No Fog Over Munich

Note that neither the Dutch Communist Party (CPN) and the National Socialist Movement (NSB) were big players in the Netherlands. In the elections of '37 the NSB got 4% of the votes. The amount of people willing to fight for the ideals of Mussert might be 1% at most. The CPN had something like 10.000 members in 1939.

Just wanted to remind you that a civil war or even large scale disturbances are very unlikely and will probably be squashed in a day or two.

Absolutely agree. The army will put the disturbance out, but it's going to create a real culture of tension if and when the Germans invade.
Absolutely agree. The army will put the disturbance out, but it's going to create a real culture of tension if and when the Germans invade.

Actually, it might benefit the military situation of the Dutch. If the Germans don't invade in the week it will take (and that's stretching it) the army and police to take out the NSB and CPN then they aren't a worry when the Germans do invade as it was in OTL Fall Gelb.