Official Quarter-BAM Map Repository

  • qazse

    Gone Fishin'
    Hello, everyone.

    The old Quarter-BAM respostiory was woefully out of date and not showcased very well, thanks in part to my procrastination problem. It also ran into the problem of the 20-images-per-post restriction. This refresh fixes both of these.

    Any maps complete are in blue text, maps still in progress are in red text, and maps planned for the future are in black text.

    Completely Blank (Modern)
    Blank with Rivers (Modern)
    Completely Blank (Virgin)
    Blank with Rivers (Virgin)
    Topography and Bathymetry (Modern)
    Topography and Bathymetry (Virgin)
    Köppen Climatic Zones
    Only Ocean (Custom Planet Template)
    Latitude, longitude and ice caps

    The Dawn of Civilisation (3100 BC)
    Age of the Pyramids (2500 BC)
    The First Societies (1350 BC)
    The Year Civilisation Collapsed (1177 BC)
    The Founding of Rome (653 BC)
    Assault on Assyria (753 BC)
    A Hundred Thousand People (500 BC)
    Alexander Conquers Persia (323 BC)
    Maurya and the Punic Wars (250 BC)
    Tiberius' Assassination (133 BCE)
    Ascension of the Roman Republic (100 BCE)
    Et tu, Brute? (44 BC)

    ~~~LATE ANCIENT ERA (AD 1 - AD 476)~~~
    Humanity's Saviour (AD 1)
    Height of the Roman Empire (AD 117)
    Pax Romana (AD 150)
    China's Three Kingdom (AD 200)
    Crisis of the Third Century (AD 250)
    The Tetrachy (AD 300)
    End of the Persecution (AD 313)
    Migration, Mayhem and Mistakes (AD 400)
    Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (AD 451)
    A Fallen Western Empire (AD 476)

    ~~~MEDIEVAL ERA (AD 476 - 1453)~~~
    The Death of Muhammad (AD 632)
    The Rise of Islam (AD 710)
    The Abbasid Caliphate (AD 750)
    Charlemagne's Empire (AD 746)
    The Frankish Realm Splits (AD 814)
    The Middle Medieval Period (AD 900)
    The HRE's Ottonian Dynasty (AD 962)
    The Second Millenium Dawns (1000)
    The Norman Conquest (1066)
    The High Medieval Era (1115)
    End of the Second Crusade (1160)
    The Holy Roman Empire's Zenith (1200)
    The Mongol Invasion (1250)
    Genghis Khan's Successors (1300)
    The Ottomans Rise (1400)
    The Battle of Varna (1444)
    The Fall of Constantinople (1453)

    ~~~EARLY MODERN ERA (1453 - 1748)~~~
    A New World (1492)
    The Rebirth (1500)
    The Treaty of Zaragoza (1529)
    Might of the Habsburgs (1550)
    A Tale of Two Churches (1555)
    A Time of Exploration (1600)
    The Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
    The Glorious Revolution (1688)
    Conquering the Americas (1700)
    The Spanish Succession resolved (1715)
    The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748)

    ~~~REVOLUTIONARY ERA (1748 - JULY 1914)~~~
    America's Liberty (1776)
    France in Revolution (1789)
    Napoleon vs Europe (1803)

    Fall of the HRE (1806)
    Napoleon's Apex (1812)
    The Congress of Vienna (1815)
    Victoria Ascends (1837)
    The Springtime of Nations (1848)
    Italy United, America Divided (1861)
    The German Empire Unites (1871)
    Scrambling for Africa (1885)
    New Century, New Problems (1900)
    On the Brink of War (1910)

    ~~~THE FIRST WORLD WAR (JULY 1914 - NOVEMBER 1918)~~~
    The War to End All Wars (1914)
    It Wasn't Over by Christmas... (1915)
    The Somme and Verdun (1916)
    Russian Workers, Unite! (1917)
    The Kaiserreich's Last Stand (1918)

    The Treaty of Versailles (1919)
    The Soviet Union Rises (1922)
    A Crash on Wall Street (1929)
    Hitler Comes to Power (1933)
    Hitler Grows Bold (1936)
    Japan Invades China (1937)
    A Looming Storm (August 31, 1939)

    Carving Up Poland (September 17, 1939)
    Germany's Revenge Turns West (1940)
    Moscow and Pearl Harbour (Devember 7, 1941)
    The Sleeping Bears Awaken (November 8, 1942)
    The Allies Gain Momentum (1943)
    The Allies Close in (June 6, 1944)
    Endkrieg (May 2, 1945)
    America, Destroyer of Worlds (August 6, 1945)

    ~~~THE COLD WAR (AUGUST 1945 - 1991)~~~
    An Iron Curtain Descends (1946)
    West and East (1950)
    The Year of Africa (1960)
    Rockin' in the 70s (1970)
    The Watergate Scandal (1975)
    Winds of Change (1989)
    The Cold War Ends (1991)

    ~~~THE MODERN ERA (1991 ONWARDS)~~~
    A New World Order? (1992)
    The End of History? (2000)
    A Shattered Status-Quo (2017)
    2021 - First-Level Subdivisions Only
    2021 - with Native Reservations
    2021 - Without Native Reservations
    2021 - No Subdivisions

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg (1936)
    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg (1936 - Reworked India)
    The New Order: Last Days of Europe (Blank)
    The New Order: Last Days of Europe (1962)
    Thousand-Week Reich (1952)
    Doomsday: 1983 (2021)
    The Drakaverse (1942)
    Fallout (2287)

    Zealandia patch
    Mu patch
    Atlantis patch
    Kerugulenia patch

    The Moon

    Colouring legend
    750 ma
    690 ma
    660 ma (no continental shelves)
    630 ma
    600 ma
    540 ma
    500 ma
    470 ma
    450 ma
    440 ma
    430 ma
    400 ma
    370 ma
    340 ma
    300 ma
    280 ma
    260 ma
    240 ma
    220 ma
    200 ma
    170 ma
    150 ma
    120 ma
    105 ma
    90 ma
    65 ma
    50 ma
    35 ma
    20 ma
    Last Glacial Maximum

    2021 Extension
    Exclusive Economic Zones
    Last edited: