What's wrong with Ulster?
From the world map, considering Britain controls all of ulster and Ireland claims it, I guess not pretty things.
Pretty much that, except Ireland doesn't claim it, the IRA-affiliated Ulster Free State does. It's almost turned into a Donbass analogue, without me intending for it to result that way.
TTL's alt!WWI ends sooner, allowing the British more focus on the Irish situation, and thus all of Ulster is kept within the UK. The larger Catholic population goes some way to reducing conflict as a power-sharing government is set up from the start, although it's certainly without conflict, however, the Troubles never take off to the full extent that they do in OTL. As the Silent War takes off, France wants to score a win over Britain on their home soil, so they aid nationalists; Britain does not want to lose Northern Ireland and so offers more rights to the Catholic population to appease them. Apart from a few radical groups, no one really takes up arms; the few that do are put down reasonably quickly. Nonetheless, anti-British sentiment is strong in Southern Ireland (as Britain insists on calling it), exacerbated by French aid, resulting in a war of ideas and propaganda fought in Northern Ireland, for the hearts (and votes) of Ulster. As a détente is achieved in the late 1990s to early 2000s, Britain turns its attention elsewhere, and eventually the nationalists gain an edge, winning a large enough majority that they unilaterally declare Ulster's secession from the UK in May 2013. In response, Britain revokes its autonomy and sends in the military to "keep the peace", perceived by some as an invasion. Cue the Troubles on steroids. Ireland maintains it has no connection to the terrorist militias in control of much of the province's west, but everyone knows that they want Ulster back in the fold of the Irish Republic and are resfusing to intervene unless Britain promises a free vote on the status of Ulster as a whole. Britain wants any vote conducted district-by-district, although they'd rather not have it at all. So while the diplomatic stalemate continues, Ulster is still mostly a war zone - except for Counties Antrim and Donegal, firmly under the control of the UK and UFS respectively.
That enough information?
I'm surprised Britain requires additional safety measures, what's up with them?
Mostly the risk of terrorist attacks in relation to the War in Ulster. You'll be okay most of the time, but there'll be a bombing every few weeks, usually near government buildings, and there's a noticeably heavy military presence on the streets of London, Cardiff and Glasgow.
Still travel recommendation tends to overestimate the risk of developped countries that have some civil unstabilities or low level insurgencies even in our world, I doubt Ulster is as dangerous as literally travelling to the middle of the Sahara ITTL, but it is more dangerous than the rest of Europe I guess.
Ohhh... you'd get a pretty good run for your money. Saharan Africa and Egypt form the home of Islamism ITTL, so you'll do okay if you're a Muslim from a non-hostile country. Tasmania is not a non-hostile country, and has a comparatively insignificant population of Muslims, so in general, it's not great, but not an outright war zone.
Uh oh China doesn’t look so good,
No. Slightly further along the path to outright dictatorship than OTL Russia, and fast catching up to OTL China. Countries resisting the China Dream Party's attempt to assert full control are usually met with many of their citizens being arbitrarily detained. Again, Tasmania is not on super-friendly terms with China, and has been very vocal about their arrests of journalists and blatant election fraud. Unfortunately this means that at least six Tasmanian citizens are now tied up in the opaque web that is the Chinese "justice" system.
on the other hand it’s nice to see that the levant is mostly safe,
Oh yes. The butterflies from the alt!WWI (especially strong in the former Ottoman Empire) prevented any Sykes-Picot agreement, and thus when the Créteil is signed, the Middle East ends up very differently. Planning a map on that shortly.
also South Africa looks safe
Indeed. South Africa is more prosperous ITTL, and far safer. More on that to come too.
I didn’t put the “binders full of lore” tag in just to copy @Kanan, I did it cause I really do have that much backstory. I hope I’ll get to share heaps more of it with you!
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