Memed II dies and Constinople is not conquered

Mehmed II dies during the attempt to siege and conquer Constantinople. The conquest attempt falters and fails as a result. Invent your own reasons for why this happened. Does the Ottoman Empire also fall?

What happens afterwards to Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and New World exploration and colonization up through 1600?


Mehmed II dies during the attempt to siege and conquer Constantinople. The conquest attempt falters and fails as a result. Invent your own reasons for why this happened. Does the Ottoman Empire also fall?

What happens afterwards to Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and New World exploration and colonization up through 1600?

There are several really good TLs on this subject
Okay, pet peeve. You don't siege something you besiege it. I think the Ottomans would just conquer the city at a later date. The next ambitious Sultan would likely launch a campaign to take the city as a way to cement his authority/prestige. Moving past Constantinople, Mehmed II fought extensively in the Balkans without him those campaigns could go differently which would have major effects.
True. Mehmed II's death just give bit more time for Constantinople but not save that. It owned only the city and Morea. And western powers weren't very intrested to help Constantinople.