Answer these questions wherever you want (here, in Chat, via DM,...) - I do have some questions about your
2055 Crisis Era map:
I have read all the lore on the map and in the texts.
- is McGuire in any position of power as of 2055? Is the USACE military junta/technocratic regime McGuirist?
- Has McGuire inspired the policies of the Two Billion Pact?
- Are the UN and Two Billion Pact allies, rivals or enemies? What are the main differences between the two? As far as I can see, the UN at least lets everyone
try to survive, while the Two Billian Pact wants to decide who is allowed to live from above, by the authorities in their authoritarian regimes?
- Who is this successor of Xi Jinping?
- Why was the 2036 Southwest Genocide committed against "dissidents, woman's rights activists, migrants and Muslim-Americans"? And what happened in the US during the Hammer Week of 2041(?)?
- Why was President Howell deposed?
- Except for a total or near-total migration ban and a resurgence of ultra-reactionary family policies with a resurgence of fascism, what are other policies of the Sovereigntists in most of Europe? Are they expansionist, too? Are they or have they been genocidal? Are the racial pogroms state-supported or -incited or not?
- Who were the victims of the WWF Genocide, where was it committed?
- What are the ideas/policies of
Etnocacerismo and Antauro in Peru? What does "Curco" mean in the contect of annotation 9?
- The map does hint at a birthrate crisis at least in Europe, and as far as I understand it, the crisis is that the birthrates are
too low. But... wouldn't McGure supporters support a birthrate as low as possible? Or are Europe's Sovereigntists not pro-McGuire and this is limited to the US and/or Canada and/or Britain?
- What is the difference between "God's Will" Christian extremism and Narco-Pentecostalism? I presume Peixao was a Narco-Pentecostalist terrorist leader?
- The Gulabi Liberation Army is female supremacist, that is rather clear. But are they the culprits of the anti-Afghan Genocide? Also, is the Gulabi Liberation Army supported by anyone?
- What is the 6B-4T movement? Are they allies or enemies of the Gulabi Liberation Army?
- With social media almost universally banned or strictly controlled, what became of the Internet otherwise? What became of technology in general?