New Deal Coalition Retained III: A New World

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Czechoslovakian Unity
Post-war Prague was a scenic sight to behold. Beneath layers and layers of rubble were simple yet soulful creations of patriotic citizens; stands of bars, street kitchens and carnival games for both young and old to behold. Jubilant farmers filled the fields, transporting their produce to the nearest celebratory gatherings. NATO troops, both those stationed there to hold the line and those who had fought in the battlefields during Operation Sledgehammer: Central. Cheers were manifold, fireworks abundant. "To a prosperous Czechoslovakia!" was commonplace, followed with ritual shots.

The Bratislava aura was far less exultant. The Slovak people not only lost a good chunk of land post-Warsaw, but were no more independent. "Prague and Budapest will bully us like they have always done" was run-of-the-mill on the streets of Bratislava, both physically and metaphorically devastated. The troops stationed there were not celebrating with the public, but were however peace enforcers, stationed in former enemy territory.

In periled times comes numerous doomsayers and demagogues. One such demagogue was a politician by the name of Jan Slota, leader of the newly created CNS (in English Czechoslovakian National Party). Running on a platform of Slavic nationalism and xenophobia (especially towards the Romani minority), Slota spoke of the "Magyar menace", the "Roma Problem", and some of his speeches hinted about the "Jewish Question". With both prejudices running high and a grim economic situation from west to east, Slota had a vast audience of Slovaks and even Czechs, with the help of Czech leader and party vice president Miroslav sladek (the CNS had more Slovak delegates and thus selected Slota as their leader.

Regionalists also were present in the election. For the Czechs came Vaclav Klaus's ODS and for the Slovaks was Vladimir Meciar's HZDS. Both parties only conducted elections in only the seats of former Czechia (ODS) or former Slovakia (HZDS). Both parties were nationalistic and shared many traits with the CNS, but differed in the desire for the advancement of primarily regional interests.

And the front runner for political victory was none other than the democratic hero of the century, Vaclav Havel. Havel was well known for his support of democracy and liberty since the beginning of his political career. An avowed dissident of Communism, Havel and the CDA's popularity only further skyrocketed. But there was one major problem.

With the reestablishment of Czechoslovakia post-Warsaw under immense Prague domination, the spirit of internal unity, beneath the façade of friendship, was utterly broken. Czechs saw the Slovaks as an ungrateful liberated people, and Slovaks saw themselves as second class citizens in the new Czechoslovakia. Havel was willing to lend a hand to the Slovak people, but politics at the time dictated that the Slovakian voter wanted a leader of their own; they would only vote for a Slovak.

Chime in Slovak leader Rudolf Chmel. The last ambassador to Hungary from Communist Slovakia, Chmel was already ingrained in the idea of ethnic mutualism and unity. He harshly criticized the racism and hyper nationalism of both Slota and Meciar, attracting liberal, Roma and Rusyn voters across the Slovak spectrum. He also supported economic cohesion between the Czech and Slovak wings of the nation much to the satisfaction of the Bratislava business community. And for the elections, he created a new party called Most, which in Slovak means bridge. Now, there was a proper Slovak Havel, one who shared Havel's vision for a more humanitarian and united Czechoslovakia.

Havel's CDA and Chmel's Most created a political alliance labeled Unity. Unity, now strong across the board, won with 48% (32% for CDA and 16% for Most) of the vote. Slota's CNS won 13% of the vote, and CDA and HZDS won 19 and 11 percent respectively, emphasizing the strong provincial tendencies in the electorate. Unity's victory emphasized ethnic mutualism at home, and economic and political partnership abroad, with Csaky being the first head of state to visit Czeshoslovakia on a state visit, meeting with both Prime Minister Havel and Deputy Prime Minister Chmel. The U.S. State Department's reaction to the election results were:

"We applaud Czechoslovakia for upholding free and fair elections. We are particularly pleased to work with Prime Minister-elect Vaclav Havel, one of the greatest champions of liberty in this day and age."


At least for now, unity was truly achieved in Czechoslovakia.
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Well that's all I have on me for now for this TL. I'll be posting another update in 2-3 weeks (on Romania).

Thoughts on my Hungary and Czechoslovakia posts? Critiques?
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1992 Primaries Part 2


1992 Primaries Part 2

"Our party has been lucky that the American people has given us four consecutive terms. Let's hope we don't lose that luck."

-Orrin Hatch-
In the year 1992, the Republicans were at the point where they hadn’t lost a presidential election since the George Wallace’s re-election in 1972. That was 16 years ago, and they were not looking to run out of luck now. President Rumsfeld was legally obligated to not run for a third term, and though there were some movements to repeal the 22nd Amendment to let him run for a third term, they never caught steam and Rumsfeld himself refused to even consider the thought. He never saw himself as any FDR. In the wake of this, many Republicans were setting themselves up to become Rumsfeld’s successor. Only 4 of them were of note.

· George W. Bush, Majority Whip of the House of Representatives

· Orrin Hatch, 2 term Utah Senator, deemed a rising star in the party

· Mark Hatfield, 4 term Oregon Senator, Pro-Peace and isolationist

· Bob Dole, 4 term Kansas Senator, fiscal conservative platform.

George W. Bush was an early favorite of the race, a hero of the Portuguese Crisis and scion of the Bush political dynasty, early on he had the weight of a political machine behind him. He had presented himself to the American populace as a populist of sorts, working for the people to get across popular legislation and policies, he would fight the establishment as he forged a new American future, even if they dragged their feet doing so. He was to be beholden only to the American people and not to anyone else...This was of course a lie, George Bush Jr. was as much a part of the establishment as those he claimed he would stand up to as president. His family had been in the federal government since the days of FDR, his father was a governor and his uncle was a Senator, to claim he was anti-establishment was laughable, and the Republican voters agreed. George Bush Jr.’s candidacy had underperformed compared to expectations earlier on in the race, and what he had at first expected to be an easy victory turned out to be a more competitive race then he wanted. That’s not to say Bush’s campaign had completely failed, as he had carried Minnesota, and made second place in New Hampshire to Orrin Hatch, who was positioning himself as the anti-Bush candidate. Many veterans appreciated his heroism in the Portuguese Crisis, so he had gained their vote handily. Bush also had won many states with a plurality of African Americans, with the help of surrogates like Charles Rangel and Harold Washington.

Minnesota’s Progressive leaning sensibilities had given Mark Hatfield’s campaign a boost when he unexpectedly received second place in their primary, a feat he was not able to build up on. The primary also likely extended the campaign longer then it should have, as he only won a smattering of states in the Plains, and his home state of Oregon. His isolationist message was not popular among Republican voters, except his claims that the Rumsfeld Administration had been acting too harshly in trying to stop the spread of the Marburg Virus to the United States and criticizing President Pinochet’s controversial quarantine measures, something many American voters agreed with. Overall though, Mark Hatfield’s campaign was ignored, and considered an extreme long shot, though he was rather popular with college Republicans.

Bob Dole’s campaign was entirely oriented around Domestic Policy, namely fiscal policy. He advocated cutting spending on programs he found unnecessary, such as Amtrak and the National Science Foundation, the latter of which he claimed spent too much money into projects without any practicality. He also called for a raise in interest rates to deal with possible post-war inflation. He was also interested in the idea of privatizing government programs which he claimed would be better off under private control. However, his campaign could never get enough momentum to get going, and his lack of foreign policy focus was obviously shown in debates. Parts of his policy eventually gained hold within the Republican party platform going onto the general election.

Orrin Hatch presented himself as a moderate, a compromise candidate who would be the most fit to carry the mantle of the Republican Party coming into the general election, and proved to be a palatable choice. Bush’s campaign was demolished during a debate between the candidates, when an audience member asked George Bush Jr. if he had ever taken any drugs like heroin or marijuana. Bush dodged the question, something which the other candidates had taken advantage of, spreading doubt about whether or not the candidate was a heroin user. Some began claiming that he started taking heroin back in the 70s, they said that apparently after his plane crashed in the Azores Dogfight, he had gotten hooked on opioid painkillers. Reporters repeatedly asked Bush afterwards whether or not he had taken drugs in the past, to which Bush ignored them. He claimed that these rumors were planted by others to ruin his campaign. An official doctor’s report had dispelled these rumors, but the damage was done. The smears had taken a life of their own. Bush has to this day avoided questions about drug use in interviews.

Orrin Hatch had avoided major scandal, and after Rumsfeld’s endorsement, clinched the nomination. Mark Hatfield, holding on to a pie-in-the-sky idea that he could win enough delegates to force it to convention, dropped out shortly after. Orrin Hatch had gotten the nomination.

Credit @Roberto El Rey for the wikibox


George Bush Jr.’s appearance at a rally, shown here.

