Serbia) for ma new Balkan Pact, clearly aiming against the potential Italian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Turkish ambitions in the Balkan and Anatolain West Asian region.
Well, well, this is intriguing

Time for the French leftists preparing their guillotines…
So French and Spanish Civil War?! o_O

Also democratic Japan will have a nice update next time to show you all how well or bad things go over there compared to OTL.
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finally - French Gamers took power in France! This timeline is already more chaotic than OTL and I love it. War in Europe will be a legendary Battle Royale - Nazis vs French Nazis vs Soviets vs Italians vs Brits vs Rest of the World. Cannot wait to see it
It will be a mess like it was before the Great War clearly:
But this time war will probably happen not between two factions, but it could be a threeway or even fourway war. With a recent coup in France I would say that the war could be between - Nazi Germany Faction , French Faction, Soviets and Western Allies (UK and Dominions and the US). The question is where will Italy go.
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Spain - depends who wins the Civil War (may join any faction really)
Italy - depends who offers Mussolini more land and other concessions - I would bet that it will be a battle on promises between Hitler and Wallies - Nazi France or what is their official name now has too many territorial claims on Italy)
Spain - depends who wins the Civil War (may join any faction really)
Italy - depends who offers Mussolini more land and other concessions - I would bet that it will be a battle on promises between Hitler and Wallies - Nazi France or what is their official name now has too many territorial claims on Italy)
True that, as for the french name: Nation Française most likely? As they are neither a Kingdom, Empire or Monarchy again.
Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Mengjiang
Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Mengjiang

After the Showa Constitution was drafted and internal peace and stability secured, the Japanes Republic, now which much less military army and navy burden thanks to the royalist-militarist Manchurian Coup finally saw better years ahead, as the global economy recovered and Japan traded with the American, British and it’s neighbors like China, Philippines, Siam and a semi-independent Korea. In all of this the British Empire cornered with the breakaway of France under a new, radical national government and harboring a small democratic republic French-government-in-exile in London, while the majority of the French government-in-exile was inside the left-leaning Spanish Republic, supported by the Comintern and Soviet Union, so the British looked for old and new allies alike. Since the Americans had only be hesitant to join the last war and turned back to stronger isolationism in some regards to the League of Nations, even if not total, the British looked for an ally so loyal and eager that they had to convince them not to immediately declare War on the Germans and take all of their Asian-Pacific colonies; the Japanese. Therefore the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was renewed, a major foreign policy victory for the slowly recovering Japanese republic government and nation alike and in coordination and cooperation with the British Empire and it’s own network of alliances the Japanese after careful consideration with the Americans and British proclaimed the East Asian Liberty and Prosperity Organization (EALPO) that sought them out to be an East-Asian-Pacific Guardian against Socialism, Communism and Fascism, an Anti-Communism Bulwark that even send advisers and volunteers to the Kuomintang in China, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, were Comintern and Soviet Union supported Socialist Republic of Turkestan, the People’s Republic of Mongolia and the Soviet own annexed Outer Mongolian region spoke of a threatening rise of Communism in Asia, especially as the Soviets quit openly supported the Fujian or Fukien People’s Government with propaganda, finances and even weapons.

