New Book - The Manstein Alternative

This is my new book where Erich von Manstein manages to change the outcome of WW I to a negotiated peace. He then ends up leading the German Empire into a radically different future.
One of my favorite reviews...

I have never really been keen on Alternate Histories, as most of those that I have read take a basic premise and embellish it until it finally strays into the realm of pure fantasy. I was therefore pleasantly surprised by Mr Avinger's book in that it takes a believable alternative history and continues with the development without becoming farcical. The idea of basing it around the character (in both senses of the word) of Erich von Manstein gives it a solid foundation; so much so that we see this officer as a human being with a considerable intelligence.

The first part of the book covers the First World War and the second larger part covers the Spanish Civil War. Although I was a little surprised at the author's development of the Catholic versus Protestant theme, the way that he describes this through the eyes of several military and civilian participants, brings to life the possibility that, in another parallel existence, could have seen the world developing along these lines. Joe Avinger has to be commended on his battlefield prose: it makes one feel as if one were there in the middle of the action.

My only complaints on the book are minor. There are a few Americanisms that seem out of place and there are also a few anachronisms as far as language goes, but they are well and truly outmatched by the positives.

I can wholeheartedly recommend this book and look forward to the second part of the series.

- Jim O'Neill

Disclosure: I have received no reward for writing this review, but did receive a review copy.
Well, I love to read new books, this new book looks really amazing I will definitely gonna buy this. By the way, My teacher gave me so much essay work to do and I need assignment help to do it and while reading about it, I am glad I found this post.
Let me know what you think of it. I'm working on the next book in the series - Opening Gambits - which will cover the start of WW II.