At the convention, Orrin Hatch had multiple choices for a Vice President. He had the opportunity to pick a candidate who ran already, though they had their own problems for him... George Bush Jr. was gripped with scandal, Bob Dole refused to accept, and Mark Hatfield was too irrelevant. Names were floated about, John Glenn, Antonin Scalia, and Roger MacBride, to name a few. Hatch picked neither of them...He had a rather unconventional choice…


David Eisenhower, grandson of famous general and president, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

David Eisenhower was a favorite of the establishment, he was almost political royalty as the grandson of the former president, and a frequent donor to the Republican party. He also on his first term as governor of Maine, and was rather popular with the people there. Eisenhower was a rather uncontroversial candidate for all factions of the Republican party, especially since he was a close friend to president Rumsfeld. He seemed to have picked up his grandfather’s military tact, as he often served as an advisor to the president during the war. Eisenhower had appeased the establishment, as they considered him one of them. The Republicans were up and ready for the general election….


The Progressive party, compared to the Republicans had no trouble at all in picking out their candidate.

Opposition Leader of the Senate, Dick Lamm was one of the main leaders of the Progressive Party, and its face in the Senate. He met little to no opposition in the primaries, winning every state by above a 60% margin. The Progressives mostly had prepared themselves for the convention as a result of this. Senators Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Lowell P. Weicker Jr. were popular candidates for vice-president, Ginsburg would be the first female vice-president if chosen, something which excited many feminists within the Progressive base, and Weicker was popular among voters in New England, and both were from the East Coast but eventually Lamm chose Tom Harkin, a fellow Senator from the Plains states, as his VP. The Progressive Party was one that had been gripped with divisions, between the Midwestern libertarian and coastal radical factions, but the Midwesterners, which had been pro-war and supported taking down the USSR had won out. With a more united party, the Progressives had an enthusiastic attitude going into the convention. They were hoping that with World War 3 finally over, and with the American people likely looking for an alternative to 16 years of Republican rule, they could take the opportunity to present themselves as such.

But the Progressives were still a newcomer compared to the old guard of the Democrats and Republicans, and post convention polls from Buckley News showed current polling with:

Iaccoca/Yeakel: 46.5%
Hatch/Eisenhower: 29.3%
Lamm/Harkin: 24.2%

The election was on.

(A/N: This took me a while to proofread and get up to standards to my liking. I at least hope I did The Congressman justice in writing this.)
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The 90s Sports Wars II
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame: The 90’s Sports Wars”: The Football Crisis

With the rise of TV, American Football looked like it would dominate the sports world in the United States for the foreseeable future. Its pageantry, violence, and abundance of highlight reel plays seemed perfect for the TV Age. However, the Third World War had put a stop to that. Smaller high schools couldn’t find enough kids to field teams during the war. Smaller universities stopped fielding teams due to cost overruns. Many parents began to look down at the game as “too rough”, as one mother put it. This would only be compounded

The resurgence in American Pride saved the game in the short run. Propaganda films were made highlighting “what makes America special”. These films often pointed to the “national game”: Football, . However, the worries on the horizon still remained.

Worries about the sport’s popularity were so great that college football decided to adopt a 4-team playoff with a Christmas Day Semi-Final Round and New Year’s Day final to increase interest. During initial negotiations, the Orange (in Miami) and Sugar (in New Orleans) Bowls would host the semifinals, then followed by the Rose Bowl, but the Big Ten, insistent on keeping its own property, forced the Rose Bowl to remove themselves from negotiations. Instead, the Cotton Bowl of Dallas was chosen as the host site for the finals. For good measure, a 5th place game was scheduled for Birmingham, Alabama on New Year’s Eve as a warm-up for the final. In the short-run, the playoff kept college football on the national radar, however, its distinctly southern feel, would hurt in the long run. However, one man’s discovery would change, and challenge, the sport forever.

On the night of March 14th 1991, Bo Jackson, the football star of the Rumsfeld Years (having decided to focus on this sport alone after rejecting the chance to also play baseball in the summer) who was so popular that the both the NFL agreed to play games for free on US army, navy, and air force bases in return for waiving the army draft for him alone, was found dead by the side of a road. The nations best doctors were sent to examine the body. One man in particular, a certain Doctor Carson, noticed something unusual. While Jackson had technically died of driving his car into a tree from drunk driving, he had been forced to abstain from drinking by his team doctor, who wanted him to lose weight. After interviewing teammates, family, and coaches, he found that Bo had “never broken this rule”. While the body had been too old for a proper analysis of the BOA, Jackson’s corpse did not exhibit signs of much drunkenness. Carson, a neurosurgeon by profession, wanted to examine his brain. In his home office in Baltimore had had recently examined the brains of 2 ex-Baltimore Colts lineman who had died under similarly strange circumstances. He had found evidence of a CTE, spinal fluid overflow into the brain thanks to repeated hits to the head. After examining Bo Jackson’s brain, he found the same. After discussing his findings with the rest of the examination team and crossing out other possible explanations, Carson and the examination team concluded that CTE, caused by the hits to the head Jackson had received as an NFL player, caused him to lose his mind and kill himself by ramming his car into a tree.

