Old Guard generals that could have served in WWII.

I confess that I came with the idea of this thread after reading about Adna Chaffee Jr. because of a strategy game. In OTL he was not able to fight in WWII as he died in 1941, but what if he did? In Germany August Von Mackensen died in 1945 and I sure that Britain and France had old guard generals, veterans of WWI or even earlier conflicts that were alive at the time of WWII but didn't fought either for old age or health concerns. With the introduction over I ask: Which old guard generals could have fought in WWII? Maybe by living more or by having a better health at the time of the war?
I don't think he would. Ludendorff survived until 1937 and Hitler even offered him the position of chief of the wehrmacht.
For Australia: Monash - Infantry and combined arms, Chauvel one of the closest of any nation in WW1 to a blitzkrieg commander and White - Staff.
For Australia: Monash - Infantry and combined arms, Chauvel one of the closest of any nation in WW1 to a blitzkrieg commander and White - Staff.

He would be 75 in 1940, could he see some combat or he would be retired? (also nice to know this guy, 300 thousand attended his burial, legend!)
About any of the fifty or sixty generals purged from the US Army 1939-1941. Roosevelt & Congress did not lift the mandatory retirement age, & few waivers were given for declining health. Most of the 64 Generals of the Regular Army of 1939 were retired for age or health by the end of 1941. Only a handful served overseas. A few like Kruger or Patton managed to slide in under the retirement bar, and remained in robust health..
Hubert Gough was 70 in 1940 but in relatively good health. Macdonough was active throughout his retirement up until his death in 1942. Travers Clarke was a relatively youthful 69 in 1940. Montgomery-Massingberd organised the Lincolnshire Home Guard if memory serves. Trenchard was 67.
Sir John Salmond was only 59 in 1940 and was Director of Aircraft Production until 1941 and then Director of Flying Control and Air/Sea Rescue until he had to retire due to ill health in 1943. Hugh Elles was Director of Civil Defence for most of the war.
George Marshall made sure the Old Guard wasn't involved in World War II because he saw their stupidity in World War 1
If he didn't die of a stroke, Arthur Currie wouldn't have been too much older than guys who actually commanded the First Canadian Army iotl. AND HE'D BE A TRILLION TIMES BETTER THAN THAT IDIOT MCNAUGHTON!


Ferdinand Foch died the 20 of March of 1929 aged 77. Had he lived to the same old age of Petain (95) he would have been alive in 1940 Ai Amatxo Maitia what a butterfly that would have been...