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Yay, the Taylor family is back! I'd like to hear more about Melinda Taylor's job in Greenfield.

Congratulations! You’re the first person to notice that I shamelessly stole the Taylor family! And I may indeed do a story which focuses more on Melinda Taylor! Each of these stories is the start of a longer plot line, but I don’t have all of them completely figured out yet.
2001 Lake Compounce Update!

On Memorial Day 2001, Lake Compounce opens Soak City, the largest water park in the Southern Provinces. In a surprise move, Paramount also decided to open a South End Station for the train.

Next Week: A new Flat Ride in Thunder River!
2001 Lake Compounce Update!

On Memorial Day 2001, Lake Compounce opens Soak City, the largest water park in the Southern Provinces. In a surprise move, Paramount also decided to open a South End Station for the train.

Next Week: A new Flat Ride in Thunder River!
New England doesn't celebrate Memorial Day, though it could open Victoria Day Weekend:

Public Holidays in New England are holidays defined by either the federal government of New England or by multiple provinces. Major holidays of New Year's Day, Acadia Day, Victoria Day, New England Day, Thanksgiving, and Armistice Day are all federally mandated closure days, wherein the federal government will cease operations, except essential operations. Those involved in the public safety or infrastructure network are exempt from this regulation. Notably, this does not include rail service, meaning these are the only days of the year where not a single train runs in the country. All private businesses must also close, but one can apply to the Ministry of Labour & Employment for an exemption. Christmas and Labour Day are considered a major holidays, but they are not mandatory closure holidays. Three-fourths of New England businesses will give their employees paid time off on Labour day, with nearly all businesses giving their employees Christmas off. Paid time off is required to be given to anyone normally scheduled for work on that day, thus service workers who would not normally work on that day of the week would not receive the paid time.
New England doesn't celebrate Memorial Day, though it could open Victoria Day Weekend

I totally forgot! I need to remember this for next time. It does open on Victoria Day Weekend.

For those who are wondering, the operating season is weekends after Labour Day, Full weekly operations from Victoria Day Weekend to Thanksgiving, and then Weekends to Armistice Day. Following a two week transition, the month of December will feature a light festival on the north end of the park. Soak City operates from Victoria Day to the first Monday in September (AKA USA Labor Day).

Anyway, Zazzle is first rate, I'd strongly recommend them
Is that in a printed textbook?!?! Dat shit look gud!!
George Wallace
Posted with @Kanan 's Blessing

George Wallace was a lawyer and a former governor of Alabama, he served as the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under president Walter Mondale.

At an early age, Goerge Wallace took an interest in politics and contributed to his Grandfathers campaign for probate judge. He served in the Japanese-American war from 1942 to 1945 and in late 1945 he served as one of the assistant attorneys of Alabama. Early in his career, he was described as "One of the most Liberal judges in Alabama" as described by Lawyer, J. L. Chestnut. He gained a reputation for his fairness as a judge regardless of race.

In 1958 he was nominated for the Governor race by the Social Labor Party. His opponent was John Malcolm Patterson of the National party whose racist campaign had drawn nationwide condemnation from the National Party. Patterson attacked Wallace as soft on crime citing how Wallace had granted probation to some African-Americans. While Wallace was endorsed by the NAACP Patterson was endorsed by the Alabama Democratic party, a remnant of Anti-Reconstruction views. The Democrats aided White turnout while they tried to paint Wallace as Radical. Wallace lost the election by less than .5 of a Percentage point. After the governor election, Wallace entered the Alabama House of Representatives and strongly opposed the governor's legislation. By the end of Governor Patterson's term, he had deeply hurt the Alabama National party practically ensuring that Social Labor's Candidate would be the favourite. Wallace was engaged in a fierce primary with former governor Jim Folsom which Wallace would win and continue to be Elected governor by a wide margin against Bull Connor.

As governor Wallace presided over Alabamas industrial development. He often travelled north to negotiate further tax incentives to companies willing to open up plants in Alabama. He was also an advocate for state-sponsored education as he initiated a Community College system which allowed students to complete 4-year degrees at 6 new community colleges. Wallace campaigned heavily for Claude Peppers presidential campaign in 1964 giving fiery impassioned speeches across the country which is partially credited for Claude Pepper winning the 1964 election.

Term limits prevented Wallace from running for a second consecutive term. He planned on having his wife, Lurleen, run in his place but when she was offered to run for governor by Wallace she threatened him with divorce. Wallace ran for president in 1968 after Claude Pepper refused to run a second term and competed in the Social Labor primaries against Stephen Young of Ohio and George Smathers of Florida. He ran as an Economic Populist and won most of his support in the South which left him in second place in the Convention. Wallace tried to build up support to run on the ticket as Vice President but Senator Young was sceptical due to Wallace's populist and unpolished style. Young ended up picking Smathers which reportedly infuriated Wallace who refused to endorse Young who would lose to Nelson Rockefeller.

Wallace ran for Senate in 1972 and challenged incumbent Senator John Sparkman for the Social Labor nomination. He narrowly lost against Sparkman's campaign of Experience. Wallace would continue to run in the race under an "Independent Social Labor" ticket against Senator Sparkman and National Candidate Winton M Blount. Wallace ended up placing 3rd with Sparkman securing reelection with about 55% of the vote.

Wallace stayed out of the political world for the rest of the 70s and early 80s. He was a campaign surrogate for Walter Mondale in 1984 giving impassioned speeches in Swing States which contributed to his campaign. Despite losing much of the deep south Mondale nominated Wallace for Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Wallace served in the position till the end of the Mondale Administration.

