Orbital Laser Weapons

What kind of TL would be needed in order for the US to have a system of orbiting laser-armed satellites capable of wiping out buildings by 1995? How would world politics change now that the US has a relatively "clean" WMD?
well first u would need technology way more advanced then we currently have. In fact I don't know if its possible for lassers to blow up a building from space as their would be to much interference such as dust and clouds and things like that.
You also have to figure that as soon as these things are made public nations are going to go ape shit, and traditionally paranoid and/or less than friendly (DPRK, China, Iran, Iraq assuming its not occupied, and like) are going to have heart attacks and will be pressuring us to get rid of them and/or try to get there own.
The lack of an atmosphere would help space to space range, but diffraction would still put an upper limit.


Plasma packets or directed energy might work better for the effects you want. That said, i suspect that everyone would be frantically pressing their own efforts at deploying such weapons, which the US had better prevent, or else.
