New Britain


The US President, Adlai Stevenson, met Anthony Eden in Denver on January 23rd. After two weeks of discussons, it was agreed that the British would push forward that the Commonwealth Space Project be pushed forward and united with the US Space Project. Should the Commonwealth agree, the UNITY space organization would be founded.

Eden got the agreement of the Indians, the Canadians and the Australians by mid-Febuary, and after that the rest of the Commonwealth followed. On March 2nd, the UNITY Space project was founded. It was hoped that this would lead to the democracies winning the space race.

In Egypt, there were daily acts of terrorism against the British and allied forces. In Parliament there were calls from Gaitskill for the British forces to withdraw. Domestically the war started to lose a little popularity.

Eden had decided that the election would be held back to its latest date, which would be Thursday 1st May. On March 15th, Hugh Gaitskill suffered a stroke. The doctors announced that the situation was critical, and on March 24th, he died.

Labour speedily set up a proccess of electing a new leader, and James Callaghan was speedily elected the new leader, he quickly appointed Harold Wilson as the shadow chancellor. There were rumours of a deal between the pair. Aneurin Bevin, having been defeated privately acknowledged that this would be the last time he would stand for election as a member of parliament.

The manifestos leading up to May 1st, were as follows.

-Maintain the strong position on Egypt, and defend the interests of the Commonwealth.
-Liberalise Television, under a new British Board of Film, Television and Radio classification charter and classification board.
-Introduce priority NHS care on the private sector, covering all regions.
-Back giving extra powers over taxation to reginal governments, to help the regions stimulate their economies.
-Increase defence spending to help maintain Britains position in the world.
-Cut Income tax.
-Establish new academy system, whereby the brightest children in the primary sector will be offered free private education. The scheme will be known as British Scholorships.

-Pull back British forces from the misadventure in Egypt.
-Establish new Independent Television Company, with 5% of the Liscence fee money and the remaining income from advertising.
-Further Reform the House of Lords, remove Hereditory Lords and Ladies, and establish part election of members, alongside the current regional members.
-Renationalise British Rail and introduce massive investment in Britains railways.
-Oppose the Tories hiden Privatisation of the Health Service.
-Back closer integration with the Commonwealth.

Eden was returned to power with a majority of 7. The narrow majority was seen as an indication of the unhappiness over his policy in the middle east. Publicly though, he was delighted that in the midst of a strong anti-war movement, the recent clashes with the unions and all the governments problems, he had been reelected.

The summer of 1956 saw the Government establish the National Television Act. It maintained the postion of the BBC, but allowed anyone who had the capital and the finance who wanted to set up a television company the right to do so, and the BBC would have to allow them to use BBC transmittors. The only rule for them was written into the charter set out in the manifesto, ensuring that the companies would remain within the bounds of decency. By the end of the year there were 7 national television channels, and 103 regional television channels. The television boom had begun, and the market soared on the back of it.

By the end of October, a rebellion had begun in Kenya, the British forces, which were already very overstretched moved in. By the end of the year the rebellion had been crushed, but it led to questions over Britains position in the world.

The year ended with a CHoG conference in Calcutta. The Indians demanded that the Commonwealth Assembly become more democratically representitive. The rest of the Commonwealth baulked at the idea, but a comprimise was sought which would satisfy everyone.