With the Walls of Instabul they can fend off the bulgar...that is not bulgars later become muslim...that trhow a wrench in the asasbys machines

if the abassid caliphate goes in to decline the same time it did with in OTL ie the spliting , is the same time the bulgars reach their maxuim zenith , the bulgars actually had no intention to stop once the conquered the whole of the balkans , they wanted a part of anatolia

lucky for the byzantines , the macedonian dyansty took charge about this time and even they suferred massive deafeats in from 860 to 920s and beyond , even after nikephoros took the iniciative and john 1 took most of their territoy back , it still took basil meany years to finally subue them a weaked abassid state or heck even a strong one similar to the emerite of alpeo , really is gonna suffer with the bulgars
Some thoughts on the demographics of muslim western Europe.

As we can see, Iberia, southern Italy, mediterranean islands and french mediterranean coast have climate types (mediterraneans and semi arid) not too different from the Magrheb, and as in otl are quite likely to be prone to arab and berber colonization.
Regarding Al Andalus, I am gonna translate some things from the spanish wikipedia:
"The population of al-Andalus was very heterogeneous, especially at the beginning, and varied over time. From the ethnic point of view it was constituted mainly by Hispanogoths; followed by the Berbers, who made up the bulk of the Umayyad armies, the Arabs who were the dominant and leading group, other ethnic groups such as Slavs, Jews and a large mass of black slaves are also worth noting. From the religious point of view the population was either Muslim or dhimmi (Christians and Jews). The hispanogoths who had converted to Islam were known as Muladis, while those who preserved their Christian religion were called Mozarabic. Both groups adopted Muslim customs and ways of life. The ruling class was made up of Arabs, Berbers and Muladis and the dominated class was made up of Christians and Jews."
"Cities like Toledo, Merida, Valencia, Cordoba and Lisbon were important Mozarabic centers. Coexistence was not always conflict free. In Toledo, the Mozarabs came to lead a revolt against Arab rule. Some Mozarabs emigrated to the northern Christian kingdoms, spreading with them architectural, onomastic and toponymic elements of Mozarabic culture. The Jews were engaged in commerce and tax collection. They were also doctors, ambassadors and treasurers. The Jew Hasdai ibn Shaprut (915-970), became one of the trusted men of Caliph Abderraman III. As for its number, it is estimated that at the end of the fifteenth century there were about 50,000 Jews in Granada and about 100,000 in all of Islamic Iberia."
"It is very difficult to calculate the population of al-Andalus during the period of greatest extension of the Islamic domain (10th century), but a figure close to 10 million inhabitants has been suggested. The Arabs settled in the most fertile lands: the Guadalquivir Valley, Levante and the Ebro Valley. The Berbers occupied the mountainous areas, such as the Central Plateau and the Serranía de Ronda mountain ranges, being also numerous in Algarve, although , after the Berber revolt of 740, many returned to North Africa. In 741 a large number of Syrians arrived in al-Andalus with the aim of assisting in the repression of the Berber revolt, which would eventually settle in the eastern and southern peninsular. There are also sources that point to the presence of Yemeni families in cities like Silves. The presence of two minority ethnic groups, the blacks and the Slavs, is still worth mentioning."
The arabic settled regions mentioned there are this:
The Ebro river valley

The Spanish Levante (in red)

And the Guadalquivir river valley

And also the (Meceta Central) Central Plateu (berbers in this region will lickely arabized with the centuries, except those in regions too mountainous)