The left-wing Kuomintang, the so called Chinese Social Nationalists of the new union government between former Communists (especially the left-wing socialist groups) and Kuomintang under Wang Jingwei had unified most of the former blocks, but some hard-line communists had joined the former Jiangxi-Fujian Soviet that was now the Fujian or Fukien government, once mor making their province a breeding ground for anti-colonial, anti-imperial socialist and communist ideas of a Chinese Revolution. Meanwhile the Imperial Japanese Nationalists and Militarizes, with support of the local Inner Mongolian Government and Princes had marched with some forces into Inner Mongolia, proclaiming their support for it’s autonomy as the new national Mongolian nation of Mengjiang under Khan Demchugdongrub, similar to their national Manchu nation of Manchuria. Sadly for the League of Nations the Chinese, now once more drifting to conflict with the communist in Southern and Western China made a deal with the Imperial Japanese military in northern China, leading to Manchuria and Mengjiang becoming autonomous provinces and puppet states of theirs, while nominally remaining part of China. In exchange they would help the Social National Chinese Government under Wang build up a modern military-industrial complex, a new modern Chinese Army and navy and a stronger centralized government. While some warned to not give the Japanese Imperial Militarists so mch adviser positions, influence and power in China, many Social Nationalists in Nanjing simply laughed, claiming their numbers even with some of them now in Beijing/ Pekign and Nanjing were so limited they posed barely a threat to any local Triad gang, let alone the Kuomintang governments and Chinese regular police and army forces there. At the same time the Japanese and their British allies debated if full independence should be given t other Koreans as the Korean Republic inside the EALPO, as a further sign the new Japanese Republic was not like the former colonial, imperial Japanese Empire and it’s remnants in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia.

Mengjiang civil flag

Mengjiang military flag
Represented by the colored stripes of the Mengjiang civil and war flag the Mongols (blue); the Han (red); the Manchus (yellow); the Hui (white); and the Tibetans (black).
How about the “National Republic of France” if Maurras and co. keep power and the “Gallic State” if the Pan-Celtics obtain power?
That is good as the first further emphases that they feel like a continuation of their Republic (no matter how real or fake that might be and gives somewhat legitimacy after the coup to claim to be still democratic/ republican) while the Gallic State, Gallic Nation, Greater Gaul, Gallic Empire or Greater Gallic Empire, as well as Greater Gallic National Empire (wich then on the map will be turned to a more greenish shade) might all be names for the Pan-Celtist/ Celtist Nationals to call their creation (similar to how the German Nazis OTL used Germanic and Teutonic as some description of their nation state (or what they had planend for it in the future). On that topic would that mean we could see a city-planning for Paris to become Gallia, Parisii or Lutetia?
In regard to Spain I am 100% sure that the Civil War is inevitable at this point. However this conflict will be much longer, bloodier and more factions will be involved directly or via proxy. Unfortunately Spain will become a first battleground between 4 european main parties (British Empire/Soviet Union/Germany+Italy/ National France). When it comes to the Civil War itself it will be very similar to OTL Syrian Civil War. So this is my prediction about factions within this Civil War:

1. Spanish State (fascism) - supported like in OTL by Germany and Italy
2. Carlist Spain (fascism/ultranationalism/national socialism) - supported by National France
3 . Communist Spain (socialism/communism/stalinism) - supported by Soviet Union and the International Brigades
4. Republican Spain (democracy/socialism) - supported by the UK, White Dominions, Portugal - here I believe that the UK would be forced to intervene in Spain in oder to protect Gibraltar, Portugal and the Western Mediterranean in general. UK cannot allow other powers (France/Germany+Italy/ Soviet Union) to make Spain their protectorate. I can see even Japan sending a fully equipped expeditionary force as a sign of the new alliance with UK
5. CNT-FAI and other anarchist movevements like in OTL
6. Various Independence Movements - Andalusia, Basque Republic, Catalan Republic
7. National Redemption Front (ultranationalism/radical catholicism/national socialism) - inspired by TNO - this faction would be equivalent of OTL ISIS - so basically anti-Communist, anti-German, anti-French, anti-British and anti-Italian bunch of crazies wanting to purge almost everybody, with its leader believing that he is a second coming of Jesus Christ.
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Coming from the animal shelter and at a dinner in a hour, but you are quit right and I will give a full overview once I'm home about the upcoming Spanish Civil War that in my opinion too is to late to completely avoid by now. :D

Edit, this will include a (for now) rogue future faction map.
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I imagine something like this with overall major factions and alliance who themselves are interlinked with one another, but could just as easily split completely under the right circumstances: