Nice one, George. I wonder if he’s going to end up in a car crash like IRL or will he just disappear into obscurity.
If he lives, which he should, how likely is a car crash 25 years post-POD? senator McCarthy likely would have uses for a war hero would he not?
Who here is betting Wever, especially with Goering gone, ends up swinging from a rope owing to his actions in the USSR?
Donitz escaped. Then Donitz was not terror bombing allied capitals.
If this is anything like the first Arab-Israeli war, things are going to get messy
Is Israel going to come along sometime?
The British mandate of Palestine ends in 1948. What happens then...
Patton is gonna Patton. Not surprised this happened again. If he avoids the car crash it could be interesting though. I could see whichever party doesn’t get Ike in 52 running Patton. Or vice versa if Patton moves early and Ike wants to stop him from becoming President.
I can't really see Patton as a Democratic candidate.
Tragic but predictable. This has the possibility to drag on and annoy the Hashemite Kingdom for a while but this likely doesn’t amount to much sadly, unless Iran or the Kurds wants to get involved in some bigger fight with the Hashemites. Which I don’t see happening but that’s the one lifeline that seems reasonable.
Abdullah first made a treaty with the Kurds. He can't get back Iraqi Kurdistan, not with Barzani running the show in Diyarbakir and the Kurds being militarily stronger. He CAN likely beat the Assyrians if there is no external involvement.
Really interested to see if KKE tries to form a coalition or just gets ignored by the rest. It might present an example for other Balkan Nations to try to work with their communists instead of trying to purge them. It probably doesn’t but it could be interesting.
Bulgaria has a very strong communist party which in the past worked with the Agrarians. Romania... well Romania is Soviet occupied. Albania and Yugoslavia... the communists have their own large armies there.
The Liberals and the National Radicals had a productive co-operation for many years,they could co-operate again. But Kafandaris can not be the Prime Minister due to his health problems.
Poor health or not Kafandaris likely WANTS to be prime minister. He had been the number two man of Venizelos for decades. He accepted lesser men, Stratos anyone? as prime ministers during the war years when his was the largest party for the good of the country. Why he should have himself passed for the top position again?
The parliament has 250 seats, so 126 seats are required for a majority.
I wonder too about what will be the case with KKE. Will the communists be willing to participate in any coalition? Will the other parties be inclined to let them participate? Is KKE less Soviet-leaning than IOTL?
The OTL Sofoulis-Sklavainas agreement is a decade in the past and TTL Greece has had relatively less tumultuous politics after the 1924 failed Royalist coup. If you want to get funny remember Dragoumis OTL writings about the communists prior to his death and what communists like Kordatos were writing about Dragoumis...
In addition, the crimes of his boss could be easily pinned on him and the Luftwaffe was the most Nazified of the Wehrmacht’s branches (this is not to deny the crimes of the Heer or the Kriegsmarine, but it IIRC was seen as the most Nazified branch of the military), especially as Keitel and Jodl likewise enjoyed necktie parties.
That the Luftwaffe was terror bombing London, not to mention Athens, Warsaw and Moscow hardly helps his case. Of course Wever can copy Donitz and as for Bomber Harris and Curtis LeMay as defense witnesses. If bombing Athenian neighborhoods was a war crime and Walthershould dance from a noose for it why was the RAF sending thousand bomber raids after German cities?
Eisenhower said at the time that he hadn't fired Patton for what he had said but for what he was going to say next.
I wonder what is his likely future military career... assuming he has one. Today the US has a mandatory retirement age at 64, George would reach it in 1949. Then Dugout Doug was leading troops in Korea at 70.
I am curious on if the Kurds join in on the Assyrian side. I mean, its only been a few decades since the Kurdish participation in the Assyrian massacres, but they likely recognize that there are bigger fish. Plus, the oilfields would be nice to have for the Kurds.
They have signed an agreement with Baghdad and Abdullah moved only after it. Now whether they necessarily keep to it...
Also I don't see the British liking the start of hostilities anyways, so they may let the Kurds have more leeway than normal. I think the main thing here would be that Israel may or may not pop up here too, which would be interesting.
They may not like it but the Hashemites have been their loyal ally since the previous war. Now the same can be said of the Assyrians, but did that stop them from throwing the Assyrians under the bus? Nope. So with whom are British interests here? Their faithful large Arab ally or their faithful little ally?
Well then. Alea iacta est.
Depending on what the Kurds do, this has further potential to blow up - if they decide to annex the north, they'll risk running afoul of Iraq's official claims despite being recognized. So in theory it's in the interest of the Powers That Be that they don't get involved, and this ends either with a reaffirmation of Iraqi claims or them having to swallow accepting the independence of this particular part of their turf.
The Kurdish north is run by the Kurds since 1941. By now its a fait accompli, one backed by an army of over 60,000.
This would be an interesting time for Iran to flex its muscles. I'm supposing there remain various Allied military forces across the Near East at this point, and of those I would figure the Iranians are likely to have the most men near northern Iraq. Given that future Kurdistan is almost certain to be a British ally/protectorate and Iraq also basically is, the Assyrians represent the least suspicious buffer option while also having the fewest claims on Iranian sovereign soil.
Iranian intervention could get interesting. Not least because while notionally allies the British are not really happy with having to make a deal along Saudi lines for Iranian oil back in 1941. And what is the sole Kurdish population not controlled by Kurdistan at the moment?