I expect that this regions will be mostly be arabized by the end of the middle ages thanks to constant migrations from the Maghreb and other parts of the arab world and also the prestige of the lenguage, and the populations will greatly increace with the Arab Agricultural Revolution - Wikipedia . The arabs brought a lot of crops, technologies and techniques that were either new to the continent or were lost after the fall of Rome.
I suspect that mountain regions north and west will remain christian stronghold pretty much forever (like libanon and other mountain regions of the levant that remained full of minorities), and also strongholds of the latin based lenguages, which in ttl will keep more divided and the christian minorities in the south will tend to arabized (about the jews I am not shure, in otl their lenguage is latin based and really similar to castillian but without a christian resurgence they may arabized, OTOH the askenazi keep speacking german based yidish even after centuries of living under polish and slavic rulers so I am not shure). I guess that: galician, leonese and castillian will be restricted to the places they were used in otl XI century
, aragonese and catalan will be pushed away from the Ebro and towards the mountains by arab colonization and also convertion to islam, and basque will remain unbothered in their mountains (and quite likely christian, the different lenguage and complicated geography isolates them from muslim preachers). Although, I suspect that convertion of the elites will make urban spaces, even if surrended by overwhelmingly christian countryside, majority muslim in the long run.
For what I can tell, the italian mediterranean islands will go for a great degree of arabization, maybe even faster, thanks to the smaller population and territory, as it partially happened in otl "A similar process of Arabization and Islamization occurred in the Emirate of Sicily (as-Siqilliyyah), Emirate of Crete (al-Iqritish), and Malta (al-Malta), albeit for a much shorter time span than al-Andalus. However, this resulted in the now defunct Sicilian Arabic language to develop, from which the modern Maltese language derives." I am surpriced that the Maltese pirates didnt take the chance during the Bizantine civil war to take Sicily or Crete.
It's interesting to note that the arab migrations in european territories were economically different than those in MENA, in the latter the arabs clans that migrated where mostly pastoralist and nomads, while in europe (as we saw in Andalus) they settled as agriculturalists bringing a green revolution. I guess that the pastoralist where unable to get all their animals on boats so they sticked to MENA and those that went to Al andalus wher more urbanised/settled.
Also another thing, aparently in the ttl territory of the kingdom of Asturias there used to be at this point still a lot of paganism, but that was solved by the migration of southern christians ruunig away from muslim rule towrds the last christian territory. If the Emir of Al andalus gets Asturias fast enough, there is the chance to convert those pagans to islam (like how in otl, the christian armenians where tolerated in the earlier caliphates but the pagan kurds where forced to convert to islam or pretend to be sabians).
Also how is Iberia faring without the Umayyads? According again to spanish wiki "After the rapid Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the period 711–718, it was established as a dependent province of the Umayyad Caliphate. Its rulers set their capital in Cordoba and received the title of Valí or Emir from Damascus.
At that time the peninsular Muslim population was formed by the Arabs installed in the cities, the Berbers living in rural areas and the Syrians, who had formed the first invading forces. These ethnic groups confronted each other to gain the largest number of lands and plunged the peninsula into an endemic civil war until the appearance of Abderramán I." "In 750, the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyads of the Damascus Caliphate and ordered the murder of the entire Umayyad family. Six years later, in 756, Abderramán I - who had escaped the bloody final fate of the Umayyads fleeing Damascus - landed in al-Andalus and proclaimed himself emir (commander in chief) after conquering Córdoba and, in 773, became independent of the new capital Abbasí, Baghdad. This independence is political and administrative, but spiritual and moral unity is maintained by continuing the religious bond with the Abbasid Caliphate. Abderramán only ended up unifying Muslim Iberia in 781, after capturing Zaragoza (779) and Pamplona and having submitted to the Basque lords of the Pyrenees.
However, the true organizer of the independent emirate was Abderramán II, who delegated the powers in the hands of the visires and achieved a very rapid Islamization of the peninsula, considerably reducing the number of Christians in Muslim territory (called Mozarabic or dhimmis). However, these continued to represent the majority of al-Andalus at least until the eleventh century.
The disputes between Arabs and Berbers did not cease after the proclamation of the Emirate, which allowed the reorganization of the Christian kingdoms in the north, beginning the Reconquest, encouraged by the pro-Arab policy maintained by the Umayyad dynasty, which caused numerous uprisings starring by muladíes, who came to endanger the very existence of the Emirate.
Upon arrival at the throne of Abderramán III in 912, the political decline of the Emirate was an obvious and accomplished fact. To impose its authority and end the revolts and conflicts that ravaged the Iberian Peninsula, Caliph was proclaimed in 929 establishing the Caliphate of Cordoba."
So a dynasty of a lot of prestige was necesary to unify the muslim rulers of Iberia and avoid feudalization and fitna but at the same time the Umayyads contributed to future fitna with the same ethnic favoritism that caused the Abbasid revolution in the first place. I cant remember how the Berber revolt went in ttl. If it did go as in otl then the mhgreb will be a hotpot of religious sects and heterodoxy, with many types of shias and khawarijs going around. Thats why in otl the Fatimids started in Tunis.
Regarding south Italy (excluding islands) I guess that arab migration will be important but unlickely to ever become a majority, because i think that italy was in general better ruled (and thus more populated) fisrt by the romans and then by the byzantines while Hispania in comparation was kind of a backwater to the romans and later suffered the gothic invations which turned a really fertil region to pastoralism until the arab invation. Although there was a big orthodox greek population in the south before the italians assimilated them so we may get a souther italy dominated by three big ethnic groups. Of course with arabization I am talking really long term like a 1000 years or more, because in the early centuries the arabs will be a minority, but in continental italy and france I am not expecting them to become more then a majority only in some specific minor areas. Like the arabs from khuzestan and the iranian coast, they are lickely to lost space once latin speacking muslim states rice in a few centuries.