At the end of his life, Wallace continued to endorse political candidates. In an interview, He Endorsed National Candidate Nancy Kassenbaum for president Against Jerry Brown in 1992 to the dismay of his own party. His Son, George Wallace Jr, ran for political office under the National Party which showed Wallace's futher distance from the Social Labor party. He died on the 2nd of June 2003 due to a bacterial infection. He is remembered as being an influential force in Southern politics and attempting to shift the Social Labor party to the centre socially.
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What a catchy name​

Rolls off the tongue!

Based on what's been said about Namibia and Hurueno, did Germany get to keep their colonies after WW1? Did they get them back later?

Germany kept all of her colonies except Namibia, the islands in the Pacific, and concessions in China after the Great War.

If South Africa was so anti-Anglo, why did they leave the Union Jack on their flag?

See below!

The September Agreement was only an armistice, so the Commonwealth and South Africa are still technically at war Korea-style, right?


What are the demographics of South Africa like? Based on the number of genocides and explusions, I'm guessing it's majority-Afrikaner by now?

There has been some indication of the demographics of South Africa. We do know, for one, that South Africa's census is rigidly structured as:

White, Boer
White, Accepted
White, English
African, Labourer

It's hard to know much more, but the "white" groups are a majority in the country. A census is conducted daily, as each person is required to hold a classification with the government. We know that White, Boer are the Afrikaans speaking white descendants of the Boers as well as those sufficiently assimilated to the culture to be classified as such. White, Accepted are those deemed "white" by the South African government, and are afforded the same rights and freedoms as any other white inhabitant of the country. White, English are the descendants of the Confederate or British settlement in South Africa. African, Labourer means a person who is deemed "African" by the government, but are permitted to live and work in the "White" areas of South Africa under supervision. Someone classified as African is not allowed to live or work outside a Bantustan. Similarly, anyone deemed White is banned from living, working, or travelling within a Bantustan

As a lead on, how much does the outside world know about South Africa? It is left blank on the HDI map for example, so is it a complete hermit kingdom? Do they let in outside visitors or is the only information we get from defectors?

Honestly, not that much. It's ranked unsafe by any major category, and the country doesn't have any international tourist industry to speak of. International observers are also mostly barred from entering the country.

Is Christiaan Pieterse a more moderate or hardliner South African leader?

Pieterse is a much more moderate leader, who has seen fit to open an international dialogue, hence why Rubio was interested in a meeting and Pieterse travelled to a conference in Indonesia (referenced back in a news articles)

Based on the fact that Burma is left blank in the governmental systems map, does that mean it's still basically anarchy?

In January of 2019, there are still 3 governments holding control in Burma, not to mention the various de-facto independent countries inside Burma. The ceasefire has held, and elections are due in April.

Why is Iran an observing member of the Partnership of the Americas?

If you notice on the map, it's unofficial or observer status. Iran's economy is heavy linked with the United States' economy, and by extension the rest of the Partnership of the Americas.

Given that Kampuchea has 2 million less people than OTL Cambodia, can we assume it is a very nasty place to live?

It's Kampuchea.

Why did Kurdistan go communist and when did it gain its independence?

Spoilers! Gotta wait until I get to the Middle East!

Does Argentina want the Falklands?

Argentina, of course, would like the islands back. But considering the Commonwealth did, in fact, drop more ordinance on them than all other wars in the 1980s combined, I don't think they will attempt another grab at it.

Why was Mbabane renamed Eswatini?

To force the stupid colonial powers to recognise the country's new name. Didn't work.

How communist is the PR Congo?

Fairly Communist. The Soviet Union continues to support overseas Communist countries that have resources a strong socialist spirit.

The flags are beautiful! I especially like the flags of Papua, the Gold Coast, Colombia and India.

Thank you!! I made all those flags except Gold Coast, which was made by the wonderful @Generalissimo Maximus!!

I’m sorry, Map Question: why is Canada shown as part of the Commonwealth? Didn’t they leave the Commonwealth in protest over the War In Burma?

Canada recently re-joined the Commonwealth due to the instance of the Progressive National Party.

Yeah why was Ireland highlighted in the map? I didn't see them mentioned in the article.

Ireland is a full member of the Zollverein.

If you look closely at the South African flag on the world map, you'll see that the Union Flag has actually been removed. While the overall design has remained the same, the details have changed...

Correct! This is the South African flag:


Well, on the bright side, at least Spain has gotten past this period of repression. I note that they still possess Spanish Guinea - what's the situation over there?

It's an integrated part of Spain (for the most part). Rebels were uh ... dealt with.

OK, I'm interested in that "Latin Asteria." What other countries use it?

This is the common currency of the Latin Monetary Union, introduced in the 1940s!

I like this way of presenting the history of a specific nation like that although it took me some time to understand the south african one. Keep up with the good work!

Awesome! I plan on doing this for all of the countries in OFC!

Is that in a printed textbook?!?! Dat shit look gud!!

It's just a poster! The textbook isn't out yet haha
A very interesting alternate history for France - the Third Republic ITTL seems to have died with even less dignity than ours.

A few questions, then:

How stable is French governance in Algeria? Do Algerians now enjoy the same rights as other Frenchmen? Is the situation improving or degrading?

The current French president is OTl a centre-right French politician - has this seen any regression with regards to French overseas policy? I note that French Algeria is medium on the HDI, though France is also listed on the world map as a Liberal Republic.

What is the current state of Franco-British relations?

How are the French Foreign Legion doing, especially with their homeland of Algeria still under French control?

Algeria seems to have a much smaller population than OTL, as well as roughly 1/4 of the population being made up of Pieds Noirs - is this just due to Algeria's smaller size, or was their another cause of the population loss in comparison to OTL?
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