President Rumsfeld, trying to avoid the subject before the elections, quietly set up a Presidential/Congressional task force, headed by Congressman Jack Kemp, an NFL Pro Bowler at Buffalo, to sponsor and coordinate research into the sport of football. Kemp, who wanted nothing to do with the investigation initially, gave Ben Carson and his research team “enough money and time to keep them quiet until they would release an official report in three years, per their mandate”. In the meantime, the NFL was already disturbed by the sudden decrease in participation across the country, with the exception of one region…

As we know now, the South bitterly clung on to football, “as it clung on to segregation, New Deal Economics, and illiteracy” as PTC president Agnew put it. Southern College Football, which had grown post-WWII thanks to the GI Bill, saw a “second coming” thanks to the second GI Bill. Southern Schools, especially those which were better known for their co-eds and football than their academic prowess, benefited immensely. With this influx of money came the resources necessary to build national powerhouses. Quarterbacks like Georgia’s Ty Detmer, would light up the field every Saturday, leading to Southern dominance in the sport.

CFB Playoffs


Orange: 4. LSU (SEC) defeats 1. Michigan (Big Ten)

Sugar: 2. Texas (SWC) beats 3. Clemson (ACC)

Cotton: LSU defeats Texas


Sugar: 1. Texas (SWC) defeats 4. Oklahoma (Big 8)

Orange: 2. Georgia (SEC) defeats 3. Florida State (ACC)

Cotton: Texas defeats Georgia


Sugar: 1. LSU (SEC) defeats 4. Houston (CUSA)

Orange: 3. UMiami (Indy.) defeats 2. TCU (SWC)

Cotton: UMiami defeats LSU


Orange: 1. Georgia Tech (SEC) defeats 4. UNC (ACC)

Sugar: 3. Texas (SWC) defeats 2. UMiami (Indy.)

Cotton: Texas defeats Georgia Tech

However, the South was no stranger to success in the professional ranks as well. Air conditioning had brought money, people, and NFL teams to The South. The war had created a new set of multibillionaires from the southern steel and defense industries. Being of the “uncultured” sort, their first idea to spend the money (after women and beer) was on NFL teams. Without a strict salary cap, these new owners were able to buy the best players in the world. The Birmingham Bolts, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, New Orleans Saints, and Memphis Hound Dogs lit the field up every Sunday against traditional northern NFL powerhouses like the Green Bay Packers, NY Giants, etc. who could no longer compete. Only the Cleveland Browns could field some opposition to “the Confederacy of really good football teams” (Quote: John Madden).

1990 Superbowl

Memphis Hound Dogs defeat Dallas Cowboys


Dallas Cowboys defeat Cleveland Browns


Birmingham Bolts defeat Cleveland Browns


Dallas Cowboys defeat Memphis Hound Dogs

While other parts of the country saw the war as an opportunity to liberate the world and the post-war world as a chance to improve the country they loved “to prevent another war”, the south saw it as an affirmation of “American hard work, community, and teamwork”. Their success on the field compounded their love of the game and made many southerners defensive about “northern attacks on our way of life”. Their party, the Democratic Party, would yet again be forced again to put a lot on the line for a “Southern Tradition”.

Next in “Take Me Out to the Ballgame: The 90’s Sports Wars”: The Other Football

Author’s Note: I don’t have anything personal against football.

Also, I decided to split this entry into 2-parts, to do it justice and not just dump one huge post on everyone.
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I don't see it happening like this tbh. For starters even today with all the cte shit the NFL is as popular as ever. Second the main problem the NFL is having is they aren't taking care of the retired players who are suffering the effects of the game. If it gets a decent plan to actually take care of them then the CTE crisis IMO at least will sputter out mostly. Third off the world just had WW3 end so I doubt football being a rough game is going to be the biggest worry on a parents mind.
Liking this so far. It's a shame that Congressman let the unpleasant people in his previous threads get to him. Somebody bothers me; I put them on ignore. But enough talk.

I enjoyed his portrayal of ww3 and look forward to this world where the US is utterly dominant.
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