Regarding Faransa, I think they will experience something similar to the persian "two centuries of silence" regarding the political, cultural and social power of latin lenguages until the rise of a muslim dynasty of french origin.

Also we are getting close to the schism between saydi shiism and ismaili shiism, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isma'ilism . Think the cathars but as a weird ismaili offshoot like the druze or something similar to the alawites. Comparing the way cathars where dealed in otl to the way weird shia groups in levant were dealed (being alive to this day in their mountains) I think ttl cathar (or a shia version of them) could be let to live in some mountain region like those mountains in souther france (those near the left bank of Rhone river, or the Pyrinees or the alps) as long as they do not preach their faith or by practicing taqiya? Also places like like Tyrol or Switzerland are quite lickely to be christian strongholds like mount libanon or shia (like south libanon), isolated geography favors religious dissidents and there will be a lot in christian europe that will resist sunni rulers either by remianing christian or by going shia (like how the berber revolt favored shiism in north africa), of course like north africa, there is no garatee that those shia or christian areas will remain that way in the long run but complicated geography favors the formation of "libanons" in Europe.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolingian_Renaissance I just realised we butterflied away the carolingian renaissance and the construction of Aachen as a capital and its palace https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of_Aachen . In fact, just to point out how undeveloped norther europe was before the late middle ages here is the guy that made Charles Palace "Eudes (also Oto, Odo, Odon) of Metz (742–814) was an architect who lived during Charlemagne's reign in the Carolingian Empire, and is the earliest known architect born north of the Alps. He was possibly of Armenian origin." Wow, fisrt arquitect north of the alps and only because his family was from the orient.
My guess is that some Emir will make AAche his capital, it has termal waters, noone south of the alps can resist that :p.
Also greek and roman philosophers, art, arquitecture will come back to the west centuries earlier.
My guess is that some Emir will make AAche his capital, it has termal waters, noone south of the alps can resist that
Ribat-al--Aachen/Aachin?(dunno which spelling will use)
My guess is that some Emir will make AAche his capital, it has termal waters, noone south of the alps can resist th
That Thermae make a double purpose...a permanent fresh water supply for al-wudu/Ghusl and double as a vapor bath too...
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Hey...let's go, before anything i want to give you an great thank you because i'm actually working on the Al-Andalus update and is being a little problematic work on that.

Iberian Stuff

Until now, the greatest change in the demographics of Al-Andalus is the greater quantities of berbers in the Meceta Central and the Ebro Valley, thanks to Uqba's policies giving the berbers some good treatment. The berber revolt ITTL don't happened, but occurred an analogue during the Abbasid Revolution (after Uqba crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar the berbers rose up against the umayyads), after the Abbasid's takeover happened an period of tension in the region because of the abbasid policies favoring the berbers and muladies, which are greatly opposed by the arab junds. The result, you'll have to wait until the update, but know, the ibrahimites actually were on Andalus too :rolleyes:. The christians will have an considerably presence in the mountains of Western Europe for obvious reasons, but the languages will develop differently, tough the basques AFAIK still pagan, i'm open to suggestions in the basque's fate.

