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Regan is running to the centre faster than you can say "Third Way" and Sanders is running a socialist/social democratic campaign in a fairly moderate/centre left country.

Oh, and Bernie Sanders imploded the stable Labour government.

It's unlikely they would enter a coalition this cycle.

And yeah, it sucks to be PEI. They aren't exactly happy being screwed over on the federal level.

Okay true, but the alternative would be to allow the Tories to form a coaltion with the Francophones, right? Would that happen given the recent French language issue? I realize it is rather unlikely they preform that badly...

I also notice that the SDP’s are projected to only gain seats or hold them, no loses, so not too shabby...

Does PEI only have a single Senator? Boston should just have one person be both the MP and Senator- and they might as well appoint their Governor/Preimer while their at it. I guess that’s what you get for having a smaller population than a small city...
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RIP any party but the conservatives due to massive gerrymandering, a .7% lead in the polls could mean an extra 35 seats for the tories in the future
Good to see PF is making some progress. I dont think I would be ready to vote Labour so my support still lies with the tories.


It played to his base, but really killed any of his popularity with suburban voters.

Oh dear. I'm not getting elected am I?

Speaking of the suburbs, is Methuen going through the same SNAFU about its budget as it is IOTL?
It played to his base, but really killed any of his popularity with suburban voters.
I imagine similar buttons exist ITTL re: Sanders:
Does this mean you have already decided that Labour is going to loose or does it mean that everyone ITT thinks Labour is going loose?

I don't know the winner of the election at all. I have code written to generate an election. I give it vague inputs and it fires off a result.
Regan is running to the centre faster than you can say "Third Way" and Sanders is running a socialist/social democratic campaign in a fairly moderate/centre left country.

Oh, and Bernie Sanders imploded the stable Labour government.

It's unlikely they would enter a coalition this cycle.

And yeah, it sucks to be PEI. They aren't exactly happy being screwed over on the federal level.

Would you say that New England Labour is shifting to like a Blairite "new Labour" kind of deal and the Tories are extremely mild centre-right?
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