Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

Assuming the bill passes Congress, and assuming the president or anyone else with sanity doesnt veto it and question the sanity of his peers then I see this plan getting sent to Canada, which of course declines to join the Union and tell the British they are a) worried about their southern neighbor, and b) think an invasion is imminent. The two are not mutually exclusive.
I'm asking this question because I've seen estimates that the Berber-speaking population in Morocco is 40%, which implies that the majority of the population spoke it in the recent past.
Hmm... didnt know it was that high (tucks that bit of information away for future use) in that case it was probably alot more recently. When did Morocco first begin pushing literacy in a big way? That tends to unify language a bit as central government enforce a single written language on the population.
Assuming the bill passes Congress, and assuming the president or anyone else with sanity doesnt veto it and question the sanity of his peers then I see this plan getting sent to Canada, which of course declines to join the Union and tell the British they are a) worried about their southern neighbor, and b) think an invasion is imminent. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Hee hee, that's all quite true - although given the President in question would be Andrew Johnson, one can only wonder if he would welcome a juicy war scare with the British Empire as a nice break from , well, everything about his accidental presidency.

On a less mischievous note, I was actually pondering something less a 'Hard Facts' Alternate History scenario and more what sort of satire a Mark Twain might have built upon the Annexation Bill's idea of a US Canada - it strikes me as a fairly interesting vehicle for a parody/pastiche of the Reconstruction Era (I'm not certain if this should be a satire on the North's good intentions being somewhat undermined by those eager to treat the South as a conquered province, rather than liberated States, or whether it would have been possible for a more Radical Republican author to skewer terrorist elements in the South by showing Canadians in the new states & territories work much the same sort of crooked mayhem on law-abiding citizens).

Bonus points if Irish-American carpetbaggers are shown sneering over Anglo-Canadian resistance to US occupation at some point!
How can I have Italy be considered a non-western country?

Destroy any meaningful concept of the West as a cultural/political bloc? Given that notions of East V West are very firmly grounded in the Greco-Roman tradition, it's hard to imagine Italy not being ranked with the West, unless the classic dichotomy in European civilisation were more North V South (With Italy ranking as part of the South, possibly due to having stronger ties to North Africa).

So possibly "something something PUNIC WAR!"
That's one possibility, though it still suggests a scenario where Italy is west of Greece (Great Persia's first toehold/heartland in Europe) and might therefore be called 'Western' in practice (If not through any meaningful cultural distinction).
How can I have Italy be considered a non-western country?
Ottomans conquer almost all of Italy and Islamicizes most of the population as a result of migration, conversion, genocide, and the effects of war, plague, and famine. By the time Italy receives its independence, it's not any more western than North Africa is, just a place that once was culturally linked to the West.
Opinion on US monarchy ATLs (also I think some sort of political system that is mostly the OTL US system including the President elected trough electoral college but with the addition of a mostly ceremonial monarch is possible and is far too oft disregarded in exchange for a run of the mill parliamentary system):

A monarchical United States of America (Prussian Scheme, Washington, possibly some form of British Dominion or dynastic union with Britain arrangement) would still be called "the United States of America" in all likelihood rather than "Kingdom" or "Empire" (especially not "United Kingdom/Empire").
WI Guanche, instead being trapped on Canary Islands, became seafaring people, Polynesians (or at least Taino/Caribs) of Atlantic, and settle Macaronesia, perhaps they even cross Atlantic using OTL Columbus' route?
How can I have Italy be considered a non-western country?
By having a non-christian religion probably. Maybe it reverts to Hellenism, though it's difficult to see how it could survive such a thing surrounded by Christian and Muslim states on all sides. Or maybe it could go Manichean or something like that... or some new Abrahamic religion like maybe they have a new Prophet of their own. That could be a pretty interesting scenario. Imagine a Mohammed like Character that unites the divided peninsula against all odds and they somehow manages to survive any Crusades or Jihads thrown their way.

WI Guanche, instead being trapped on Canary Islands, became seafaring people, Polynesians (or at least Taino/Caribs) of Atlantic, and settle Macaronesia, perhaps they even cross Atlantic using OTL Columbus' route?
If they spread certain animals like Donkeys, Horses and Cattle to the new world that could be pretty significant.
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What If Queen Elizabeth I had married Lord Robert Dudley, then for whatever reason (the Tudor curse?) was unable to bear any living children?

Who inherits the Throne now if she dies on the same OTL date?
How can I have Italy be considered a non-western country?
Presuming something after (post)Latin Chalcedonian Christianity got big enough to be considered the main component of 'Western'?

The Ottomans roll nat-20s in the late 1400s, rolling up south/middle Italy and vassalizing the rest. Tame prelate crowned Patriarch of Rome & Exarch of the Latins while an anti(?)-Pope dusts off the place in Avignon. The whole nine yards.

More importantly, it sticks. The philio-Roman streak in the Ottoman court is likely reinforced more than a little, and the Lombard magnates are comfortably prosperous, but insofar as Europe north of the Alps are concerned those degenerate sellouts have forfeited any claim to Western Civilization.
WI Guanche, instead being trapped on Canary Islands, became seafaring people, Polynesians (or at least Taino/Caribs) of Atlantic, and settle Macaronesia, perhaps they even cross Atlantic using OTL Columbus' route?
I think they'd need a lighter re-contact with the outside world, something more than the sporadic contact IOTL. Basically they need to end up like Ireland during the Roman era, which I think is only possible if Roman conquers the remainder of modern Morocco (which probably means a second legion needs to be stationed in North Africa).
If they spread certain animals like Donkeys, Horses and Cattle to the new world that could be pretty significant.
The earlier discovery and spread of tagasaste/tree lucerne, a useful fertiliser crop and livestock, would be pretty interesting in the majority of the world.
What If Queen Elizabeth I had married Lord Robert Dudley, then for whatever reason (the Tudor curse?) was unable to bear any living children?

Who inherits the Throne now if she dies on the same OTL date?
Question, when did she marry him?
Also, if she has no children, then James VI & I still inherits.
Question, when did she marry him?
Also, if she has no children, then James VI & I still inherits.
Depends on when Queen Elizabeth dies. If it's around 1560 or so, then it it might be Mary Queen of Scots who inherits, and that might make for a different matrimonial history for Mary, so perhaps a different Stuart Dynasty going forward...
Depends on when Queen Elizabeth dies. If it's around 1560 or so, then it it might be Mary Queen of Scots who inherits, and that might make for a different matrimonial history for Mary, so perhaps a different Stuart Dynasty going forward...
Why on earth will the Queen of Scots inherit? She's a) Catholic, b) Elizabeth's prisoner, c) convicted for treason, d) French queen consort. NONE of these are appealing traits to Elizabethan England