For what I can tell, the italian mediterranean islands will go for a great degree of arabization, maybe even faster, thanks to the smaller population and territory, as it partially happened in otl "A similar process of Arabization and Islamization occurred in the Emirate of Sicily (as-Siqilliyyah), Emirate of Crete (al-Iqritish), and Malta (al-Malta), albeit for a much shorter time span than al-Andalus. However, this resulted in the now defunct Sicilian Arabic language to develop, from which the modern Maltese language derives." I am surpriced that the Maltese pirates didnt take the chance during the Bizantine civil war to take Sicily or Crete.
It's interesting to note that the arab migrations in european territories were economically different than those in MENA, in the latter the arabs clans that migrated where mostly pastoralist and nomads, while in europe (as we saw in Andalus) they settled as agriculturalists bringing a green revolution. I guess that the pastoralist where unable to get all their animals on boats so they sticked to MENA and those that went to Al andalus wher more urbanised/settled.
Also another thing, aparently in the ttl territory of the kingdom of Asturias there used to be at this point still a lot of paganism, but that was solved by the migration of southern christians ruunig away from muslim rule towrds the last christian territory. If the Emir of Al andalus gets Asturias fast enough, there is the chance to convert those pagans to islam (like how in otl, the christian armenians where tolerated in the earlier caliphates but the pagan kurds where forced to convert to islam or pretend to be sabians).

The mediterranean islands have different positions, Wasatbahr (the maltese archipelago) are pretty much arabized, but with a little christian community, the arabo-maltese are a mix of berbers and arabo-egyptians, but ethnic affairs doesn't have an big voice on the government at all, the Ukhawia is, well, pragmatic. Mina'heren (Sardinia) have the coast undergoing assimilation with the presence of berbers and syrians but the interior is pretty much christian and i can promise you that to change it will need a lot of time. Kursika (Corsica) is an abandoned island, but the cities on the coast are mainly wasatbahrian pirates' private realms, the arabization/islamization of the island will be similar if not worse than in Sardinia. The abbasids broke the condominium on Cyprus because of the civil war (they have legal justifications, without any byzantine party defined the island is pretty much an arab possession), but the islamization is on the start.

The wasatbahrians didn't go for Sicily/Crete mainly because of the opposition from the pacifist parties in the Ukhawia, but now the jingoists are on power what means that'll be just expansion from now.

The Asturias will not survive much longer, but the region itself will be an torn on the side of Al-Andalus, some say that "You can kill an state, but you can't kill an idea".

Regarding south Italy (excluding islands) I guess that arab migration will be important but unlickely to ever become a majority, because i think that italy was in general better ruled (and thus more populated) fisrt by the romans and then by the byzantines while Hispania in comparation was kind of a backwater to the romans and later suffered the gothic invations which turned a really fertil region to pastoralism until the arab invation. Although there was a big orthodox greek population in the south before the italians assimilated them so we may get a souther italy dominated by three big ethnic groups. Of course with arabization I am talking really long term like a 1000 years or more, because in the early centuries the arabs will be a minority, but in continental italy and france I am not expecting them to become more then a majority only in some specific minor areas. Like the arabs from khuzestan and the iranian coast, they are lickely to lost space once latin speacking muslim states rice in a few centuries.

Regarding Faransa, I think they will experience something similar to the persian "two centuries of silence" regarding the political, cultural and social power of latin lenguages until the rise of a muslim dynasty of french origin.

Italy is an affair that i'll deal with later, because of what will happen in the Wars of the Leagues, but i wouldn't expect much arabization, at least on the south, where the region is greek-majority and in the Po Valley because of the distance from the arabs, any arab migration to Southern Italy would leave some marks tough. Faransa will be, in short words "an hell to rule over", the region is ruled by an berber dynasty, and the junds doesn't like them very much, tough the base of power is increasing thanks to the abbasids giving incentives to help the stabilization of the region.


Also we are getting close to the schism between saydi shiism and ismaili shiism, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isma'ilism . Think the cathars but as a weird ismaili offshoot like the druze or something similar to the alawites. Comparing the way cathars where dealed in otl to the way weird shia groups in levant were dealed (being alive to this day in their mountains) I think ttl cathar (or a shia version of them) could be let to live in some mountain region like those mountains in souther france (those near the left bank of Rhone river, or the Pyrinees or the alps) as long as they do not preach their faith or by practicing taqiya? Also places like like Tyrol or Switzerland are quite lickely to be christian strongholds like mount libanon or shia (like south libanon), isolated geography favors religious dissidents and there will be a lot in christian europe that will resist sunni rulers either by remianing christian or by going shia (like how the berber revolt favored shiism in north africa), of course like north africa, there is no garatee that those shia or christian areas will remain that way in the long run but complicated geography favors the formation of "libanons" in Europe.

Heh, i have some ideas for the Shi'a and they'll have some interesting influences on Europe, as i talked before about the christians, Europe will be full of "libanons", but isn't just in the mountains that the Shi'a will be present however.

My guess is that some Emir will make AAche his capital, it has termal waters, noone south of the alps can resist that :p.
Also greek and roman philosophers, art, arquitecture will come back to the west centuries earlier.

Aachen is on the Imamate of Bakhyia, next to the frontier, what just make the place perfect for an frontier post against the germanic tribes and fiefdoms. Curiosity that i'll talk more about later, Bakhyia's muslim population is majority shi'ite :rolleyes:
Ribat-al--Aachen/Aachin?(dunno which spelling will use)
That Thermae make a double purpose...a permanent fresh water supply for al-wudu/Ghusl and double as a vapor bath too...
Acording to wiki, Aachen in the local dialect is Oche (write it on german google trans and hear it) and Aix-la-Chapelle in french but it was originally called Aquae granni in latin, that were its german name came from and the aqua in its name was because its waters so I suspect it's arab name may has something to do with water.
Cools thinks are coming, take your time your crafting a really interesting world, also I remember you said that you had some kinda "years of salt and rice" regarding the world dominated by China and the muslims, an interesting idea would be to have chinese merchant and sailors stumble in mesomaerica and the andes like a century or so before the european figure transatlantic travel. The chinese are really unlikely to go for that kind of colonialism (they can just wait for the americans to come to them to give them their gold and silver for chinese products). So my guess is that the chinese wont do anything to take oportunity of the caos product of the plagues and new weapons (forget steel, once the american nomads got horses was when shit got real) and will just let the americans know about their awsome giant market full of technologies and artisan goods unknow in America and REALLY hungry for silver (most of spanish american silver exports were for the chinese, once the Ming forced peasants to pay taxes with silver, if the andinians and mesoamericans trade directly with China we eliminate the european middleman). One way to not have investigate a lot about Incas and Aztecs and the other peoples in the region is to just change the date of external contact to make apocaliptic pandemics not the thing that kills thosw empires when they were yet to rwach their limits, but pass the "you lost" ball to their predesessors and make that "discovery" era chaos the think that opens the path for Cusco and Mexico rise to Empire. While inserting those two in the chinese market.
This way once the Euromuslims get to the carribean the most advanced parts of the continent are ready to resist them.
Also before you mentioned that you expected that things in India will go like otl with the hindu majority taking over, hmm I would be that shure. There a thousand ways india could go, It could end as territorialy divided as europe and closer muslim to hindu numbers.
(found a better map: https://www.themaparchive.com/india-s-muslim-population-c-1930.html)

In otl nowadays muslims acount for a little more then 30% of the subcontinent (they were around 20% at the time of the partition, I think) its quite posible to get those numbers to be somewhat higher, specially if you avoid the Raj and the Marathas and the collapse of the Mughals. But if you want to keep those numbers closer to otl, that is quite posible to still have a muslim empire that slowly reforms towards the inclusion of the hindus, or a multitude of hindu and muslim states in the region being somewhat tolerant of their minorities. Honestly I would just like to see ttl avoid the horrors of the partition, the numerous pakistan indian wars, the messes like the kashmir situation and overall the conflict and toxicity between communities in the subcontinent. Seeing everybody in India better off will be nice.

Changing the subject, here is a nice blog full of maps with historical, ethnic, economical data that may be useful: http://gulf2000.columbia.edu/maps.shtml
Cools thinks are coming, take your time your crafting a really interesting world, also I remember you said that you had some kinda "years of salt and rice" regarding the world dominated by China and the muslims, an interesting idea would be to have chinese merchant and sailors stumble in mesomaerica and the andes like a century or so before the european figure transatlantic travel. The chinese are really unlikely to go for that kind of colonialism (they can just wait for the americans to come to them to give them their gold and silver for chinese products). So my guess is that the chinese wont do anything to take oportunity of the caos product of the plagues and new weapons (forget steel, once the american nomads got horses was when shit got real) and will just let the americans know about their awsome giant market full of technologies and artisan goods unknow in America and REALLY hungry for silver (most of spanish american silver exports were for the chinese, once the Ming forced peasants to pay taxes with silver, if the andinians and mesoamericans trade directly with China we eliminate the european middleman). One way to not have investigate a lot about Incas and Aztecs and the other peoples in the region is to just change the date of external contact to make apocaliptic pandemics not the thing that kills thosw empires when they were yet to rwach their limits, but pass the "you lost" ball to their predesessors and make that "discovery" era chaos the think that opens the path for Cusco and Mexico rise to Empire. While inserting those two in the chinese market.
This way once the Euromuslims get to the carribean the most advanced parts of the continent are ready to resist them.

I'm still have to do more planning on the New World, tough for a time will not be the attention of TTL (well, until the New World be discovered :p). Anyway, i can say that the OTL situation certainly will not happen to the native americans, tough research will not be a problem, i know a good amount of information about native americans (specially from South America).

Also before you mentioned that you expected that things in India will go like otl with the hindu majority taking over, hmm I would be that shure. There a thousand ways india could go, It could end as territorialy divided as europe and closer muslim to hindu numbers.
(found a better map: https://www.themaparchive.com/india-s-muslim-population-c-1930.html)

In otl nowadays muslims acount for a little more then 30% of the subcontinent (they were around 20% at the time of the partition, I think) its quite posible to get those numbers to be somewhat higher, specially if you avoid the Raj and the Marathas and the collapse of the Mughals. But if you want to keep those numbers closer to otl, that is quite posible to still have a muslim empire that slowly reforms towards the inclusion of the hindus, or a multitude of hindu and muslim states in the region being somewhat tolerant of their minorities. Honestly I would just like to see ttl avoid the horrors of the partition, the numerous pakistan indian wars, the messes like the kashmir situation and overall the conflict and toxicity between communities in the subcontinent. Seeing everybody in India better off will be nice.

I said that TTL's India will still have Hindu presence and not be full-muslim, but the number of muslim will be higher than OTL's, with at least Punjab and Gujarat being muslim majority (If you see, the umayyads conquered (part of) these regions ittl, in Hisham's crazy waves of expansion). Also, the abbasids will be mainly eastern-focused, since they won't have to bother with the west thanks to the establishment of emirates on Faransa and Al-Andalus (and the Maghreb being, well, the Maghreb).

Changing the subject, here is a nice blog full of maps with historical, ethnic, economical data that may be useful: http://gulf2000.columbia.edu/maps.shtml

Thank you very much, this will certainly be helpful :biggrin:
Acording to wiki, Aachen in the local dialect is Oche (write it on german google trans and hear it) and Aix-la-Chapelle in french but it was originally called Aquae granni in latin, that were its german name came from and the aqua in its name was because its waters so I suspect it's arab name may has something to do with water.
Regardless the name, the Place is perfect for a Ribat as would be the frontier/frontline with the pagans germans, plus the water(specially the hot one); would be handy for winter.
Map II: Faransa
Hah! This isn't dead, i was just with a difficult time because, yeah, final weeks on school and such, but now i'm back and the new update will be posted 'til New Year ;)

But, as i want to go back with content, i left you with an map of Faransa
92 Sem Título_20191227121334.png

Isn't the better map i already made, but it's there.

And thank you so much for appreciating this timeline, without you guys i'm sure TTL wouldn't be where it is now, and yeah, thanks for wait in my hiatus :p
It's interesting that the emir of Al Andalus holds territory to his name north of the Pyrenees. I suspect that: the local muslim rulers (or local christian nobility that pledged to the emir of AlAndalus) choose the Andalusian Emir as their ruler and the Emir of Faransa was unable to contest the territory or the Emir of AlAndalus occupied the territory with his own people (he probably has better access to manpower from the Maghreb and Syria) and Faransa was unable to contest the territory. In fact, the amount of small territories around Faransa make me thing that the Emir is mostly occupied with holding it together rather then projecting his power around. The Emir there is most likely a Primus inter pares among a number of strong local muslim rulers and smaller christian ones that choose collaboration. I suspect the proportion of local converts among the muslim leadership and troops in Faransa is bigger then any other muslim territory (maybe only comparable to Persia), since most manpower from MENA is likely going to Iberia, the mediterranean islands and the French mediterranean coast. The colder and humid continental France may be unattractive to settler from MENA. I guess the muslim elite in France is playing divide and rule over lower christian nobles, in process of a few centuries the French nobility will be Islamized while the muslim elite originated from MENA will be frenchified, kinda like in Persia.
Also are the Imams of Bakhya Zaydi or Ismaili?
I am surprised that the muslim faransian muslim forces could get pass the Jura mountains into the Romandy part of Switzerland. I can't recall French based polities ever controlling that area.
Edit: I lied, Napoleon could, but he was Napoleon.
It's interesting that the emir of Al Andalus holds territory to his name north of the Pyrenees. I suspect that: the local muslim rulers (or local christian nobility that pledged to the emir of AlAndalus) choose the Andalusian Emir as their ruler and the Emir of Faransa was unable to contest the territory or the Emir of AlAndalus occupied the territory with his own people (he probably has better access to manpower from the Maghreb and Syria) and Faransa was unable to contest the territory. In fact, the amount of small territories around Faransa make me thing that the Emir is mostly occupied with holding it together rather then projecting his power around. The Emir there is most likely a Primus inter pares among a number of strong local muslim rulers and smaller christian ones that choose collaboration. I suspect the proportion of local converts among the muslim leadership and troops in Faransa is bigger then any other muslim territory (maybe only comparable to Persia), since most manpower from MENA is likely going to Iberia, the mediterranean islands and the French mediterranean coast. The colder and humid continental France may be unattractive to settler from MENA. I guess the muslim elite in France is playing divide and rule over lower christian nobles, in process of a few centuries the French nobility will be Islamized while the muslim elite originated from MENA will be frenchified, kinda like in Persia.
Also are the Imams of Bakhya Zaydi or Ismaili?

Heh, Septimania is andalusian because of arab control of the region predates the conquest of Faransa, and Gascony is basically what you said (but will be further explained in the next update, the ibrahimites also were in Andalus), and the Emir of Faransa really didn't want to go against Al-Andalus while having multiple internal problems (the ibrahimites remain a threat, too.), and yeah, the Emir is mostly a unifier figure whom many local muslim (berber, abbasid loyalist arab or native) and christian lords rally(ied) around because of the ibrahimite threat (that will be a threat for pretty much the existence of the Tariq Dynasty).

The comparation with Persia is correct, the local elite already have a muslim portion (who converted together with Grifo) and after the Ibrahimite Rebellion, the christians are pretty much tied up with the Tariqids for protection. And yeah, apart from the andalusians, Faransa needs a local source of manpower: They have much more difficulty importing arabo-berber armies and a good chunk of the territory is non-deal for settlers, and yeah, they already saw the efficiency of native troops (especially the heavy cavalry), but as these native troops aren't muslim, the fear of use them is real, and so is the ''ok we need to convert these bois to maintain power'' feeling.

You can say that Faransa is in preservation mode, building a core for herself and at the same time playing the game of putting the germans in the east against themselves (what it's being easy as the bavarians see Akba-Faransa as free land ready for grabs).

The imams of Bakhyia are Zaidis, they're in a nice time compared with Faransa, the population is unified behind the slogan of ''Protect our community against the saxon savages and abbasid betrayers'' and the Zaidis make pretty good use of this.

Also where are the capitals of the two European emirates? Cordoba for Al Andalus and Paris for Faransa like in otl?

Qurtuba is indeed the capital of Al-Andalus, Faransa has the capital in Wughdinu (Lyon) because of two reasons: It was the Tariqid base during the initial chaos in Al-Faransa and it's next to the areas of bigger muslim presence (both settler and native) in the country, so...it's the powerbase of the central authority.

I am surprised that the muslim faransian muslim forces could get pass the Jura mountains into the Romandy part of Switzerland. I can't recall French based polities ever controlling that area.

This is something of a heritage, the area had control firmly established during the wars between lords in the Franche-Comté, and it's actually controlled by the (christian) Lords of Dulaa (Dola).